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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


For all you people who don't read my comments section, I offer you this entry to one of my "Anti-Sermon":

"It doesn't matter what you say, what you believe or what you think you believe or what you post that others say or believe, in the end, at the very end of all things, you will stand before the Lord and give an account of your life. It doesn't matter if you believe this or not. It WILL happen. There is absolutely no way you will get out of it, nor will anyone else. You will absolutely stand at the judgment seat of God and will you be counted among the sheep or the goats? It's your choice."

Who could argue with that?
No, I mean it. There is no way this person (I'm going to assume it's a she) could be convinced that her life is based on a delusion. No matter how many illogical statements in the bible are pointed out; no matter how many other religions they believe to be just plain silly; no matter that the notion of a talking snake is laughable; no matter that back then you couldn't throw a dead cat without hitting someone claiming to be born from a virgin; or that ritualistic cannibalism is just fucking freaky....no matter what, she is locked into her belief that she will be one of the lucky ones to live forever...a length of time she can't even comprehend.
No amount of logic would faze her, because....wait for it....the lord works in mysterious ways. How conveniently irresponsible to the logical mind the same lord supposably gave you.
But most of the people I talk with don't know their own bible.

Your god of love killed millions of innocent children in the flood because he was...what....frustrated?

Now, let's take this next inspirational statement...
How in the name of sanity could the great flood be explained without some mention of god's error? Oh, of course, it was MAN who let god down; but man was created in his image...using the mental tools provided.

This one is easy for a believer to poo-poo....it was evil men who did this to the Jews....the same men that were made in god's image and are beautiful.
But what about the earthquakes and storms and other such stuff we find on this homicidal planet we were placed on? Man just sits here and takes god's wrath and isn't allowed to say fuck you?

I have no doubt that this next statement is correct...
But every believer in every cult gets the exact same benefit. Cults offer explanations to things so their followers don't have to worry themselves with such things...sheep following the dogma.
But their explanations are one by one being proven false and their island of "knowledge" is shrinking rapidly...
Why would anybody believe such silly ideas as talking snakes or floating up to heaven on a horse?
People...modern people...BELIEVE that crop circles are otherworldly even though it has been demonstrated by the creators how they did it just to fuck with people...
Modern people also believe in astrology, ghosts, tarot cards, etc. People seem to have a need to know the inside dope on life and to me it seems that no matter how ridiculous it is, there are scads of people to believe it as the truth. And every belief I know commands that you turn off your critical thinking, i.e. "God works in mysterious ways."

So let's suppose that way back when the people in power wanted to stay in power...real power. They would probably convince people to believe this...

People slave away in mines, work until they drop, do jobs that drive them to medication.....but, by god, they will have the reward of heaven awaiting them after all this suffering, therefore they need not do anything to escape the suffering.
So, that's my latest theory to explain all this. They may not have invented it, but you have to admit, the people in power have to control the people, and current religious dogma does that very, very well.
Remember, there are many more of us than they are of them, so they want us to believe that this life means nothing...just obey the rules and only after you die will you live in paradise for eternity.

This is probably an exaggeration, but it is very hard to find a scientists that believes the first woman was made from the first man's rib.

Dear Christian commenter I quoted earlier,
I thank you for the effort and time to share your views.
My last observation is this...
I have come to realize that there is a whole bunch of crap in the world and there are a whole bunch of people who stand to profit by me remaining stupid.
When I used to call myself a Christian, I asked questions.
One question was, "How do we know prayer works?"
Well, come to find out, scientists had already tested it with groups of patients being prayed for and another group remaining prayless. There was no difference.
Then I asked, "Why hasn't god answered any of the prayers of amputees?"
Then I reasoned that Noah had no way to collect two kangaroos or two polar bears. 
Then, much later, you find shit like this...
"and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many." 
And yet not one historian (and Rome was awash with them) ever recorded such an event.
Same for the sun and moon going dark and, oh, that didn't warrant a mention either.

But, darlin', if it will keep you from stealing my TV, you go right ahead and believe that the earth is 6000 years old, cause I'm just getting tired of fucking with this shit.


Michael Ray said...

I accidentally posted my comment on Fridays post

Jambe said...

Set in their ways folk changing their minds may be unlikely, but Harris, Dawkins, Dennett, et al. get loads of correspondence from religious people confessing that a book or lecture significantly altered or outright destroyed their once-ironclad religious views.

Harris in particular has noted that "dozens" of clergy have told him that he's turned them away from their religion. Some of them were even fundamentalist evangelical types who stay on in the ministry because they don't know anything else and are afraid of being totally cast out of their communities and social lives.

I myself convinced an old Baptist friend of Christianity's absurdity through about a year's worth of exchanges. She usually sent me cherry-picked positive Biblical teachings from her Bible study classes and I sent her cherry-picked negative ones, and each time I stressed that she could easily believe all the good stuff while leaving the bad and inconsistent bits behind. Over that year she went from Evangelical Baptism to progressive Methodism to irregular Unitarianism, and now she identifies as agnostic.

"Some people never change" is obviously true in many situations. Personally, though, in this situation, I think that seems like you're saying "I'm better than you" (I know you probably don't mean it that way, but that's what it seems like). That definitely wouldn't convince me of anything, and I'm not unique in bristling at such rhetoric.

Ralph Henry said...

I too have had people tell me that I have changed their lives. And I am pleased to note that these people seem none the worse for it.
As per agnostics, I have much more to say about that in the future.
Thank you and all my commenters. I truly appreciate it.

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