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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 10, 2013

FRIDAY #1517


This man gave the most awesome interview I have ever heard....another man I'd like to have a beer with...
 On a side note, McDonald's is getting blowback for hinting that they might give the dude free food or some such shit for mentioning their name.

Just prior to posting, I came across this....is it true? Who the fuck knows....

California is burning........again....

Ever wanted to see every recorded meteorite impact on earth?
Just click below...rather impressive.
>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<
And you can the identify any and all individual years by clicking on the time line.

Read this in an article about artificial intelligence...
Hell, most people don't understand grammar and sentence structure. How do you say Homosapiencentric motherfucker in robotese?

Today I was driving down a back street when a crow lit on the shoulder of the road, walked over to a lifeless squirrel and pecked at it. Instantly the squirrel sprang to its feet and scurried off. I guess it was just napping. But it made me smile.

A friend of mine lied to me about the time he got a subpoena and didn't know what it was. Parsing the word he determined that Sub meant under and Poena was latin for penis, so it meant they have you by the balls.
Not far off I'd say.

I prefer my puns intended.

And now we are all mentally singing that same song...

Ladies, if you want to keep a man, try this:
After sex say, "Wow. Where did you learn to do that?!"
He will then be yours....forever.
We are not all that complicated.

Perused a whole photo-essay of untouched abandoned buildings. Apparently, the people just up and left...

TRUE: This is National Clitoris Awareness Week.
Do your part, gentlemen, it's the least you can do.

Are Medusa's pubes also snakes? And if not, why not?

Logomachy: a dispute about or concerning words.

Naming your bathroom "Gym" offers unlimited possibilities. 

It has been scientifically proven that the less you know, the more you think you know.

This has got to be one of the worst ideas I've ever heard...

So few want to rebel anymore.

Well, there's your problem right there...

For Scott...

Don't think these bad boys are headed to the pet shop...
I told an old friend about that mammal so close to our earliest ancestor that is going extinct due to domestic cats and he said, "They don't have enough Chinese restaurants in the Dominican Republic."

A know-it-all is a person who knows everything, except for how annoying he is.

I have a railroad assembly area like this not far from my home...
 Some times when they are backing several cars into position, they do it just a little to quickly, causing all of the cars to slam together creating quite a din. I like to think about it as the sound of commerce.

The moment this magnificent machine broke through the mountain...

Well, there's you problem right there...

Elvis with the mother he worshipped...

I have no idea if this is real, but....
 I think the big chunk is his skull.

There is a lot of information packed into this one small paragraph...

It was stated that this man was attempting suicide...

I will never see something like this or even hear the word that I don't think about waking up in the middle of the procedure and having to have five people hold me down until I could be put back under...

There's probably an interesting story behind this...

To repeat...guy smoked lots of dope in college but still continues the government policy of locking up college kids for doing the same.
 Fuck you.


Alcohol is the liquid version of photoshop.

A couple of interesting visuals...

In the time it has taken you to read this sentence, somebody has committed suicide. So don’t read it more than once.

 They asked this guy about being interviewed and his weirdest stories. He said that one guy asked him whether he put his right or left sock on first. Another guy begged his way into an interview by saying he had been a lifelong fan and followed his career since he was a kid. Then his first question was "Are you left or right handed."

We all masturbate in the same language. And what language is that? Loneliness.

I made my wife cry once.....once...

When you pass 60, the first thing you shed is gymnophoria.

I watched a dog do this, only he would fetch rock thrown into a lake...yes, rocks!

A friend had a German shepherd who loved to fetch sticks out of his pool. Then one day a guy was snorkeling in the river next to his property and the dog dove in the river, swam out, ripped the snorkel off the swimmer and brought it back to my friend. Needless to say, it freaked the swimmer out to the point of hysteria. 

This is me when I found out there was onions in the gravy...

The notion of time keeps everything from happening at once.

Soviet propaganda photo manipulation before Photoshop...

Two not so good ones of my very own...



Jambe said...

Ramsey indeed pled guilty to felony abuse and did 8 months in 2003.

That cellphone poster is great.


Let's look up Lamar Smith. He:

* is a Christian Scientist (lol, that explains a lot)
* is a Texas Republican
* sponsored SOPA, PCIP and America Invents
* is dogmatically anti-abortion
* shot down an attempt to decriminalize pot

Truly a leader for our times. America needs more busybody Puritanism!


A while back Penn Jillette ranted about Obama's stance on drugs. I dislike much of his naive politics but he has a point there.

Our "rights" are just inflated versions of the morality other social species possess. It's conceivable that some alien life is so intellectually developed that we would be to them as cows are to us. Ask yourself this: if we encountered such a species, would we suddenly think less of ourselves? No, we wouldn't. Apply that logic in the other direction (i.e. down toward the "dumber" forms of life).

If we're gonna bs about "rights" we might at least pretend to be consistent. I don't get super-mad at many things in life but... I mean, people stuff themselves full of meat but virtually none of them care (in any meaningful behavioral sense) how livestock is raised and slaughtered. That's consumerism for you: extremely myopic short-term thinking. Buy more cars, real estate & electronics and eat more meat and dairy and wheat. Because It's The American Way®. C.R.E.A.M.

Jambe said...

I just watched the new episode of PBS' Off Book about "The Art of Visualizing Data". Off Book's been consistently good, if a bit cursory.

I liked when Tufte paraphrased Eric Gill toward the end and said, "Look after truth and goodness and beauty will look after herself." The gendering of beauty is stupid and that notion is a huge cliche but I still like it.

Michael Ray said...

You will never convince someone who is religious that their beliefs are crazy. Which really surprises me with the things the bible says.
By my account (I have read the entire bible) EVERYONE that exists today will go to hell. I like to ask people why if we have "god given rights" can someone so easily take them from us and why aren't those supposed "rights" things like food and shelter for everybody? With what I went through and the people I met, I hold religious people with the most animosity than I do for any group of people. They hold onto delusional beliefs to make other people feel guilty and most don't follow their preaching. I had a mishap when I turned 19 and went to prison for a couple years, and the biggest scum bags in there become religious nuts, until they got out and do it all again.

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