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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 13, 2013

MONDAY #1522

Bike lanes led to 49% increase in retail sales in NYC.

They deduced that cyclists found it easier to stop and shop when they saw something in a window. Cool, though.

Congrats to Wigan in their David vs. Goliath win over Man City in FA Cup.

"Here, let me help you with that."

Nobody knew who he was or how he got into the chamber, but no one had the nerve to ask him...
 (I made that up)

These guys were just dying to go fishing...

A Russian vet in a parade...

This is how I looked when I realized I had deleted the program that allowed me to watch most videos, including Ted.com, Youtube and porn.....true....

Mentioned to two ladies that that cool interviewed guy who rescued those girls had done three years for spouse abuse. They said that the man had done his time and that's all we should expect of him.
And that was 10 years ago, so let's cut him some slack.
I found that surprising.

This keeps popping up from time to time. I still find it intriguing...

Recognize this woman?
 Young Martha Stewart.

One smart shop owner...

When I’m off my game I have trouble finding enough images for a daily post. I think it’s because when one is sad or kind of sick, things just aren’t that funny.

An email from a man what knows about such things:

Several people have asked me about the odd number withdrawn at the ATMs.

Simple-max bill dispense is 40 notes. Most ATMs dispense only $20s. Max dispense is $800.
On CNN they have six photos, five showing 3 withdrawals for a total of $2409 each.  The $9 is the three $3 surcharge fee.
One image shows five transactions for $4015. Same thing (5*800) + (5*3).
Just in case you wondered...

This is the way Reddit is laid out...why?
 Why make the images so tiny, forcing you to read the caption? If they made the images bigger, I could just scroll past them or stop and examine faster than I can read the caption. It just makes no sense.

The final embrace...

If the powers in Washington had a sense of humor, they would put Mark Sanford on the Foreign Affairs Committee.


The queen of Spain is be indicted for embezzlement, a move that could topple the monarchy. 

Some of the kids I taught had never seen a full beard and wanted to touch mine...
(I have no idea why I'm dressed like a farmer in this photo I was just sent today from a teacher who found it)

Alfred Hitchcock and kids...

A young Andy Warhol shopping for models...

Cyber thieves around the world stole $45 million by hacking into debit card companies, scrapping withdrawal limits and helping themselves from cash machines, US authorities said Thursday.

One of my very own...

You're going to have to give him a few years, Fido...

There's always that one guy...

Stephen Hawking Joins Boycott Against Israel

Shades of how apartheid fell?

 Speaking of Silence of the Lambs...

I saw this! They used a split screen and gave every indication that they were in separate places, when in fact they were in the same parking lot...

A class system is what you use to discriminate against people who look like you.

Two young fish are swimming along when an older fish passes and says, “Beware of the water, boys.” The young fish continued, then one of them asked the other, “What the hell is water?”

Ace golfer Vijay Singh admitted using deer antler spray, which contains a banned performance-enhancer connected to human growth harmone called Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (JGF-1).

That bastard!

Silly? Yes. But this man is also hilarious...

One way to cross a river...

A dangerous invader from South America has arrived on our shores. It eats irrigation pipe, telephone cables and electrical wiring. It’s name…rather descriptive actually, is The Big-Headed Ant.

I would assume that if I could eat irrigation pipe I would be rather egotistically also.

I don’t always eat waffles for breakfast, but when I do I compulsively fill every visible waffle-pocket with syrup.

How to know you live in a bad neighborhood...

What Orwell calls Newspeak, I call Groupthink. It includes many uncomfortable things to me, like forbidding certain members of our culture from using certain words, but allowing another group to use them at will. Or criminalizing certain hand gestures. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oddly enough, I just finished reading 1984 for the first time last week (I know, I have no excuse...) scared the living fuck out of me. We are absolutely headed down that road...

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