About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


My wife, without advance warning, placed an item on my plate that I had never seen before. Apparently, there are people who actually eat this gray (the camera turned them purple) potato monstrosity. I asked her what they are called and she didn't know; a grievous violation of my rule: Never Eat Anything You Can't Pronounce.
I asked her how anyone would know when this "potato" went bad. That question ruined them for her also, but she managed to shoke them down.

Santa Monica shooter...

One of my very own...

Co-author of Rule #39...

Speaking of...

There are dozens of these...some more clever than others...

I don't know all I need to know about Monsanto, I just know that there are a whole bunch of people upset with them...

This person has a very firm grasp of old age...

This is the way I looked when I saw those gray potatoes...

What does that look like to you?

I have no idea...

"Been waiting long?"

# 1: Find a penis...

Great mural execution...

You have no idea how funny I find this....
....and she voluntarily subjected herself to this humiliation.

"And don't let what happened to Michael Douglas stop you from going down on me."

When the zombies come, I want this quick-thinking person on my side...


Anonymous said...

The guy on the stretcher is probably confined to a wheelchair and has developed pressure ulcers on his tailbone. This is a common sight at VA's. The guys are not allowed in their chairs until their ulcers heal. My thought is he just rolled himself down the street from the hospital and into the drive thru.
wife of Bruce

Ralph Henry said...

So we can only assume that they are powered and steerable?

Ms. Revente's Musings said...

Young women and ridiculously high heels are a sight to see after 2am.

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