About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 19, 2013

MONDAY #1727

Wanted to show you the southern dog house awaiting my next two dogs. We hope to go pick them out next week...

While I was out in the yard and had my camera, I thought I would let you look around what I call my estate...
 I like greenery...except for maintenance heavy grass.

My daughter spent the day with me today making art.

Here is the "Uncle Ralph Hair Brush" I told you I would make one day. That was once my ponytail...
My daughter wants me to will it to her in my will...true.

She also helped me make this unfinished "Wizard Weapon".
It's like a wizard wand, but this will split your skull.
And it only took three beers...

Cops handed out Doritos at Hempfest...

I applaud their attitude.

A couple of cartoons from the New Yorker that I photographed right out of the magazine...

I sometimes think I should have been a stone mason...
That building has no straight lines...none.

Just something else to worry about...you might want to read the whole article...

You know what would make yard work way more fun? A couple of Mexican gardeners.

"Because I can."

My current good mood is brought to you by the good folks at Pfizer.

GAME TIME: What do you think could do this to all these trees?
 Answer somewhat later.

Somewhat Later:  Exposure to radiation from the 1986 Chernobyl accident had a lasting negative legacy on the area's trees.

This is me when my gambling buddy's two drivers came in first and second at a NASCAR race, meaning I lost triple the money I bet....
Don't become "that" guy. Gambling leads to emotions, and emotions are bad. Eliminate all emotional stress...avoid risks at all costs.

My therapist says it's my wife's fault that I blame everyone for my problems.

Nothing brings a family together like Armageddon.

Yeah, that just about sums up how I feel about birthdays...

I tried keeping up with the Kardashians, but now it burns when I pee.

Oh, the memories...

Art installation...
Sounds like fun doesn't it..........doesn't it?
I mean, I write that I like to wear women's underwear and some other guy is reading it and he's nodding...what to do, what to do.

My wife sprayed Febreeze in the bathroom. Now it smells like shitrus.


Don't let anyone with bad eyebrows tell you shit about life.

"Yes, son?"
"That thing's skin looks like Grandma's ass."

Overpack. It's why suitcases have wheels now.

The caption to this said that this homeless guy has been at this location for years....could that be true?

I read that he came up with the cat in the box thing because he was making fun of quantum mechanics...

The bad news...
 The good news...
 My wife will smile at such a thing as WinCo's humanity.

Dude, I love my dance instructor. Her name is alcohol.

If your pants hang to mid-thigh and you have gold teeth, good luck with that job interview.

I would so appreciate it if my doctor at VA didn't visit WebMD in front of me.

I'll never forget the first thing my wife said to me after our wedding night...."Well, at least you tried."

This young man does not need that book...
That's the main reason white people don't commit crimes.

Smart man.

Pretty sure this is from Los Alamos....

This is exactly what I think about when I think about men standing in front of a mirror shaving every morning...
"Hey, girlie-man, you missed a spot."

My wife finally admitted that she's always thought my head was too big for my body.

How is a man supposed to respond to such humiliation?

Saw a documentary about whole new empty Chinese cities. Believe it or not, the apartments have been sold, but they have been sold to members of the new middle class as an investment. Unfortunately, the rural people moving into the "cities" can't afford to rent the apartments.
China's housing bubble may dwarf America's housing bubble and some think it's not a matter of if, but of when.

Rather arty 3D printer fuck-ups...

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