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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


 Interesting that Jesus' first miracle was turning water to wine and Christians can't drink. Who makes this shit up?!
I once told a very religious man that and he said, "Well, if Jesus made it, I'd drink it."
You got to love logic like that.

 The way Christians know Scientology is total bullshit is the way I feel about all religions. You find it silly that believers will be given their own planet to rule when they die. I find it silly that you will go live with god in a city paved with gold. So we disagree only in a matter of degrees.

And religion does that.

My mantra...

Yeah, I posted this before and I will keep posting it until it is no longer needed...

 Of course it is, dear, because it couldn't possibly be because you are a prudish snob.

Plus, does the math thing in that orange card make sense to anybody? 

 Why stopped there? Why not use the same logic and ban them all?

 I have, dear....far more than you obviously.

Many people aren't allowed to question this guy either...

These are young Iranian college students. They are the sons and daughters of the great Persian Empire. They are smart and they are proud.
When asked, they may say they are Islamists, but the mumbo-jumbo eludes them. Case in point:
My daughter called to tell me about a YouTube video out of Iran. The university professor sat on the stage giving an overview of what the students were going to learn in a mandatory sex education class.
Some of the gems he told his students: If you have sex standing up and a child is conceived, then that child will be a chronic bed wetter. It is normal for a man to fantasize about other women, but if he fantasizes about another woman while having sex with his wife and a child is conceived, the child will be homosexual.
The very intelligent students were doing everything in their power not to laugh out loud...some openly looked horrified at the insanity.
But, you see, that's what happens when religious people are given power. Take the evolution "theory". Now, being defeated of their insistence that it doesn't exist, now embrace it, but say god did it. That's called creationism and it WILL be taught to children.
And what about the Theory of Evolution? If Evolution is a theory with libraries full of peer reviewed studies proving it, then what is having a rib woman being talked into eating from a magic tree by a fucking snake? Not a theory? It doesn't even deserve the noble title of theory. That Bronze Age poppycock doesn't even deserve serious inquiry.
And you know what grinds my gears? All the talk about Jesus dying for us. Have any of the people who find something extraordinary in that ever listened to a Metal of Honor ceremony? People sacrifice their lives for others every single day....that is not proof of devinity....if Jesus actually did that. No mention from any of the other participants...and those Romans were pretty fucking good at recording shit.

When someone tells you that you aren't allowed to ask logical questions about something and expect logical answers, that means there is something very, very illogical about it...
And the next time you are feeling less than motivated, consider this. The Greeks believed...truly believed...that their gods lived on an easily climbed mountain, yet not one person has ever been recorded as just going up there and looking around for them. Thus is the power of collective insanity.

 "But we are not allowed to question his motives," she said.
 Well, that explains that.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammo...

1 comment:

Jambe said...

Y'know, even if the miracle-claims about Jesus were literally true – if he really did come from a virgin, heal magically, experience resurrection, etc – that's still not evidence that any of his moral teachings were correct.

Modern Christians are perfect examples of this because they cherry-pick the parts of the Bible that happen to fit into their otherwise-secular, modernity-oriented lives. That shows that moral value is derived by and of human intention, not by or of deities.

Here's an appropriately-irreverent and bawdy video for your Anti-Sermon:

Garfunkel and Oates - The Loophole

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