About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 18, 2013

MONDAY #1816

Well, that's good....right?

Can you spell Styrofoam, boys and girls...

Wife took a horse and carriage ride in New York.
There won't be any next year because the government has
deemed it wrong.

Self awareness...
Mirrors play a big part in tests to see if very young children have achieved self-awareness....or whatever. One experiment has the adult place a bit of paint on the child's nose then have them look in a mirror. The child wiping the paint off means something.

Every once in a while the problem of world hunger becomes
very real to me…usually while I'm tossing Cheetos to my

I think placing direct quotes from the bible on billboards is an excellent educational tool...

Is shoplifting okay if you're bored?

I just saved a bunch of money on Christmas presents by discussing my religious views on Facebook.

Well, this ruined my whole week...

On our honeymoon, my wife told me that she would be Burger King and I would be McDonalds.....adding, "I'll have it My Way and You'll Be Loving It."

Don't let your printer know you are in a hurry.
They smell fear.

This only happens perfectly on Veteran's Day...

You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive.

And now a romantic tale about an egotistical, self-absorbed narcissist...

What to do if you get tired of those stretched out ear lobes...

I once gave a young woman a concussion with my headboard.

You can be miserable before you eat a donut. You can be miserable after eating a donut. But you can never be miserable while you're eating a donut.

This is my wife and a young man I've know all his life. He is an activist for the homeless and I am very proud of him...


Damnit, Obama!

 - A lover of beautiful things.

There is so much confusion with this issue that surely has some very serious repercussions. I think we all need a handbook....a manuel of what we can and can not say and under what conditions those rules break down.
So, just for a moment, I want you to imagine your humble blog host sitting in the first meeting to draft rules of the dreaded word.
"So, can I say, 'The N-word stole my bike!'"?
"When asked to describe a suspect, can I say he was a N-word?"
"Okay, I get it. I can't say N-word, and I certainly can't say the N-word N-word, so how about this...."The guy that looked just like a word that will piss you off stole my bike."
Or "A letter before M-word..."
Just "14", since N is the 14th letter.
Gentle Reader, we can work this out if we all just put our mind to it.


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