About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


There is a real danger to just dropping off food and water near people who are starving and thirsting to death...
 They will kill each other for it.
No matter at the site...you still got to get that shit home...past hundreds of starving people...good fucking luck with that.

 Rob Ford is a hoot...
 He got elected from votes from the ghetto...and those folks STILL love him.

Saw this on TV...
The guy taking the video was shouting out the Lord's Prayer...like that could help. That neighbor over there who just got sucked up to 20,000 feet was also shouting out the Lord's Prayer. And remember who sent the tornado in the first place.

This is from a Walmart....
"Associates in Need", indeed.

Let's just jump into something educational, shall we...

My new holiday tradition is watching the black Friday death toll on the news while I shop online.

In the name of Nike, could somebody please explain what I've just seen?

My wife started reading the Atkins Diet Book. She's at the part where she sets it on fire and makes herself a grilled cheese sandwich.

Reminds me of the movie "Fargo"...
That is a very strange image.


Coming soon: The Very Large Hadron Collider
....help me out here one of you smart people...I 
thought the just plain Large Hadron Collider got
up to 99.9% the speed of light. Can making it bigger
take it all the way to 100?
Of course not, so how close will it get?

Inbred Banjo Boy without make-up...

What's the point of having an internet connection if you're not using it to look at weird, fucked-up pictures of dirty sex you'll never have yourself?

Do you call it a “hot tub full of Miller Genuine Draft” or a “jacuzzi full of Miller Genuine Draft?”

Til the cows come home...

I bet it makes having the parents over pretty awkward...

Had Batman been a redneck...

You can collect, then recollect, but first have to restrew.

 Yeah, we got something like that in America...

Drinking rum before 10am makes you a pirate, not an alcoholic.

The very tip-top of the Washington Monument...

Exercising would be so much more rewarding if calories screamed when you burned them.


Mark Twain shirtless...

Sadly, I've come to realize that good music was just a fad.

New country and western song…America Sucks Less


Yes, oh wise one....

I was always the uncle who took over the children's recreation at reunions and stuff, oft times with something like this...

Robert Downey Jr., first role age 5

A NY Times crossword clue that me and all my crossword buddies found delightful: They hold hands.
BUNKHOUSES (try figuring that out with only a few letters)

Wife has finally stopped harping at me to take down the 
Christmas decorations.

Here's a little test to see if you have a well-developed sense of the ridiculous....

Doesn't this show that he had a really big head?
Does that make him smarter?

Give these people a second or two...please...

Do you remember this Twilight Zone?
Guy worked in a library and was eating his lunch in the vault when the world ended. He collected all of his favorite books and was very happy....until he leaned over and broke his glasses.

Every college student who has ever used a potter's wheel...
...has taken little balls of clay and thrown them on the ceiling. Then when they dried out they would fall straight down on the next person using the wheel.

Try to guess what this is about...
 Guy cut down a tree, found an old golf ball.

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