About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Topical stuff...

A man and his dog...

"How can you celebrate Christmas if you don't believe in god?"
"How can you celebrate Valentine's Day if nobody like you?"

My wife once told me she had PMS.
I told her she was ovary-acting.

Where does the Kabul shopper go after the explosion?

I watched a rather long video about this lava overtaking this can. It was actually rather mesmerizing...

This dolphin is smiling....I wonder why....
Oh...it's mouth fucking a dead fish...

Go fuck your selfie.

The nearly complete skeletons are billed as the "Montana Dueling Dinosaurs." The sellers say the dinosaurs — one a plant eater, the other a meat eater — appear to be locked in mortal combat.
Two fossilized dinosaur skeletons found on a Montana ranch in 2006 are going on the auction block in New York City. They're expected to fetch between $7 million and $9 million.
This is the man who found the fossils...
He is an "amateur" paleontologist in the same way this guy is an amateur artist. 
He just does it and hopes for the best...with varying degrees of success.

The face of pure evil...

Not saying it's the same, but that's a huge crowd...
There was a question on a personality profile I took one time that asked 'If you had a ticket to a hanging, would you go.' I would not.

I used to carve leather like this. When I was a teenager I made a lot of money selling it...
I can still name the many tools it takes to make each nuance...

Today is the childhood your kids will remember.
You need to remember that every single day.

I masturbated so good last night...when I woke up, my dick was in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

Got a new doctor. On my first visit she was filling out her paperwork with a questionnaire and asked me if I was sexually active. I said yes. Then she asked "What do you do?" and I started reeling off every position, fetish, obsession and perversion until she waved her hand and said, "I meant, what do you do for a living."

While sitting on bars stools, I have heard me some really crazy shit. I have a fail-safe shut-up ploy...
 I bet them my $1000 to their $100 that it's not true...then I add something like the above.


I'm one of those people who use 'fuck' like a comma.

When my driver wins a NASCAR race...

I hardly ever leave comments on websites, but I did a few months ago. 
 Since then I have been bombarded by ads to join this shit.
Lesson learned.

Your momma is so ugly your dad takes her to work with him everyday so he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye.

Beautiful and unusual wall...


There are only three words a girl ever wants to hear a handsome stranger say to her.....I'm a doctor.

Just another reason I will never set foot on a carnival ride...

Creationism: Because screw using your brain
for 10 seconds.

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