About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


My little buddy's first steps...

Two amazing images...

Check out the rearview mirror...

Never seen anything like this before...

God, I love that guy.

With hindsight, I now realize it would have been funnier reading: CMXI 
(and please don't tell me those aren't Romans, cause I don't give a fuck)

We've all had days like this haven't we...

I'm sorry I missed this movie, but I have a feeling one of you sick fucks saw it...

I don't know what this says, but I can guarantee you it's not nice...

Logic need not apply...

I suspect boredom has set in...


Rule Number One: NEVER piss off the guy who cooks your food.

Yeah, men and women are equal. Now try to just imagine a guy showing up at a party and finding out another guy was wearing the same suit as he was....quick...what would he do?

"To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence."
- Mark Twain

This looks like an industrial facility with exposed utilities...I like it very much...
This is that museum in Paris that moved ALL utilities to the outside of the building...color coded as to function...
Parisians hated it. They wanted the designer arrested. But it has since been accepted.

What could possibly cause such a thing?
False fear of vaccines.....pity the fools' children.
They probably belong to this lunatic faction...
I will repeat, the internet is turning more young people into atheists than anything in history. They read that the earth was created BEFORE the sun or stars and they laugh.
And when it comes to the bible, laughter is a good thing.

My wife finally shaved her legs and donated it to Lock of Love.

 Let's celebrate with unprotected sex....again.

This is a disguised tank...

After Germany surrendered in WWII, people in Moscow partied until the entire city actually ran out of vodka.

"Stable relationship"!!!!!

These are McDonalds MacRibs. 
I am proud to say that not one crumb of that shit has past my lips.

I want some!

I'm pretty sure I've told you about my long-running battle with Wendy's to get my order correct. The straw that broke the camel's back was ordering onions and mustard ONLY and getting a burger with everything BUT onions and mustard. So here's how I solved the problem.
Her on speaker: "Could I help you?"
Me: "Yes, my doctor told me that if I eat lettuce, tomato, cheese, pickles or mayonnaise I will surely die. That's lettuce. Tomato. Cheese. Pickles. And mayonnaise. That only leaves onion and mustard, so I'll take that...so I don't die.....I have children....and a mortgage. Have a blessed day."

I was told by some guy on TV that these two guys get confused for each other so often that they have a gentlemen's agreement just to go along with it when stopped on the street...

Love means flossing while unspeakable things happen on a toilet three feet from your leg.

You think she's the lottery prize?

Jackie Kennedy before she stopped drinking...

Drinking and overeating are now a disease, so why not smoking?
We should declare it a disease, then when I walk down the
sidewalk smoking, people will look at me with pity instead
of contempt.
"Oh, honey, get up and let that poor smoker have your seat, 
he looks so....wheezy."
And when caught smoking in the airplane bathroom, the
passengers will be on your side..."Give the poor man a break,
you Nazi bitch, he can't help it...haven't you been sick before?"

If you see these guys rising up out of the water, just give up....doesn't matter if you are innocent...just give the fuck up....

Stone-Tipped Spears Were In
Use 85,000 Years Before
Modern Humans Appeared

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