About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

SUNDAY #2003


"Reading Rainbow" kickstarted in matter of hours....it's a good thing.

 So, you lose a loved one in a terrorist attack, so you get a say in what sold in a gift shop? I don't get it. The attack was against America, not your loved one personally.

Why can't someone as smart as he be president?


We all know what happened to this man, don't we...

 Didn't see that coming...
Why people drink....opportunities to get on YouTube.

It's all in the eyes...
And good luck with your VA treatment.

 Surely....divine "house". And if grandma is there, will she still have that cough? Will granddad be naked?

Just another reason I didn't join the navy....

A repost for my new viewers...


I understand eating the muscle tissue of other animals...
But the eating of some things confuses me...

 Sounds like fun?

US military presence...

It is Sunday after all....time for mini-Anti-Sermon...

I've often wondered why the Vikings killed all the priests when they stole their shit. You would think they would leave them alive to accumulate more shit that could be stolen later.

Oh to be young again...
No I don't. - R.H.

Writing on walls around the world...



Spider Borland said...

I worked in Hotels for more than 10 years. THANKFULLY I only dealt with one naked person.
*naked man walks by*
Coworker: That dudes naked!
Me: *stares at coworker*
Coworker: No seriously!
Me: nope. not looking. (internally)
Coworker: Can I help you, sir?
Naked Man: I fucked up.
Coworker: Yes you did.

Spider Borland said...

For your consideration: There are policies that dictate how keys to hotel rooms are handed out. Primarily, you need ID. Do you want to break into a room that you shouldn't be in? Strip naked and ask for a key.

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