About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 15, 2014

FRIDAY #2077


A girl from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing the violence in the Iraqi town of Sinjar, rests at the Iraqi-Syrian border crossing in Fishkhabour, Dohuk province, Iraq, August 13, 2014.


Yves, a Swiss genius, invented an eight-foot-wide, jet-powered, carbon-fiber wing machine that achieves speeds of over 120mph to achieve his dream of being able to fly. He demonstrated his wings by taking them around Mount Fuji nine times.


Shark Week is all the rage...
One of the wife's and I's (wife and I's?) favorite restaurants celebrated Shark Week with...what else...shark....
Blackened. It was magnificent.

Want to know what a gangster looked like?
Just look at these "I will rape you mother while you watch"  cold eyes...
Those are the best "contempt for authority" looks I've ever seen.....maybe.
Now I want you to think about meeting one of these men on the street. Would you be frightened? If he walked directly toward you on a sidewalk, would you step aside? If he used that gaze and said, "Get the fuck out of here," would you, in fact, get the fuck out of there?"
These are serious questions. Living in a big city back then, you had probably learned that such men are not to be fucked with. You have seen shit happen and/or heard stories and I think you would agree, you would be a fool to ignore all the information you have collected. Who, in their right mind would ignore evidence that certain men are more dangerous than others and go about their lives as if all men are exactly the same? Would you?
Now we come to Ferguson, Missouri.
Do you believe that? Do you believe that a person working in an integrated work environment would/could say such a thing? Of course not.
Many of the images and "reports" from Ferguson are total fiction. Take this one:
I know for a fact that the image is AT LEAST a year old and may or may not be photoshopped.
That does not mean I lack concerns. This states my views very well (whether this guy said it or not)....
And when the legal system is given enough time to sort through all the bullshit, I want to think justice will prevail.
But now let's get back to those gangsters. What do I (or you) do with information that is readily available to any concerned citizen when it comes to my safety. When I see that certain neighborhoods represent 90% of the violent crime in a city, should I ignore that data because that region is populated by people with more pigmentation than I. 
When there are a dozen shootings in my local neighborhood shopping district and all of the shooters are black, what should I do with that information....ignore it?
Do you think the police should ignore the data?
Before you accuse me of racism, remember that I KNOW blacks get fucked by the system. Their schools suck; whites (who own most of the businesses) prefer to hire whites; drug laws were passed that effect blacks more harshly than whites; etc, etc.
But that's not the issue I am discussing. With are those cards played, we end up with a small group of violent people who live in the same general neighborhood and they....are mean. The question is....what do we do with that information? Do I ignore it because "not everyone in those neighborhoods are mean?".....really?
Now ask yourself, if you were invited into one of those neighborhoods by a friend, would you park two blocks away and walk the rest of the way? Probably not. So are you stereotyping a whole race by taking actions that you deem necessary for your own preservation?
And if you condemn me, then come visit me. I will drive you to a high crime neighborhood late one night, drop you off and pick you up several blocks away so you can show me that ignoring data is a good thing.
I am certain that you would be fearful.....the exact same way a police officer would be fearful. And fearful police officers overreact.....just like you would do.
Now here's a picture of a puppy so everyone can calm the fuck down....

A cop stopped me and asked if I’d been drinking. I said, “I plead the fifth dimension.”

Saw a bumper sticker that caught my eye: God Bless John Wayne. 
I like the absurdity of it.
Then on the other side of the bumper it had another that said:

Body Piercing By Glock.

Wikimedia says a photographer's request to pull a lucrative photo of a monkey from Wikipedia is bananas. The monkey in the photo picked up the photographer's camera and pressed the camera shutter button herself, so the photographer has no claim to the image.

Humphry Davy, before he became President of the Royal Society, experimented on himself by inhaling large amounts of nitrous oxide, the laughing gas that dentists use today. Beginning in April 1799, the 20-year-old chemist not only inhaled it, but recruited his friends for nitrous oxide sessions to see if they achieved the euphoria he found. It sounds like a party.

Brawl in the Ukrainian Parliament Neatly Illustrates the Golden Ratio.

Saw my first pink camo the other day. Pink. Camo.

Have you ever lived in a neighborhood so bad that you named the rats?

The word “bagel” is old English for “butthole bread”.

Learn the beauty of a power nap.

Charles Ebbets shooting his famous photograph, “Lunch atop a Skyscaper"....

Finally found an example of the laser cut slate floor that fits together so nicely...by nicely I mean it's a piece of shit...
This is what the real thing looks like...
...with all the wonderful imperfections.

A guy is selling high quality prints of sound waves from memorable speeches.
The first is "One small step for man...one giant leap for mankind"...
 This one is the Kennedy "Ask not" speech...

 Why? Why can't they get this right?

Cheese sticks just may be the perfect food.


When at a party that gets raided, don’t hide in the closet with the bong.

When you use the fitness tracker, it "draws" a visual map of where you've run or walked. Claire Wychoff likes to run in patterns that create silly images. Like dicks. She says dicks are silly....

'Siri, am I an alcoholic?', I whisper into my burrito.

I feel like I would enjoy getting out of bed more if I only had to do it like 3 times a week. This every day thing is overkill.

A shipyard in South Korea has begun testing a prototype version of a robotic exoskeleton that will let dock workers lift 220-pound objects in its final form. The 62-pound prototypes have a three-hour battery life and allow their wearers to walk at a normal speed.

What a wonderful idea...

Lucy Hilmer and her granny panties...for years and years and years....

Everything I know about true love, I learned from my wife. And that’s the truth.

A woman should never tell a man his penis is cute…unless you hate him, of course.

Who would have ever thought this line would be so often quoted?

Fin DAC "Lallnagai" New Mural - Ibiza, Spain, of all places…

I don’t make mistakes. I marry them.

(that’s not true…I just thought it would be a bad ass thing to say)

One Of My Very Own...

Good manners will open doors that even the best pick-up lines cannot. And by “doors” I mean the door to her apartment after a dozen or so shots.

This guy was working with fusion...but what a name! 

Cause when your grandmother was young she just didn’t give a shit…

There is no moment in life that can’t be improved with a beer....and that includes funerals.

That, Gentle Reader, is a vibrator...that you wear around your neck. That is all. 

I did very well in undergraduate and graduate school, thank you very much, but to all my young friends I offer one ironclad piece of advice....GO TO EVERY CLASS!!

These two guys were flying to Singapore from Sydney and their carryon was over the 'free' weight limit so the airline, Scoot, wanted to charge them $130.
It was reported that airport personnel followed them onto the airplane to make sure they didn't shove the extra clothing back into their carryon....think about that a minute.

So, do we owe Joe and apology....cause he nailed it.

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

"And fearful police officers overreact"

This. This is a problem.

Regarding gun control, my Dad says this: "Police Officers and Soldiers are trained, not only in HOW to shoot, but WHEN." That's what makes him afraid of arming civilians. A civilian will overreact out of fear. "I FEEL THREATENED!" *BLAM* And then the Pro-Gun people will stand behind that person saying they had a right to protect themself.

However... what were you afraid of? Were they point a weapon at you? Did they even have a weapon? Did they make angry eyes at you? Did they even look at you? Were they dressed differently than you?

Were they a color other than yours?

Now... back to the overreacting Police Officers. Sure, there are environments and situations where they will be on edge, or at full attention. Overreacting isn't an emotional response someone with a gun gets to have. They need better training.

Much like the Trayvon Martin situation, we need to take everything happening in Ferguson critically... because we don't know what happened... or who's telling the truth.

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