About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 25, 2014

MONDAY #2087


I took Korea to beat the US team in the Little League World's Series. I was called un-American. These people just simply don't understand how gambling works. If I had inside information, I would bet on an over/under of how many heads ISIS would cut off next week. Plus, if you can take advantage of someone's desire, over what should happen, you most always kick their ass. Does that mean I wanted the US to lose? No. I would have gladly paid the money for a victory for the good old USA...but...


Cybersecurity czar is proud of his technical illiteracy -
Michael Daniel thinks "being too down in the weeds at the technical level could actually be a little bit of a distraction"; Ed Felten counters, "Imagine reaction if White House economic advisor bragged about lack of economics knowledge, or Attorney General bragged about lack of legal expertise."


A whopping 68 percent of Americans think there should be a law that prohibits kids 9 and under from playing at the park unsupervised.


On the TV show "Naked Dating", young men and women date in the buff to entertain viewers. One contestant, Jessie Nizewitz, is suing the producers after it failed to blur out her crotch in a scene.


Year in which the World Health Organization began keeping records on global obesity:  1980

Number of years since then in which at least one country has reduced its obesity rate:  0


Very telling that the Ferguson store owner who was robbed by that soon to be dead guy never called the police. Out of fear of retaliation? You tell me. Maybe that wasn't intemidation I saw on the video tape...maybe it's just how people say goodbye in that part of town.


In 1999, the feverish rise in Earth's surface temperatures suddenly slowed, even as greenhouse gas emissions escalated. This unexpected slowdown has been called a global warming hiatus or global warming pause. Most climate scientists don't think this hiatus means global warming went kaput (their choice of words, not mine), but the reason (or reasons) for the slowdown has scientists flummoxed.


Israel launched more air strikes on Gaza on Sunday after taking its military campaign to a new level by flattening a 13-story apartment tower following a warning to residents to evacuate.

Let me remind my readers that Israel WARNED the residents that the attack was coming.
So, the Palestinians shoot unguided rockets into Israel by the thousands, then have the audacity to condemn Israel for harming civilians. Think about that...."I try my best to kill your civilians, but condemn you for killing my civilians."
I just don't get it.


This is a ball of rubber made from the tap root of dandelions...
 This could be huge. We humans have synthesized rubber, but I didn't know that passenger and plane tires require natural rubber to function properly. Now we are on the verge of another, cheap, source.


Protestors getting trampled in...

Dirt bike vs Horse...
Wouldn't it be interesting to know the value of the gasoline vs the value of the oats it took to power these two efforts.

When I see things like this...
 ...I sit in awe of the marvelous things from the past that are lost forever....like this thing's nose.

As a very good crossword puzzle guy, I take it personally when one beats me...
I do not take it personally when a relationship "beats" me.

A new study finds that 85% of Americans don’t know all the dance moves to the National Anthem.

Scent names I hope you can read...

“The boss caught me watching porn and gave me a handjob.” That’s what I tell people when they ask me what it’s like to work for yourself.

Some times I find silliness appealing...

Children will find a way...
I wonder if there's a head in the bucket.

Have you ever just listened to someone and knew you would get off with an insanity plea if you brought your fantacy to fruition?

The most valuable comic book in the world, a fine copy of Action Comics #1 (June 1938) with the debut of Superman, is up for auction on eBay

Some people just have more fun than others...

Whoever named it stuttering is one cruel son of a bitch.

We all need hobbies...

I once saw a sign offering a free air freshener with every reading form a palmist.

Fuck the police - Rebel Level: James Dean....

My wife thinks doggy style means I get a treat if I bring her to orgasm.

 ...at a certain age. Still bothers me that you can be counted as an adult in every way...except purchasing alcohol.

The open-air holding pen dubbed "a human zoo" outside the courthouse is just part and parcel of living in the King Country town of Te Kuiti on New Zealand's North Island. But the sight of it has shocked justice advocates around the country who have described the outside holding area as "barbaric" and "positively Victorian".

Tattoo of the solar system to scale....maybe.

Earrings that are lock picks...

I always tip the delivery guy an extra $2 if he doesn’t look around for the other six people the pizza would feed.

New camera-endowed sex toy lets women get up close and personal with themselves.
This may or may not be related...

My friends asked me to go to the gym so I made a list of thing I will need: 1. New Friends.

Let's think about this...
 The parents are going to tend a very young child AND train a puppy....no thank you.

A semicolon is used when a sentence should have ended; but wasn’t.

(I thought that was very funny)

That man has a 13.5-inch-long penis when not erect. A penis as wide as his wrist? Believe it or not he used to walk around in tights just to freak people out....at least that's what the article said.
(notice picture on wall behind him)

He didn't want to be a Superhero at the face paint table....
 ...he wanted to be a desk fan.
On "Career Day" I had my students draw a picture of what they wanted to be when they grew up. One kid wanted to be a stop sign.....TRUE.

Good idea?
My brother just used to freeze partially filled bottles and as they melted he would drink. You can't fill it all the way or the expansion will burst the bottle.

A lamp with an extra long cord that looks like the line its drawn...

Are vegan mouths designed for cutting grass?


How to tell you live in an upscale neighborhood...

Are they called game consoles because they console people who have no friends?

I think there ought to be a self-frisking station at the airport.

One Of My Very Own...
How very, very true.

This reminded me of a joke...
Kid comes home and looks at his mother and says, "What's for dinner, bitch?"
His mother said, "What did you say?"
He said, "Are you deaf? Where's my goddamned dinner?"
She said, "You have been hanging around that construction site again after I told you not to. Now go get me a switch!"
He said, "What do I look like, a fucking electrician?"

Speaking of electricians....
 I am amazed at the problems my young friends have keeping their phones charged, not least of which is getting their charger stolen.
I predict that in five years we will laugh that we had to invent devices like the above to solve the problem. My guess is that somehow there will be a wireless recharger and I would bet money on it....or a 24 hour battery.

This came out years ago and STILL no company has given it to us...

Do you know how disappointed I was when I found out bisexual didn’t mean having sex with two people at once.

This is a good idea...

I found this very funny...

You never forget the first time you survived a bear attack.

Absurdity....I like it....

I’m almost 70 years old, and just to save time let’s just assume I’m never wrong.

Public art worth sharing...

You'd think one conspiracy theorist would have taken a class in website design.

 I'm not sure I would have ever admitted that.

"I was just a doggone fool, trying to be so doggone cool. Aint nobody's fault but mine." - Otis Redding

How large is VY Canis Majoris? Adding earth’s orbit to this image makes it all the more mind blowing.

 I have NEVER trimmed my mustache......never.

A few political cartoons...

Got one minute and three seconds to spare? Check this out...


Bellingcat kickstarted £51K to do data-driven/crowdsourced citizen journalism earlier this month, and a week later, pinpointed the exact location of an ISIS training camp near Mosul by matching the jihadis' social media posts to online maps and geo-location services. It's a very clever sleuthing exercise, and shows the positive power of groups of online puzzle-solvers.

Check this out to find out how they did it....I stand humbled...no long video...just a short article...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So when Bellingcat does it, it's humbling... but when the NSA does it, it's Big Brother?

In this information age, we straddle a delicate line. What measure of privacy are we willing to give up for security? Bellingcat used sources readily available to anyone and pinpointed an ISIS training camp.

The NSA doesn't have to log your keystrokes to learn where you are and what you're doing... you've already tweeted about it.

As an example, if someone were of the mind too, they could figure out where you live, what bar you frequent, and where your wife works JUST based on the content of your blog.

Your possible response of, "So?" would be reasonable considering you're not a threat to international security. However, it was just an example of exploitation of privacy to track a citizen.

So it's a delicate line. On one hand, we know what ISIS is doing... on the other, we know your beer preference. All based on internet activity on the public record.


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