About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014



What a wonderful idea...

Must be an interesting way to earn a living...
...but you know, when he goes home at night and his wife asks him how his day was, he probably says, "Same old, same old" just like the rest of us.

Wait for it.....wait for it....
Life - in one low-res graphic.
Oh, you want in Yale graduate school..................fuck you!

This is not a political blog....but....
...don't tell me I can't call a duck a duck because it happens to be a black duck...

These people want out...
Think about that a minute. Do you think all those people are nutcases? All of them?!
Wanting = key word. What about the lazy people? Do you think a Native American would be allowed to live and be taken care of by the tribe if he just didn't want to hunt or fish or make stuff? I don't think so. I'm more of a personal responsibility kind of guy.
And I know the rich get way more of my money than lazy people. I can be against both, can't I?
My biggest concern about conservatives is their stupid religious views...
Anyone who says they speak for god wants something from you......always...
I don't care what is in a book, banning it is not the answer.
Books are ideas and people need to be exposed to as many ideas as possible. That DOES NOT mean you have to tolerate ignorance.
But it all comes down to the money, doesn't it...
Two unfunded wars. Who goes to war without a plan to pay for it? America, that's who.
There are people in both parties who scare the shit out of me, but the rightist seam to have a lock on batshit crazy.
And what do Americans think about when their beloved culture is going down the flusher? They chase the almighty buck...


I really do.
My only advice is that I've found that it is impossible to be happy alone. To be fulfilled, one must love and be loved. I truly believe that.

I think that most people put too much weight on the attractiveness of bodies and no so much of their personalities...
It's just so....shallow. 

I want to see a Mythbusters show to prove or disprove "Once you go black, you never go back."

Now, instead of "my better half", I introduce my wife as "my better two thirds."

I don't have anything against enlarged photographs glued to the wall...
But like tattoos, I would like them more if you took the photograph yourself.....otherwise it's just a picture in a magazine you want to live years with...

Am I to assume that this ambulance is funded by Guinness?
If so, I think it's a great idea. Why not advertise on emergency vehicles?
Remember, I'm the guy who wants to plaster logos on NASA flights to defray costs. And fuck Curiosity, why not AT&T Curiosity or McDonald's Apollo 13?

The way they light each other is cool as shit...

There is a special place in hell for people who call to see if you got their email.

Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase, 1912.

The optimum amount of sleep is 5 more minutes.

I will repeat, I appreciate people who take the time to do this...just for my amusement, with no financial reward.

Have you ever been too drunk to smile for a picture?

To hell with the size, I had no idea there were that many shapes of penises.....I mean, damn Chile!
And if you are interested, I'm the shape that is the most attractive.

I was 25 years old before I learned that joint custody didn’t involve marijuana.

Dusty motherboard looks like Greek complex...

I've met people who I instantly knew weren't worth the calories I'd burn talking to them.

Yeah, yeah, we get it, guys...
Note names.

Now flight crews are posting pictures to shame passengers...

Does anyone know how to get blood out of a car’s upholstery?....a lot of blood?
I'm asking for a friend.

Forgive me. I wrote that in a moment of giddiness.

One Of My Very Own...

You know that look you get when you’re watching porn and it starts taking a weird turn.

An Army of Frogs Gather to Watch a Video of Worms on a Smartphone.

I like this bed...
There is something about defining a space and that does just that.

Think about how much more stressful life’s most stressful moments would be if accompanied by the running out of time music in movies.

 It's amazing how many wonderful things I have owned and let go for one reason or the other...
 I still have a piece of luggage like the one on the top, but the railroad cart I let go. I think it was deemed just too heavy to move one time, but anyway, I now regret it.
I also once owned a stencil cutter. A heavy ass contraption that you rotated a wheel to choose a letter, then mashed a lever and pretty soon you have a stencil.
Now I KNOW I could make so much art using that.....but no....it, alas, was also deemed too heavy.


“I have nipples, Greg, could you milk me?”

How could anyone NOT want one of these?
Hell, I would just drive around and do this to every wall I found, then just wait for the crowd to cum in their pants.

What’s your favorite natural disaster?

Well, Sparky, you might want to have that checked out by a professional.

Don’t vaccinate your children. 
Polio builds character.


Anonymous said...

Not enough room on the chart for Africa I guess. ;)

Ralph Henry said...

Keep them comin', old buddy!

Spider Borland said...

The "compassionate person" quote got me thinking.

Traditional Conservative Logic says that if you work hard, you can have those things.

The trouble is, hard work does not guarantee reasonable pay. Heck, does anyone really believe that the 1% got there by working hard? I think the "CAPITALISM, FUCK YEAH" people just spread propaganda that the rich are rich because they worked for it, and the poor are poor because they're lazy.

I personally work with guys daily that bust their ass and just get by. They're one catastrophic auto repair from skipping meals, and they drive cars that should have been traded in back in Cash For Clunkers.

Ralph Henry said...

Spider, I agree that the system is not fair. I have preached long and loud about the 1% buying politicians to make sure they stay the 1%.
I just have a thing about people who lazy. If you drop out of a free high school and refuse to go to a free (for the needy) tech school to learn how to do something that is prized by the rest of us enough to hand you our money, then I don't have much mercy.

Anonymous said...

The Guiness ambulance is not sponsored by them, nor is it advertising. If you'd taken the trouble to look, you'd have seen that it belongs to Guiness Fire & Rescue, ie a rescue ambulance for the brewery complex in st Jame's Gate , Dublin

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