About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014



Say "Supply". Now say "Spy". Now say one then the other over and over. They start to sound the same, don't they? Well, CNN, for thirty minutes, kept calling the exploded rocket a "Spy Mission" until a NASA spokesman got on the phone to very excitedly explained that it was a "Supply" mission, NOT a "Spy" mission.
What a fuck up.


Did you know there was a severe drought in Brazil?
 I didn't...


Finally the forfeiture "law" in the US is getting some scrutiny...


Bless his heart.

I so need one of these....

Live every day like the cops have no idea.

Girl looks out over the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto, 1945...

I don’t pretend to be anything I’m not, except sober. I’ve pretended to be sober a few times…a week.

I'll never forget when my wife and I showed an expectant mother how we child-proofed our house and she said, "Well, I plan to just teach my child not to do those things."
We just looked at each other....me wondering of an over-under of the date of the kid's first trip to the emergency room.

A hand carved in, I think, quartz...

Any man who feels the need to say “I am not that drunk” is probably that drunk.

My Very Own...

“Fuck it” tends to be the last thought running through my mind before making any final decision.

Another Four Of My Very Own...

How do you confuse a feminist? Tell her that you refuse to allow her to make you a sandwich.

 I didn't know that.

Another costume idea...and you're running out of time...

Nature will find a way...

Everyone likes clicky pens when they are the clicker.

The dishwater has been broken for 3 days, so basically, we’re Amish now.

I love my wife so much I’m thinking of eye enlargement surgery so I can look at her more.

Yeah, put a mustache on your fat snowflake and she will look cute...

A real headline...

Are ALL tattooists that stupid?

To you who never watched a single episode of Honey Boo Boo, the Kardashians, and Jersey Shore, I commend you.

I find this sort of swear word hiding hilarious...
 Like we didn't all read the correct word in each ******.

A 'virtual autopsy' of King Tut revealing Pharaoh had girlish hips, a club foot and buck teeth. Further evidence shows that his parents were brother and sister, which may have caused his physical impairments.

I was only without a beard for two weeks and it seems my wife took a whole lot of pictures of me during that period...

Camping outdoors for one week (with sunlight and campfire but not flashlights or electronic devices) helped synchronize people's internal body clock to solar time, such that they went to bed at sunset and woke up just after sunrise.

I would so do this...

I really like this silly bastard...

This image is so impossibly flawless in every aspect that is hard to believe it is real. Technique, composition, subject matter—it's like a perfect dream, but it's an actual photo of Svolvaer, Norway, by extremely talented Max Rive....
Did you notice the guy on top of the mountain?

The power of wind...

Undecipherable public art...

Yeah, like I'm going to have one of these living in my house...
And after a rare cat clip, I offer you an even rarer cat cartoon...

A repeat for upcoming Halloween...

This truck is really hauling ass…

So, at least, we have this going for us...

Wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas made this impressive time-lapse showing the massive migration of wildebeests from Kenya to the fresher pastures of Tanzania. Will calculates that about 1.5 million wildebeests crossed the Mara River, Kenya, during the five days they spent shooting....

You’re not stuck in traffic; you are the traffic.



Spider Borland said...

What are the dips in the solar power gif? The wobble of the Earth/change in seasons?

Ralph Henry said...

What a great question. I didn't notice that as unusual, but, of course, it is.
I have no idea.

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