About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Islamic State forces have carried out another mass killing of civilians in western Iraq, officials said Saturday. They executed at least 50 fellow Sunni Muslim men and women belonging to a tribe that has defied the extremist militants. 

I would like to think that these are real trees and bent to grow this way...
For some reason I would like it more if it were living. 

 Girardoni System Austrian Repeating Air Rifle, Circa 1795, taken on the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Yes, air rifle.

Video game are cool because they let you experience fantastical power fantasies, like in the Sims you have a job and a house.

 Said the man who sells expensive clothing.

Public art...

Russian soldier with sculpted head of Hitler...
 Speaking of Hitler...
This is one of his ideas. A huge railroad canon that could lob shells across the English Channel. The problem, of course, is that it had a crew of 150 and took days to move on a specially created rail. Easy pickings for Allied bombers.
Speaking of war...
What a powerful image.

There are such images all over the world...
 The worse being land mines laid decades ago for a long forgotten conflict.

 The title of this was "Cabin Porn". I concur....

I read somewhere that frogs were the animal to watch to test the vitality of an eco-system....
 It has something to do with them being affected first...I think.

I can't figure out the vehicle that made these tracks...

We preach equality, therefore there should be a decent looking woman hiding in my bushes looking through my window trying to catch me masturbate while watching porn.

Bavarian town of Nördlingen built in a 14 million year old meteor impact crater...
 At least that's what the article said.

Progression of Formula One racers...

Human chess in 1924, St. Petersburg, Russia...

Butthole tattoos hurt…a lot. Just saying.

 When I saw this image, I was amazed at her beauty...
 And then it occurred to me that is all about proportions of her face....luck of her genes.

This took me much longer than it should have...
The message being that LA traffic doesn't move. 

Bless his heart...

When people just snap at work...

What a fun day. I had to define smegma, queefing and bukkake to my wife over breakfast.


I opened the door for the pizza guy while my wife was fussing at me from across the house. He felt so bad for me that he handed my tip back and gave me a hug.

One Of My Very Own...

 (so says an expert on such things)

It’s pronounced “jif”. I know because I joogled it.

I found this....shocking...

Todd is the most typical of American men. His proportions are based on averages from CDC anthropometric data. As a U.S. male age 30 to 39, his body mass index (BMI) is 29; just one shy of the medical definition of obese. At five-feet-nine-inches tall, his waist is 39 inches.

Americans are also losing ground in height. For most of two centuries, until 60 years ago, the U.S. population was the tallest in the world. Now the average American man is three inches shorter than the Dutch man, who averages six feet. Japanese averages are also gaining on Americans'.

 Believe it or not, I've never sent a text.

The Psychology of Color Pencils...

Have you ever been so angry that you tried to beat a woman that's biting your nipple with a baby?

Person found this in a Made in China product...

Is there any way that if there really were a zombie apocalypse, that people would call them anything othere than zombies?

Horses have a unique smell. I like it very much. But so do puppies. Being present during this photo would have been truly delightful for me.

The Coliseum's damage was not caused by failure of the design, but by people needing building material... 

What a clever way to keep the cat off the counters...

Oh, my...
 I've actually seen this view with more than one woman, but don't tell my wife.

 Well, now she's just showing off.

Let's take another look at this polite son of a bitch...

And now a few thoughts I jotted down from time to time...

People (my wife) always say she has nothing to hide, so why be afraid of survelence. That his after her drug days and drinking days. Imagine if some power had recording of a potential candidate staggering to his car or buying a little weed from a….street vendor? What about a tape of your teenage son fucking the mayor’s daughter in the Walmart parking lot? How powerful a tool would that be if the one in possession of that tape wanted you to give them a loan? You see where I’m going. There is only one reason tapes of ordinary citizens will be misused and that is IF they can be misused.

People you don't know will know if you buy condoms even though you aren’t married. They know the medicines you take. They know which political groups you give money. They know every purchase if you use the internet or a credit card. They know if you are on birth control even if your husband has had a vasectomy. 

You would never even consider telling your employer who you voted for unless you wanted to. But what about making public what candidate you gave money to? What if your boss was a rabid conservative and you wanted to give money to a liberal candidate…would you want him to know that? I know I’ve written a lot about secret money “buying” candidates, but I also see the other side. I do think that corporate donations are a whole nother horse of a different color. Corporations should publicize to their shareholders how they spend money.

The FBI is seeking a rule-change from the Administrative Office of the US Courts that would give it the power to distribute malware, hack, and trick any computer, anywhere in the world, in the course of investigations; it's the biggest expansion of FBI spying power in its history and they're hoping to grab it without an act of Congress or any public scrutiny or debate.

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