About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 9, 2015

FRIDAY #2224

The world reacts to the lunacy...

 Pens held high in solidarity...

This one took me a second look...

I know that was very long, but dying for making fun of people hits pretty close to home for me.

People used to make fun of me, but who's making fun of me now?? Thousands of strangers on the world wide web, that’s who!

How they remove snow in Canada...I mean, damn...

I was reminded by this photo of toilets in Germany...
 After you take a shit, it's just sitting there on the shelve for your inspection...smell and all.

You can expect to see many more posts about babies for, you know...reasons....

I wonder what bread ingredient everyone will be allergic to this year.

There are basically two types of people in the world...

One of the best ideas I've seen in a long time...seriously....
 I offer it twice due to problems with the downlaod...

As I understand it, there's a new Vacation movie in the offing...

Good friends know the exact number of drinks you can handle before you make poor decisions. Great friends hand you that drink.

This guy died, but obit is a classic...

Well, I've found my wife's birthday present...

Flood wall in Austria holding back water.

Dead at 82, Donna Douglas

 Don't recognize her? Here's a hint...

I am very excited about the next season of this...

Porn paints an extremely unrealistic picture of how quickly you can get a plumber over to you house.

Looking for the g-spot...

They should make an app called "skinnybooth" so you can tell if a fat chick would be hot if she lost some weight.

 Or that of a retired person.

 He blames it on over-population and here is his solution:
Someone else said that anyone on public assistance should be forced to take birth control...like sub-dermal.

I like clocks, the more unusual the better...

If god wanted to impress me with his “miracle” he would have impregnated Joseph, not a poor unwed teenage girl. That shit happens every day.

One Of My Very Own...

Here are some of the things about the US that confuse foreigners...

(give this one a minute)

Last night I was out for dinner and ordered a steak. The waiter asked me how I like my steak, so I said, "Rare."
20 minutes later he came back and apologized, saying he couldn't find one.
Well, what did I expect, anyway?

"What's you abortion stance?"

I've never been very good with geography, but I can name a least one city in France, which is Nice.

The map, created by Benjamin Hennig, senior research fellow in the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford and author of the blog www.viewsoftheworld.net, shows the vast areas of the world that remain mainly untouched by human civilization.

I once flossed a booger out of my 3-year-old daughter's teeth.

Longtime viewers will know I take great pleasure in finding these...

Levalet unveils "Reload" on the streets of Paris, France

Does this gross you out?
Think about how long people have been sticking various objects through various body parts...almost like a part of our brains have a need to do so.

We all like a good selfie...
But here's some pictures of people taking rather odd selfies...


Domestic bliss by Susan Copich.

Martin Ron and Nase Pop collaborate on a new mural in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

And watching them work on such a large scale reminds me of one of the most favorite slogans of every muralist...
When the inevatable small mistakes are made, it's my job to say "It will look great from 40 feet," meaning nobody but us will ever be this close to the artwork and down on the street it will look fine.

My kind of dog...

There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page or closing the book.

 But the problem as I see it is that newborn horses can gallop within hours of birth, whereas newborn human's can't even hold their heads up. Now picture that in your mind's eye.

My Final Word...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I appreciate you.

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