About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015



For the study, published online Jan. 8, 2015 in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, a pair of researchers looked at cases of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in more than 340,000 boys born in Denmark between 1994 and 2003. The researchers found that the overall risk of developing autism before age 10 was almost 50 percent higher for circumcised boys than uncircumcised boys.

When a raiding party from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant attacked a Saudi border post last week, it was no mere hit on a desert outpost.

The jihadists were launching an assault on the new, highest-profile effort by Saudi Arabia to insulate itself from the chaos engulfing its neighbours.

The Saudis are building a 600-mile-long Great Wall a combined fence and ditch to separate the country from Iraq to the north.

You learn something new every day...or should...




You might want to research that.

Snipers...murdering cowards?!
What about the drone pilots? What about the bomber pilots dropping bombs from several miles up?
As a matter of fact, what could be more honorable, blowing up a whole house...or city to get some bad guys, or pinpointing that bastard and blowing his and his alone brains out?


What happens if communities refuse to get vaccinated? The Dutch Bible Belt compared to measles outbreaks in the Netherlands.

How is it that some societies celebrate sex, while other societies condemn it as sinful...ugly...and something to be ashamed of?
I contend that such demeaning "rules" are mere devices to exert power over others.
People who feel guilty don't ask a lot of questions.

What concert can you attend for 45 cents? 50 cent featuring Nickelback.

I bet none of them have ever walked into a public bathroom bare foot?

Well, somebody is having a very special birthday...

But wouldn't you want to know what the scale would read after his first shit?

Whoever decided to call hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids and not ass-troids clearly dropped the nomenclature ball.


Imagine how strong the roofs have to be...

1,000 year old house made of petrified wood…
And recognizing it as stone trees, they must have invented marvelous tales to explain it; sorceresses with magic spells, turds of wood eating giants, or, the old fall-back, god did it.

I have mentioned several times about my concern for young men and women who find themselves born in very small villages in the middle of nowhere and having to settle for just about any mate of appropriate age...
Maybe that's how the veils come in. The young girls are draped so that the young men didn't know how ugly they were and bought, as it were, a pig in a poke.

Shit You Don't See Everyday...

I'll post just about anything with money in it...

I bet old Varg is the life of every party...

I find the "facts" presented rather difficult to believe, but don't he have a nice smile...

One day when I was teaching at the university a student asked me how I was doing and I said, “It’s in the syllabus.”

 One of the oldest sight gags on the internet...

 I used to wear bell-bottoms...

This is a school in the middle of Paris...

Four Corners Monument seems in wrong place according to satellite image…

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

I actually heard it this way: Patting a baby on the back calms it because it mimicks the mother's heartbeat. Then later a pat on the back of an adult is expected to give the same comfort, a comfort deserved by the patee. But sitting in an audience you can't get close enough to pat the performer on the back, so you gesture it with the clap...the ensuing noise is just a delightful byproduct.

 It was stated that after the elephant knocked over the trash, it put it back in the can...

Ever wonder what happens to old tires in Kuwait?

They are dumped into one of the biggest landfills on earth near Kuwait City.

I watch a documentary about the cunning Michaelangelo...
During the time of the painting of the Sistine Chapel, there was a great debate of whether or not Adam and Eve had sex in the Garden of Eden and if so what type of sex.
Michaelangelo's answer was his portrayal of Eve about to suck Adam's dick... 
He also painting the pope that he dispised as a saint, but...
The child behind said pope is giving a thumb between fingers gesture akin to the modern shooting of the bird...
You all know, or should know, that Michaelangelo dicested corpes to study the inter-workings...
In the Creation of Adam, no one could figure out why god seemed to held aloft by angels while the lot of them were wrapped in a cloth of some kind...
Then a neuro-surgeon saw it and immediately recognized it as the human brain...something that could never be depicted in such detail unless previously studied...which was forbidden back then.

World's oldest known hockey stick…1829
Is it just me, or does she appear overly pleased?

Space Porn...

The caption read: "This is a real photograph of Dione taken by the Cassani spacecraft while orbiting Saturn."
I am so jaded I don't believe it. The word "real" in any caption is a tipoff that it is fake.

Fake food in Japan looks very real...

Ice fishing in South Korea...
Now think about what it must look like from the fish's viewpoint...thousands of hooks and bait must be quite perplexing.

One Of My Very Own...

This is the message we were told all through childhood...
There were counter arguments that it could be used to educate the masses like never before. Well, we see what happened to that noble goal.
Now we each have a magic box in our pockets - a modern Library of Alexandria - that could, at last, educate the masses like never before and, sadly, I fear it will prove another opportunity lost.

When injured, minutes seem like hours. I, for one, hail the mercy workers who rush to our assistance...

I would like this lady to meet up with that Mr. Varg Vikernes from earlier in this post...

The nicest, kindest people are the scariest motherfuckers when they get pissed off.


What’s the fun in doing what you’re told?

This vibrator is designed by gynecologists and promises to “take you to the third level of orgasms”. What will you find there? Bonus rounds? An extra life? We don’t know, but I've already ordered my wife three just to find out. Updates to follow.

It also comes with accessories for a few dollars more and by all indications my wife is quite fond of them...

Real dogs with odd coloration...

A 17th century warship that sank recovered and now in a museum in Sweden...

Sometimes my wife opens her mouth and her mother leaps out.

My Final Word...

I love being around my wife in non-election years.

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