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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


LOGIC NEED NOT APPLY at this post...



Director Orson Welles, also an actor, cast himself in a number of his own films. In order to hide what he thought was an embarrassingly tiny nose, for every movie in which he made an appearance, he wore a prosthetic. As Welles grew older, his prosthetic noses did not. He reportedly had at least one new nose for every film, each bigger than the last.

I will withhold comment...

The shells from an allied bombardment on German lines, 1916...War. What is it good for?
I look at that and imagine each one of them represents a huge explosion in the midst of other humans miles away.

If you spend the night at the Coconut Forest in Piaui State, Brazil, you'll be able to see a rare species of fungus that glows in the dark. Although scientist already understand how they light up, they are still struggling to understand the reason why they do it and how that affects their ecosystem.

Sluts are prostitutes too stupid to make money off a hobby.

Hell, I've done that...or at least tried it.

This man has either, A) Taken some very powerful illegal drugs, or B) Just walked into a very large spider web... 

Electric cars are coal powered. Think about that.


Now anyone can pretend to be Jesus.

Geyser in really cold weather...
Actually a fountain, I think.

A gay Jewish wedding where they rode in on a horse dressed as a unicorn... 

It’s official. I have seen EVERYTHING.

Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal...
"Where's the waterslide?"
"Just follow the trail until Spring, sir." 

 Relatives Dress a Deceased Man as Green Lantern and Stand Him Up at His Wake Because He Was a Hero to Them..

Keep it classy, folks, keep it classy.

This is Highway 50 in Colorado. I started up the mountain with a two foot shoulder, no guard rail and a 200 foot drop...
When the shoulder completely disappeared and the dropoff was 1,000 feet, I turned around and drove 100 miles out of my way to avoid it...
 I mean it when I say, it scared the shit out of me.
And I was coming up the mountain, which means I was close to the edge. There were cars and even TRUCKS going down the mountain. I didn't really trust myself, but I REALLY didn't trust all those other drives not to do something stupid.

 I think fist bumping is a good idea. Why would I want to risk germs or other filth...

Why Do Mirrors Flip Objects Horizontally But Not Vertically?

Objects in mirrors aren’t flipped on the X-axis (horizontal) or the Y-axis (vertical) but the Z-axis (depth). Objects only appear to be flipped horizontally because our minds are doing that. Our bodies are symmetrical along the Y-axis. So when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we don’t perceive that we are being flipped along the Z-axis.

Americans buy a taco for less than a dollar and complains when it tastes like shit.

You think maybe it's the roof of a parking garage and the truck just drove over the covered up ramp? 
(update: It was a sinkhole)

If it has to happen, it might as well be while you are on camera so EVERYBODY can laugh at you...

Antarctica as seen from space...
Can we assume the two shades of ice are created by one being over water? 

Remember, guys, it don't have to make sense...
And if you disagree, take a look at this Manet and, please, have a go at explaining it to me.
"Bone a petite."

Smoking is all fun and games until someone blows your brains all over your wife's new designer dress...

"Completely Incomplete", Ryan Hewett...
 I have no idea who that last one is supposed to be.
I like the artist's use of paint, though...very effective.

 My Final Word...


Anonymous said...

The last picture immediately strikes me as Teddy Roosevelt. I could be wrong.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely nothing!

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