About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 1, 2015

MONDAY #2361

One Of My Very Own...
 Below par...here's another...

Finally found a motel this evening. Drove too long and am too tired.
I keyed a tree at the end of the building.
 There are several things going on that you may be interested in. In side the plastic bag is a one dollar bill with FOLIO OLIO stamped on it and a business card with Folio Olio's address. The key is there because I think it will draw far more attention than, say, a checker or other game piece, which were the first ideas I toyed with.
Also, the plastic bag is sealed with packing tape. I now have enough keys that I can use more than one per piece.
I like the use of the dollar. I mean who could resist a free dollar bill? That I make sculptures out of one dollar bills only adds to my sense of consistency. 
By the way, those screws are rather special. They are almost two inches long and are what's called square drives. A normal screwdriver won't do shit....I'm thinking. I am interested in whether the discoverer took the money and ran or spent the time to remove the key. We shall see.
But let's be clear...there is no right or wrong way to respond to the installation. That you responded is my only concern.
My daughter gave me the idea of having people tell us what became of the pieces with her satellite reporting by ham radio operators.

Scroll to these guys if you're so inclined.

Blackjack is the only game in the world where if you learn how to play, they kick you out of the game.

These little pills are wet wipes...
 Well, actually, you have to wet them and they expand big time. The fibers were compressed at like 97 million pounds of pressure.

Another meme is born...

At a top speed of 27.44mph, it is illegal for Usain Bolt to run in a school zone.

Could someone explain this to me.

Artificial intelligence is no

match for natural stupidity.

 I'm very interested to know how my daughter's dog takes to my grandson. I bet he's going to be a hoot...

In 1965 a US Senate Committee predicted that by the year 2000 the average working week would be 14 hours.

Well, there's a "Bam" in Alabama, a "Den" in garden, and a "Boo" in boomerang. 
By the way, I loyal viewer from my very first post told me he is confused about the necessity of making some comments rust colored. Here's the long and short of it.
My blog host is not very good at spacing lines. Many times a caption is not connected to an image and sometimes it gets rid of spacing between captions and something I just want to say....like this. I tried using spacers like the stars above, but Blogger even screws that up. So when I have something to say without an image, I make it rust colored to let you know it stands by itself.

People die in war. I think that people who die protecting America are heroes. Think WWII.

But those troops that lost their lives in Vietnam or Afghanistan or Iraq weren't so much heroes as cannon fodder for rich people. Oh, they acted valiantly and all that, but they accomplished nothing.
And you people who condemn me for those views have bought in to the idea that any criticism of war is unpatriotic. Think it's just the opposite.

“Perhaps, when we remember wars, we should take off our clothes and paint ourselves blue and go on all fours all day long and grunt like pigs. That would surely be more appropriate than noble oratory and shows of flags and well-oiled guns.”
— Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle

Speaking of...sort of...
They have determined that America is not getting more atheist as fast as we thought. Some argue that a large portion of those claiming to now be atheist were atheist all along but lied about it when asked. It was just easier that way. That, Gentle Reader, is why there are so many crosses on so many graves. 
I suggest that the numbers are still completely skewed. You can't imagine how many people (especially men) who go to church every Sunday and take communion, etc and down deep don't believe a word of it. They carry on the charade to keep the little woman happy.
And that makes me sad for all concerned.

Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly.

That's from the bible, by the way. Pretty clever.

 Crisis Relief: Liking isn't helping

Angry with Chinese homeowners who refuse to sell out, the country's eager and rapacious developers call their houses "stubborn nails" that can't be pounded into wood.

 We've all heard of this before...
But I never thought about it as a right that the Chinese homeowner has that the American homeowner does not.
In America, the government will take your house, pay you market value and then sell it to a guy building a shopping mall. Why? Because the shopping mall guy will pay more taxes.
I understand Eminent Domain whereby we all need an airport or a hospital or an interstate highway. But to take my land and make me sell it for pre-demand price to a guy who by all rules of commerce would have paid me dearly for it...well, that stinks.

Richard Prince selected other people's Instagram photos, printed them in large format, and put them on display in a gallery. They are selling for about $100,000 each.

Can I assume he split the profit?

A bunch of grandmothers got together to paint a mural...
It was, predictably, just as awful as any 20 random people would do.
 Some of them made their own stencils. This lady painted in honor of her dead husband and was the soul design that merits any comment.

Who uses the word nigger the most...
Everyone was amazed it wasn't the deep South. 

Flying buttresses...
 And somebody just thought them up one day.


My hangout was voted one of the best pizzas in SC.

There is a medical entity colloquially referred to as "bicyclist's vulva" (explicit photo at the British Medical Journal).  Interestingly it is not simple edema, but rather lymphedema.

 Reads the same both ways.

Paying rent is like hitting the snooze button on being homeless.

 The accompanying article stated that it was not just peer pressure that made women wear such stupid shoes. Come to find out, women said that wearing high heels made them feel stronger, more in control and powerful. So, they are magic slippers? Now that I think about it, high heels ARE magic in that when a man puts them on he will feel weaker, less in control and vulnerable. 
But maybe, just fucking maybe, a person who requires magic fucking shoes to do her job should be paid less than a man who thinks the purpose of shoes is to protect his foot.
But let's not forget the percentage of their net worth women spend on these magic amulets. Come to find out, the more she spends on it, the more magic it has; so, naturally she wants to advertise how much magic a recent purchase has.
Oh, if only beautiful feet had magical power.

Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it it?

 Abandoned Building Photography...
 More Photography...I'll call it "Luck Photography."

Years ago a big time salesman gave me a one hour pitch to do all my murals in his new wonder film and printing technique. And ever since, I have seen it all over the world.
His company could print out billboard wide images as long as you needed them. The film was some super-duper space age stuff that wouldn't crack, peal, fade, etc for...oh, ever.
 It looks to me like the guys are piecing portions of the mural into place.

Low-tech but wonderful...

Having a beard from being too lazy to shave helps cover the double-chin from being too lazy to exercise.

Never ask a woman who is eating ice cream straight from the carton how she's doing.

Thorough Thoughts... 

I'm going to start a religion where if you believe in me you get to live TWO eternities. IT'S TWICE AS GOOD!!


Larry said...

Oh I believe!!!!!!

Unknown said...

The hand is Eschers style painting.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ralph -

Ted Opal is spot on -

The Eschers as in MC Escher

Hope you are well

Jim C
Mesa AZ

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