About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 11, 2015


One Of My Very Own...


And if you thought I would bore you with constant pictures of my grandson, the answer is yes. Yes, I will bore you.
Play me! Play me!

There is never a bad time for a pun.

The year is 42069. We've stopped changing the date, it's just always the year 42069 and people spell their names with emojis. It's awesome.


Nick Jensen and his wife Sarah, married for ten years, have promised to get a divorce if same-sex marriage is legalized in Australia.
I am so glad there are crazy people some place besides America.


This wall confuses the shit out of me.
You would think that it would be just as strong without the stones. Anybody?

Watched Animal House again.
The mustached guy on the far left in this picture looks exactly like a good friend I had in Germany - Dudley. He lived with one of the most beautiful bargirls I have ever seen — which was an extraordinary feat. We called him Doright and it was an honor to have known such a man.
"An honor to have known such a man" is something I strive very hard to have people say about me.

I read that when the Vikings raided England that they stayed a while and many settled and farmed, but it had not always been so.
Soon I will post an opinion about the Rhino - specifically the horn poaching - and how the thieves kill the very and ONLY animal capable of producing said horn. I opined about the stupidity of such shortsightedness. 
Now we return to the Vikings who used to murder all the priest and villagers, steal all the gold and sail back north. Wiser people would have left the people alive to acquire more gold that would be plundered next voyage.

If vegans don’t want to eat mean, why are so many vegan foods pretending to be meat?

 When Victoria's oldest child, the Princess Victoria, Princess Royal (1840-1901), shed her first baby tooth, it was made into a special brooch for Victoria. Set in gold, the tooth forms the blossom of a gold and enamel thistle, the symbolic wildflower of Scotland.

Claw machines can be programmed to automatically reduce their grip strength to maximize profits, while allowing an infrequent full-strength grip to entice suckers.

Two years on, the difference is profound. In a single month, the N.S.A.’s invasive call-tracking program was declared unlawful by the courts and disowned by Congress. After a White House-appointed oversight board investigation found that this program had not stopped a single terrorist attack, even the president who once defended its propriety and criticized its disclosure has now ordered it terminated.
(And yes, I consider him a whistleblower and not a traitor)

Want to know what I hate about this picture? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway.
The costs of the wardrobe in that picture would send one of my friends to college for a year. 
And do I hate rich people? Most of them, but that's not the point. I just want everybody to play, more or less, by the same rules.
People can form relatively accurate judgments about others within 30 seconds of observing them.

Well, looks like the USA ain't the only one with a problem...

The best thing a woman can have is her shit together.

How delightful.

This is someone's backyard. I rest my case.

What kind of cruel bastard would do such a thing?

Help when you can, lift when you can, work as you can, but never be afraid to ask ‘will I get paid for this?’

How long would it take a werewolf to kill an entire village?


Watched a half star Netflix movie just to see how bad it was. Here is the name of one of the stars if that gives you any idea.
 They did use my name, which is always a high note.
 It doesn't take a genius to figure out...
 That the US Air Force doesn't allow facial hair because of oxygen masks leakage.

Can we assume that he needed a forklift to get it on and off? 

I've had long discussions about the need or lack of need to teach cursive. The absolute LEAST effective was that we need it in order to write thank you notes. 

Medieval Twitter

Food never asks me who I’m texting.


Concession stand prices at NBA game.

That tells me something about condom usage.

My bet is that driving down the highway these dogs would always face forward...

New allowable Scrabble words: twerking, emoji, bezel, ridic, onesie, devo vape, and shootie, augh, blech, eew, grr, waah and yeesh.




Colin said...

Wall being just as strong without the stones.....(just the opposite)
What you have is a gabion, the lightweight metalwork stopping the stones from being nicked.
Check out dry stone walls in England - centuries old. Its the stones wot take the load!

Thank you for an excellent post.

Snowden for president!!

Ralph Henry said...

But the rocks don't look well placed so that the ones on the bottom carry the weight of the ones above with minimum "pushing out". Look carefully, they look just piled up in the cage; and without the restraint I think it would collapse instantly.

Oni said...

Hi Ralph! Your picture and comment with the dogs facing rear-ward reminded me of a little fact you may be interested in. In a typical horse trailer, horses are always loaded and tied facing front, and sectioned off from one another with dividers. If you put horses in a stock trailer, however, where there are no inner dividers, and drive down the road with them untied (but the trailer obviously locked up properly), they will always choose to ride facing the rear. It's a weird phenomenon but my guess is that they must be able to balance the bumps and turns easier going ass-first.

Ralph Henry said...

Or maybe every time the truck brakes they got tired of bumping their nose.....?

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