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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


One Of My Very Own...
That was awful. I can do better than that.

 We have people who think vaccines make kids sick. There are people who believe that a weight loss pill will work even if you eat the same amount of food. We have many very smart people who doubt that mankind is aiding the warming of the planet. 
There is one aspect of the research that really concerns me, and that is that your chances of getting a grant from the government to prove climate change has nothing to do with humans is almost nil. Please don't confuse me with facts, I know most of the facts, but the overwhelming funding goes to scientists who all believe the same thing. And I know that a reason for that could be that nobody wants to fund a study to prove that, say, Mars doesn't exist just wouldn't be frugal. Anyway, I blame science for all of it.
In 1975 we were told we would all be gasping for oxygen and be hip deep in ocean by now. Every doomsday prediction so far has been hysterical and....false. I further blame science for grandstanding the risks in order to secure more funding and in my opinion that is unforgivable. 
With all that said, I ask you to take a very quick tour through the facts...measurements of the past and maybe later we can revisit this topic.


USA Women are great! I ended up watching it alone, which is bad. A game like that should be shared with other enthusiasts. Anyway, no one wanted to bet on the game. I managed to get an under on an over/under 3, but then late in the day a guy said that he would give me one goal and Germany. I looked at him and, being a gentleman, reminded him that Germany was the favorite. He said he knew all there was to know about it, so I bet him. And even given a free goal, I lost the bet...and happily so.
I was a great game!



And in an eerily similar incident featuring permanent knee trauma...
 And lastly there is this poor bastard...
How, exactly, do you think that happened to him?

Is that a wrench in your throat or are you just glad to see me?


Back when bikers weren't all that scary...

 I haven't been this drunk in a long, long time...
Did you notice that for several of those blinks his eyes are crossed?

I don't know who this is and don't really care...
But I like her attitude. 
Which reminds me...
Everyone I have talked to about that (mostly young people) think that is a great idea.

Converted factory with machinery left in place...
 And logs and stone...oh, my...
Do you think that they treat those logs to forestall rot?

If there are teenage boys in the kitchen, I will guarantee you that at one time or another their balls have been on you food.
That's why you never, ever make them mad. Just smile, nod and tip well.


Both the UK and Australian governments have issued reports describing homeopathy as bunk, and now the US Food and Drug Administration and Federal Trade Commission are holding hearings on the regulation of high-priced sugar-pills.
But this from homeopath website:

"Homeopathy is not considered as a successful measure to treat health ailments, but it is one of the best ways to cure any disease. It takes time to show effects, but gives a sure shot victor."
"Researchers world over agree that Homeopathy has established itself as a preferred method for treatment. Now, there is a need for doctors to give credit to its healing effects."

No thank you. I'll stick with the guys who went to college.
Now go back and think of the climate change argument. There are people who so want to believe both sides of the debate that there is no hope of changing their minds.
(My daughter, the scientist, will fuss at me for using the word "debate" in the last sentence. In her learned opinion there IS...NO...DEBATE.)


I wanted to name my next dog Fire so that when it ran off and I called it, all the neighbors would be alerted to my distress.
Speaking of...
True story: I had a friend whose daughter became dismayed over a dog on the side of the highway and my friend told her that it was just sleeping. The little girl became quite agitated and said, "Don't he know he could get hit by a car and killed doing that?!"

Found out what this is.
 The entrance to Carlsbad Caverns - New Mexico. You exit via elevator. But immediately I know if everyone exits by the elevator, then it goes back down empty and I want on it. If that back and forth path led down to watching the devil pick pimples off Hitler's ass I might walk it, anything less than that and it will be elevator time for me.


I've done that! Well, I like to watch couples in any public situation and try to determine if they still like one another. I also like to prove to anyone else who is playing the same game that I like my wife very, very much. Liking is different from loving. Loving is what you do to your child even when they turn out to be assholes. Liking is enjoying the shit out of somebody's company.

And that means they get to elect the president and you don't. 
But what's that blue blob in the north part of South Carolina?

Children's books aren't what they used to be...
I would love to read a book like that to my grandson.
That's fucking rich, man!

I don't understand feminism enough not to like it, but some of the rhetoric is off the wall.

Fuck you, rich pompous bitch. 


The part they didn't show us...
How clever.

 The "Freedom of Panorama" is the right to take pictures in public spaces, even if you incidentally capture copyrighted works, from building facades to public sculptures to images on t-shirts and ads -- and on July 9, the EU will vote whether to abolish it.



I hate it when my wife pretends her food is an airplane, especially in restaurants.


 This just needs to be reposted, by god...
"Take my money...please."



I know it’s childish, but I smile every time I see a Cadillac or Mercedes in Dollar Tree’s parking lot.


Neighbors by Isaac Cordal.


Once upon a time, you could sell soap with a slogan like "You will be clean," but we become resistant to ads.

The caption for that read: Who's going to tell Fred it snows every day?

And lastly, here's a 15 minute TED talk about how we are losing the battle against bacteria. Pretty fucking scary.
If you don't have time for that today, come back to it when you are bored...it was very informative.



MacGyver said...

I cringe a little watching her(?) extract the wrench - levering that laryngoscope against his upper teeth is a very effective way to bust 'em right-the-fuck off! I would bet he intentionally swallowed it on a dare, with the dental floss attached so he could extract it himself. I wonder if he's done it more than once - a "Hey everyone, check out my party trick!" kind of thing...

MacGyver said...

Damnable TSA - she doesn't even say please!?

I enjoy your blog very much, sir! Please keep it up for exactly as long as it makes you happy.

Oni said...

Love the blog. Read it every day.

To me, feminism is the belief that women should be treated like human beings, with respect and dignity. That's it. I greatly dislike any purported feminism that is hostile toward men. It is not a zero-sum game. Men should be our allies, not our opposition. I hate the phrase "check your privilege," too. Putting men down does not lift women up. Rant over! Carry on. :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to read a book like that to my son. Sweet, it's Prime, free 2 day shipping!



Ralph Henry said...

Thanks for your kind words and your opinion. You put it a well as anyone I've ever heard. I wish you nothing but the very best.

Colin said...

Without getting into the debate on Climate change...
This is a note I kept from one climate researchers log..

"Skeptics advancing alternative explanations (hypotheses) for climate variability represent the way the researcher community used to operate, before politics, policy outcomes, and billions of dollars got involved."

Scientists are human after all, and how many actually understand "this" rather than "their" specialist subject?

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