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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 17, 2015

MONDAY #2435

One Of My Very Own...
 And one that just looks like One Of My Very Own...


I listened to a pretty damn good Ted Talk about how it is that humans managed to take control over the Earth even though we aren't that much different than an ape.

Here's the link if you are interested.

My daughter tells me that nowadays nobody has 15 minutes to spend on learning something. I disagree. 

A little traveling music just for you...from me...


I'm out.
This man just moved from 'entertaining' to 'dangerous', and must be stopped.


 Well, at least he graduated.

I find it interesting that in America the poorer you are the fatter you are...mostly.

Is this a question?
Phrasing. It's all in the phrasing.

And in the "This is news?" department.

The number one problem with America.
That's actually how the majority of Americans see the problem. 


I found something made out of Holy Molies.

This is how I envision my wife walking through the den when I'm trying to nap in my Lay-Z Boy.
Wearing these shoes.
Okay, go back and visualize my wife dancing like that beside her sleeping husband. I find shit like that hilarious.

Excellent advice...
(Think blowing up an entire block from a drone to get one bad guy or persecuting gay people.)

Shit you don't see every day...
Do. Not. Try. This. At. Home...ask my wife.


We know that certain things trap heat. We can test that very easily. In the case of at least one greenhouse gas, you yourself probably confirm this every day without even realizing it.
We know that we are pumping billions and billions of tons of these heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere.
We know that, as we have done this, global temperatures have increased.
Now, imagine that you heated an oven, put a pie in it, took it out an hour later and said, "Look, I baked a pie!"
Then someone else came along and said, "Hold on, now! We don't know what happened to that pie. Maybe the sun got hotter! Maybe the poles shifted and this has something to do with the magnetosphere! Maybe this sort of thing just happens!"
But the sun didn't get hotter while it was baking. Compasses still point north for the time being, and when they no longer do, that won't bake a pie. This sort of thing doesn't just happen. And the very few experts that they can point to for support tend to be employed by businesses with a financial interest in making people believe that ovens don't bake pies. (Sometimes even secretly.)
So, would you call that person a "skeptic"? Would you believe that their views are worthy of respect and should be given equal weight? Would you think that person is smarter and more informed than all of those arrogant so-called experts who believe that ovens really do bake pies?
How you would see that person is pretty much exactly how reasonable people see you. Except that the pie guy isn't trying to bake the entire world.


This city was not really planned out. It just sort of grew and the streets tell the tale.

This city was planned.
This is not my city, but it looks similar. The capital city where I live was a planned city and is laid out in a grid like that. But the stupid bastards didn't name ANY streets with numbers or even letters. All the streets are named for people and the only way to find yourself around efficiently is to memorize every street in the city!

And the next time you fill up your car, think about this...
...all over the world.

Years ago I found myself sitting next to a US government lumber guy at a bar and he told me an interesting story.
 The US Government sells timber rights for several reason, but one of the most import is that the lumber companies cut roads and build bridges in the wilderness. Without these roads, forest fires would be almost impossible to put out because firefighters couldn't get in. Well, a company won the bid on a huge plot and used helicopters to lift the logs out to the staging area. The government simple changed the contract AFTER it was signed to require the company to haul the logs out by truck.

 This is from a great movie - Night Train to Lisbon.
 Lisbon was such a beautiful old city, but is covered in cheap graffiti like this. That made me sad.
'Night Train to Lisbon' was a great movie. 
Also highly recommended, the movie '360'.

 My dear friend, Susan, told me that her doctor told her flat out that her bladder cancer was caused by her smoking.

You decide.

What a good idea.
In my opinion, there is only one smell better than an early morning wood fire cooking bacon, and that is an early morning wood fire cooking fish that was caught minutes before.


Could that possibly be written by Leo?


Levalet (unfinished)...

That really looks like that glued on fabric to me. But I have worked off lifts like that and never blinked an eye. However, it was only days later I had nightmares, and I never understood why.

Me holding a card...

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