About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

SUNDAY #2488

One Of My Very Own…

I like this song.

 The Key Packets are getting fun(er).
 As you can see, two "normal" packets have already been removed from this site. This new one is holding up. I think that says a lot about Americans.
The one above is just right around the corner from my house, and I look forward seeing how long a new installation lasts.

I haven't shown you some of my proudest installations. The ones that seemed to last forever.
I placed this one weeks ago...maybe longer. It is on an L-shaped shortcut and cars are staring right at it as they approach the curve.

And yet it remains unmolested.

I have got to great lengths to make the installations challenging. Who, conceivably, would look inside this tree...one among others in huge parking lot?

Well, somebody did.

I used to put a lot of the packets where (probably) they would only be removed by a yard care guy, but I have found that yard care guys don't look up very often. I just have to tuck it away in a nook of higher foliage and it will survive for weeks.

I exploit several places I go often...so I can keep an eye on them. This is my regular bar.

It's on the pole on the extreme right and has been there for a long, long time.

 By the way, that "landscaped" lower parking lot is the one I told you about. Guy had to pay $23,000 for 11 additional parking spaces.

My idea about how to collect rain water to use in flushing toilets.
Notice that the cooler is full. I placed it under an eave without a gutter. 

With a Gamecock game on TV, there were many patrons at the bar I didn't know. To a man, the first question everyone asked another was "Did you get flooded?"
This is no joke, folks. There are hundreds of roads closed still, and they say it may be years before we are back to normal.
The weakened road problem is so bad that no restaurant is delivering. I found that telling. Seriously, consider a fictitious reporter coming to SC and reporting, "The roads are so perilous that Pizza Hut isn't even delivering."
And the whole viewing public exhales a collective "Wooooow."
By the way, if you want to help the South Carolina flood recovery with effective stuff, my wife said this is the site to do it.


Then there is this asshole.
He is starting to sound more and more like that leader in North Korea. He played hockey the other day and scored 7 (seven) goals. Film footage of the event showed the other players skating away from him every time he got the puck.
And by all indications, the Russian people love the guy. Fools.


Speaking of sports....I took my South Carolin Gamecocks and 20 1/2 points. The final score was 45-24, and that's what (in gambling lingo) is a ball buster.

But today's is not so mini and, if you are inured to my attacks by now, read it anyway. This one has somethings worth reading even if you are a rational person.

When Christianity had power.
 Never again.

If you believe the Bible...really believe it, then you cannot believe in evolution.
 And if you don't believe in evolution, you are an idiot. Look it up.

 There is NOTHING clear about that book.


Father Damien was a Belgian Catholic priest who went to the Hawaiian island of Molokai to minister to the patients of the leper colony in 1873. He served there until he died -of leprosy- in 1889. Father Damien became Saint Damien of Molokai in 2009. To achieved sainthood, there must be at least two miracles attributed to the saint's intercession, among other requirements. Father Damien's first certified miracle was in 1895. The second only came about in 1998 when Audrey Toguchi was diagnosed with terminal cancer. After praying to Father Damien, subsequent x-rays showed the cancer in her lungs shrinking, then disappearing.

(and no one had the nerve to suggest remission as an explanation)

And further, are there still people who actually believe that two miracle bullshit....IN 2015?!?! Surely some of you took a science class in school. 

And that is the first step, Boys and Girls. You see a chink in the armor and you put your finger in it, and very quickly the facade falls away and you are left with.....an eye opening, exhilarating, fresh look on life. You will not be disappointed. Please trust me on that.

What would you do if your doctor suggested that your cancer should be prayed for?

But we still pray to divert hurricanes and win wars. So very silly. 

Without one wit of proof. Good luck with that. 
That same bible talks of this kind of shit.
 And this kind of idiocy.
 You are smarter than that. I know you are. Just think of all the weirdness...weirdness you wouldn't tolerate in any other aspect of your life.
I know it's hard; giving up your world view for another.
 But just like the thousands of other gods, yours was made up for a purpose that was not divine.

But I wouldn't give a shit one way or the other if the believers didn't keep fucking with me.

But he still thinks women are second-class beings...

This is telling.
Even the most hard-core believer knows that the exact same percentage of prayers die in this or that disaster as normal people, yet they still do something that can be proven ineffective. 

 So silly.

 And the record of gods fading to myth is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT...excluding the present batch.

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.
 But it had god in it, so I included it.

For the first time in..oh, forever, I delved deep into my bog setting in an attempt to change my photo to this. 

No luck with that, but look what I found:

That's a lot of views. I was shocked.

On a personal note, Gentle Reader, my female bartender of many years has just become "involved" with another woman. I don't feel I am letting any kind of cat out of the bag because she posted it on Facebook.

When I left the bar today I held her hands and told her that my wife and I were happy that she was happy. I think she appreciated that.
As a sidebar, I was walking back into the bar as one gay man was leaving and his partner kissed him goodbye. Another guy nearby said, "Get a grip!", and I think that may have been the exact opposite advice he intended.

This whole gay-phobia or gay-loathing thing is completely irrational. Why, other than mere tradition and/or baseless superstition, would a person care how another person found pleasure and/or happiness. I take a deep breath every day in thanks that I have gotten over that nonsense.

I remember back when I used to hang out at the American Legion...not a bastion of liberalism...and a table was having a discussion about queers. As I walked past their table on the way to the bathroom, one of the guys said, "Let's ask Ralph what he thinks," and everybody looked up at me. Then I was asked what my take on homosexuality was. I said with a shrugged, "I'm an American. And Americans ought to be able to do whatever the fuck they want to do as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else."

One of the guys said, "But it's not natural."
I put both my hands on the table, stared the guy in the eyes and said, "I would like everybody at this table to raise their hand if when they were home alone, or with a young woman in a motel room or in the backseat of a car has not done anything unnatural."
Every man at the table rolled his eyes to avoid eye contact, pursed his lips and slowly nodded. That, Gentle Reader, was the end of the discussion.

Months and months later, one of the guys came up to me, reminded me of the discussion and asked, "What exactly did you mean by "unnatural?" I looked him right in the eye and said, "Did you ever try to suck your own dick?"

He just pursed his lips and walked off. I, of course, knew I had him. EVERY lad has tried to suck their own dick. I didn't give up until I threw my back out in 2011.

Now I am going to watch the US/Mexico soccer match...a must win for both teams. I find it much more than jsut exciting. So important that I dared not bet any money on it....yeah...THAT important.
UPDATE: It's now midnight...the latest I've stayed up for a long time...and it is tied up in double overtime. Be still my heart.
UPDATE ON THE UPDATE: Mexico beat us 3-2 at the end of double overtime. But in all honesty, they kicked our ass. I hope they take the whole shebang...I was that impressed with the way they played.

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