About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


One Of My Very Own…

  Obama's 2008 run at the presidency was remarkable and game-changing, drawing huge crowds, raising huge sums in small money donations, and mobilizing a massive army of volunteer campaigners. There'd never been a campaign like it, and none had matched it since -- until Bernie Sanders.
I think the man has a shot....if. And that is a huge IF. The young people who my generation have completely screwed have to decide, collectively, for once, to vote.
I know the term "Socialist" scares the shit out of many people, but here's my take. This country was not created for corporation, or inherited wealth, or special tax breaks for the people who make huge political donations, or the banks that completely, illegally screwed the world and our tax money bailed them out. This country...if it stands for anything...stands for every citizen being given an equal shot at success. We have veered from that goal and, by fuck god, it is time to put it back on track.
I am not about spreading the wealth around so that everyone ends up equal. There are some lazy motherfuckers in this country who have known nothing but bilk the system for generations. Fuck those people. I'm talking about the young people who are forced to go in debt for decades to get a degree....a degree that will make them better citizens...something I would think is an admirable goal.

I'm a gambling man, and my money is on sustained apathy. It's a proven winner.
I posit that there was a concerted effort to instill in Americans this fact...
I fell for it too, for a long time. Now I'm starting to have second thoughts.

Something tells me that he had issues far beyond dead ex-boyfriends. My guess is that he has, or he thinks he has, a tiny penis. Further, I think they ought to start collecting data on the penis size of wife beaters. I think we could all learn something from that.

Remember, there is always another side to every problem.
A glue-on...almost 100% certain.

Here in the capital of Notinamillionfuckingyearsistan...


World history is basically just Europe pulling a bunch of dick moves on the rest of the world.



Is there anybody out there who thinks the government is doing all it can to protect us from the foods we put in our bodies? I didn’t think so.

Kicker makes 3 point field goal off ref's head.

That is one of those clips that I had no idea that it would go viral, so you have all probably seen it already.
Deciding what to put in the normal section of a blog and what to put in the opening news section is a tough call for me. I don't always get it right.


I hope something good happens to you today.


Ever wonder what frostbite looks like?
Still want to go mountain climbing to prove your manhood?
But didn't his gloves fit nice.


Yongki, a 35-year-old elephant who lived at the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, was involved in patrols to protect threatened habitats and calm wild elephants. He was found with a blue tongue, and officials believe he was poisoned by poachers for his ivory.

I'm having trouble believing this, although it came from a rather respected site I visit regularly.
Maybe it's not so bad after all. Maybe.

There are two kinds of dogs in the world.


I wanted oral sex, but my wife wasn’t really into it, so we compromised. Instead, I didn’t get oral sex.

 Think about that. In all those years, not one of the sons (or daughters, I guess) wanted to be an artist or surgeon. Amazing.
It could be argued, of course, that with multiple offspring, only one had to become the next butcher, but that is a lot of generations, and the chances that ever butcher had enough children that one took up the mantle of "Next Butcher" is remote.
I think if we delved deeper we would find a cousin or two thrown in to maintain the "One Family" ownership.

When your friend who's a nurse sends you a picture of an escaped medical leech.

I found that photo delightful in that it showed a health professional being silly, despite that awful things she witnesses every day.

True Story Time: I told this story today and I want to repeat it to you now that it is fresh on my mind. I was teaching in an inner-city school (which means all black here in the South) in the poorest section of my city. One afternoon the principal called a special meeting of every teacher, lunchroom person, bus driver, etc and announced that a certain student was returning to class after this incidence: An eleven year old little black girl was kidnapped by three white men, raped multiple times, beaten within an inch of death, then thrown in the river to drown. Sound familiar? Yeah, they saw the movie also and just...followed...the...script. So in she walks and almost immediately the little black boys taunted her with names like "whore" and "slut". All I could do is bring the offending boys up to my desk and ask them, as a personal favor to me, to please not say things like that again. The next day, the little girl did not show up for school and I never learned what happened to her.


The nation-state hackers who stole 5.6 million+ records of US government employees (cough China cough) also took 5.6 million+ fingerprints.

What makes us assume it is Chinese? Hackers work normal Chinese business hours, take weekends and Chinese holidays off.
Although, if I were Russian or North Korean and wanted to frame China, I would do the same thing.

Guy on bike chased by bear...
I like how it ends right when he gets to the fork in the road...I don't really know why.
But the question begs asking: Why would anyone in their right mind ride a bike where bears are know to be? I mean, what would he have done if he came around a corner and the bear was in the middle of the road? Let's do the math: You are traveling 25mph toward a bear that is traveling 25mph toward you and to escape you have to stop you bike, turning it around and regain separation speed. Good luck with that.

The official term for "blue balls" is "testicular trauma", but don't ask me how I know that.

 Notice that her tube matches the wall pipe, only upside down.

Great costume...
That's funny as hell, especially when he pulls up the "other guy's" pants.


I don’t get drunk. I just get much funnier...and can dance.

Lion sneezes while being petted...by, I assume, a novice.

Backwards it looks like a breakdancer...

I should have thought of this...
 Police in Darmstadt, Germany, have confirmed that cut-up euro notes worth thousands, which have been found in various spots across the city, are real.
Me and that person should really, really get together for a beer.

Some of us saw this coming from the beginning...
I also remember the dictator in Syria warning the world that he was the one fighting the worse terrorists in the world (ISIS) and nobody listened. 

Normal people being creatively humorous. I like those people.


College is like unprotected sex. It’s really fun until you get tested.


But he won't, will he? Lazy prick. 

Multiple layers of bulletproof glass hit by RPG...
 It's called a shape charge and it works. It was designed to take out tanks and that worked well until we invented reactive armor, but those fuckers still shoot dozens of them at an Abrams Tank and never seem to learn that they are ineffective.
That kind of stupidity explains why they don't own a 500 year old butcher shop in England.

I limited my students to yellow, red, blue, white and black.
They were also discouraged from using pure red, etc. They mixed a unique color for whatever they painted. 
But remember, I started them mixing paint when they were in kindergarten and by the time they reached fifth grade, they could mix like a pro. Yeah, I was that good.

 I'll have some of what he had.
Many years ago there was a story of a drunk guy cleaning his guns and shot himself THREE times before he noticed. First with a .22, then a .32, and then he said the .357 hurt like hell.
I can well imagine.

Now go back and look at the two different expressions on each face.

Sounds kind of like bullshit to me.


You know that little thing inside your head that keeps you from saying things you shouldn’t? Yeah, well, I don’t have one of those.

I still remember the stir these photos caused.
 And it wasn't until years later that they found the modified pie tin in the man's attic.

Let's take a look at this again and sigh...
The pride one must have with kind of talent.


Weird how TV characters hardly watch any TV.

Think young people not voting...

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