About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, November 2, 2015

MONDAY #2510

One Of My Very Own…

I own one of these tissue boxes.
 Speaking of old things...

Marriage Stone - Cape Clear Island, County Cork, Ireland

Slain Roman soldier.

The skeleton called the "Ring Lady" unearthed in Herculaneum near Pompeii. 79 AD


 If I were ever on Jeopardy I would call Trebek the wrong name like I'd never heard of him. "I'll take Beauty Pageants for 400, Jason."



 The worst part about killing baby Hitler is when you come back and everyone says "who?" but you still killed a baby.

A dear law enforcement officer came to stay with me a couple of days. When he left, I walked him out to his car and noticed that he had a CB radio. He explained that when (not if) there was a cyber-attack and everything was shut down…even briefly…the CB would be the most valuable communication device. I tend to agree with him.


The tiny board, made from fossil ivory and ebony, flips up on wincy hinges to reveal 32 minuscule chess pieces. The ring itself is sterling silver, and there's only one of them, made by Arduosity, who notes "I can tell you it is impossible, near impoSsible to set up."

 You need to watch this again...


Not all early American locomotives were painted black.


70% of writing is writı



Night fishing in Hawaii, 1948


Cashier: Do you need bags?

Me: Do any of us NEED anything?
Cashier: Sir, I have a liberal arts degree too.
Me: Plastic, please.

 What a great idea.

 Military hand signals...
 That looks overcomplicated to me. I learned that to indicate 6 with one hand, you held one finger down; 7, two fingers down. You just add five to the inverted finger(s).


A guy told me that he told everyone his grandmother's last words were "I hope I see George," but she really said, "I don't like that nigger nurse."

When it comes to racism people say: "I don't care if you are black, white, or purple." I say you have to draw the line somewhere, so to hell with purple people.

Dear Gentle Readers, please don't be one of those people who think you can't make fun of black people, like their feelings are more fragile than Christians, Muslim, Rednecks, Wallmart shoppers, or the other people I make fun of. You are better than that.


The first time my wife asked me to change the baby I told her no, that I liked the one we had.

(she didn't think it was funny either)

I would like to meet this guy.

 I could watch this for hours...
 Did you notice the few who escaped injury?

Every single cat would kill you if it were big enough. Think about THAT when you are deciding between name brand cat food and the generic.



I bet the only thing more stressful than defusing a bomb is my wife watching me pack for a big trip.


 If you live on land that is flat as a plate, this must be terrifying.


If using your 4yo as a remote control to fetch things makes me a bad parent, then I'm a bad parent — a bad parent with an ice cold beer.



I made out with a squirrel at a party one time, and everyone was too terrified of me to ask why.



Uranium in a cloud chamber


 I've been married for over 20 years and my wife still hasn't noticed that I only give Magic 8-Ball responses to all of her questions.

A very close call...

A direct hit...


I watched a video clip of how they work together. The "mule" calculates the safest, shortest path using video from the flying drone. It was amazing.
I'm not sure why I found that so funny, but I surely did.

 That's a good idea.

You know my fascination with clocks...

And this one...

Kind of confusing, ain't it?

Central Park
Kind of looks like the border between the US and Mexico.

How Mexican food is digested.



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