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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


One Of My Very Own…


This has been around. Hope you haven't seen it.
Okay, maybe there is a god.

Paris. Yeah, I got something to say about that.
Hitler calculated that bombing civilians in England would sap their will to fight. He couldn't have been more wrong. Following the bombings even the peaceniks were transformed (almost overnight) into bloodthirsty hawks.
The England calculated (along with America) that bombing German civilians would take away their will to fight and/or their war making industry. Wrong. The war production actually INCREASED after the bombs started raining down on city centers.
Then the US calculated that if you fire bombed enough civilians in Japanese cities that they would just give up. Wrong again.
When attacked, don't seem to get more fearful...they get pissed off and demand retribution. I expect the same thing to happen in France. Another player has entered the game.
But it was probably ISIS' expectation to frighten France into non-participation in the Syrian ordeal. I predict, just as has been the norm, they have miscalculated pitifully.

Now let's change gears. France has complete open borders. You can drive from any country in Europe into France as easily as you can drive from your house to a neighboring state. I predict this is about to change.
But then you have to think about US borders. Within reason, anybody who wants to can just walk into America. Think about that. We have killers by the tens of thousands who would like more than anything to become a martyr like those in France, and we not only allow them to simply walk across the border, it has been advertised for years how easy it is and yet we have not taken effective steps to stop it. I am not saying I want to build a huge wall like Trump. I am saying that something needs to be done about the problem.
On 9/11, one of my first thoughts was that surely my government would get control of its borders. I was wrong.
I am no more anti-immigrant than I am anti-Mexican. I don't give a shit where you came from, I just want you to at least have to give your name to the authorities when you arrive. You know, have a background check like I have to do when I buy a gun.

This Paris inspired symbol has been credited to Banksy, but at least one source says he didn't do it.
It is, however, right on point and extremely powerful.

You should know that here at Folio Olio, the Executive Director of Insuring Quality Humor has had the week off. His replacement, the seventh grader from next door, did the best he could, but be forewarned that I’m pretty sure he dropped the funny ball numerous times.



A guy told me that he was on one of those motorized safaris when they saw a group of giraffes. He said that it was like Giraffic Park and everyone laughed except the tour guide. So minutes later he said it again, and again the guide ignored him. The guy asked if he didn’t think that was funny, and the guide said, “I’ve listened to that exact joke every day since the movie came out.”



Draft picks. That was a very clever crossword clue I came across (no pun intended) the other day. I would like to share what to consider with such a clue.

1.   It could refer to pro sports recruiting.
2.   It could be beer and such...ales?
3.   It could concern the Selective Service and being drafted into the army...Aone?
4.   Or…none of the above and something else that only really good crossword solvers like me would figure out.

_ _ _ _ four letters.



Draft could also refer to animals that pull wagons or such...draft animals. The answer is OXEN.



In my youth, the local TV weatherman was named Everet Holly. During the station's Christmas part on air, the sports guy said, "We were going to deck the halls with balls of Holly, but Everet resisted." And that is a true story.



Orion’s belt is just a waste of space.



If 2/2/22 falls on a Tuesday it could be called “2’s Day.”



Priest: Repeat after me.

Groom: After me.



I don't smoke anymore, but I stand near people who do so I can look second-hand cool.


It's the guy who fixes doors...

Guy did this shit just to fuck with people...


Me: Where's the camo gear?

Clerk [winks]: Exactly.


That's pretty clever. 

Guy knows how to mess with the police...
I always favored O0O0O0O.


If you can't handle me at my Walmart, you don't deserve me at my Target.



Weed is not a drug it’s a plant; therefore I’m not a drug user, I’m a florist.


 Did you see his nametag?

 I know I've posted this prior, but that's hilarious.

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