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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

SUNDAY #2523

One Of My Very Own…

What the interweb has to say about it...

And in rebuttal...

Iranian Cartoonist Hadi Heidari Creates a Beautifully Heartfelt Illustration Dedicated to the People of Paris.

On most of my regularly visited sites, there are things like this...



Filipino politicians have decried an alleged blackmail scheme by Manila airport security officers, who are said to drop bullets into passengers' luggage and then demand cash payouts to stay out of jail.

 That's in Florida and I think it's a good idea.

"I taught them everything they know, but not everything I know."

The Daily Life of Gods II, Alekey Kendokov

A caveman elder was asked where the first man came from and he said that The Great Cave Bear vomited in his hand and formed the first man. Then he was asked about the first woman. The elder said that the Great Cave Bear took a wad of his shit and formed woman, but he didn’t notice the acorn mixed in with the shit and that’s why woman are a little nuts. And all the men laughed. The women didn’t laugh. They weren’t allowed in the elders’ meeting, cause they are nuts.
Then there was an Inca elder who was asked why the rains didn’t come and he said it was because the Great Volcano Spirit likes virgins. So they started throwing them in the volcano.
Then a Greek elder was asked why bad things happened and he blamed it on the gods that live up on top of the mountain.
The Egyptians, Romans, Japanese, Chinese…all of the elders had stories that answered every question they were asked about life and living. But all of the stories had one thing in common. They were all just made up by some guy whom the other members of the community respected.
But you know that. You know that for tens of thousands of years people have been bullshitting other people with silly stories that couldn’t possibly be true. Then one day you, yourself, are told a ridiculous story and just like all those other people in all those other cultures, you fell for it. Now if someone, like me, tells you that we are not born with sin because some rib woman was talked into eating a magic fruit by a talking snake, you will defend it til you death…just like all those other people who really, really wanted to know the secrets to life whether they made sense or not.
To sum up: You know that every one of the thousands of religions on earth (except yours) was just some story made up by some guy who had something to gain from other people believing his story. But you will not allow yourself to even entertain the thought that the outlandish story you believe was fabricated? 
You are smarter than that...I know you are.



 Well, who could have any questions with such an answer as that?

The kid has never been exposed to anything else.
 But there is a way out...

 Want to make a bet? Seriously, let's put that shit to a test.

Mechanics recreate Renaissance paintings

I would sure like to meet those guys.

Now this is the way to reverse protest...


 BULLSHIT! Show me where that rib woman fits into evolution, you nitwit. And how, when, and where did god come from? Did he just pop into existence out of nothing?






The 'Wicked Bible' misses out the word 'not' in the Seventh Commandment, resulting in the sentence 'Thou shalt commit adultery' and inadvertently instructing readers to have affairs in order to obey the word of God. The auction price is set at £10,000-£15,000 ($15,447-$23,170).


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