About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

SUNDAY #2530

One Of My Very Own…


Images you may not have seen.

I guess I wasn't the only one to appreciate the genius of that one little symbol.

 What an astute observation. 


 Read that again.

They make a taxpayer provided salary of $174,000 a year.


Let's rank religions as to the likelihood of them killing us. Off the list would be the Amish, Mennonites, and probably Rastas. Why Rastas? Cause if a friend said, "Let's go killed some people," they would all reply, "What?" 
I would delete Pastafarians just because I am one and I have never heard of one killing anyone. 
You could probably put Catholics toward the top because any organization that has so many of their leadership fucking little boys, well, murder is not out of the question.
By definition, no atheist has ever killed in the name of religion. They might kill the shit out of you because of your religion, but not because of theirs...think KKK and Nazis.
And what was the religion of the guy who killed Gandhi? Well, put it near the top just because...damn.
That Shinto or whatever religion they have in Japan should go toward the top of the list just because I'm still pissed off over WWII.
If the Inca and Mayans were still around....but I digress.
What about native Eskimos? You never hear about them killing anyone. Do they have a religion of their own?
I'm not going to even attempt to complete the list. I'm sure you get the point. But....

There are more police cars in the slums because that is where the most crime occurs. The police would be foolish to do otherwise. It can't be profiling if you stop 100% black people if during your shift you SEE ONLY black people. So, right now, today, do you want the limited resources of the FBI equally divided between the Muslims, and the Amish, and the Mennonites, and....

You know exactly what the threat is, so don't play all politically correct fuck games. There are innocent Muslims in Syria right this very moment who we are bombing the shit out of. Don't play all high and mighty with me. You want the threat gone, just like the rest of us, and calculated targeting is the best way to do that.

Thanks for your patience. Now go buy a gun.


4:30 today.
My Packers need this win desperately.



Not in a million fucking years.
What do you think? Truth or Dare? Or did the poor bastard lose a bet?

But don't her lips fit nice.

That man could cover his dick with three fingers.

I've seen enough porn movies to know where that will end.

Poor man's backpack?

 And he looks exactly what I thought he would look like.

If this man is not a Mexican bandit he has missed his true calling.

I saw these goofy glasses in a movie last night.
Then I came across this guy who has a fishing show on TV. 
Here are some of the things that happens when you are filmed damned near all day, every day.
 I once had a trailer hitch like that and I must have done that exact same thing a dozen times.
Resilient bastard ain't he?

 Ever seen sumo wrestlers race?
 Neither had I.

Watch the ref... 
"And what say you, good fellow?"

Now, let's switch beers...I mean, GEARS...

Guy tells you the car he is selling can go from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds, you demand that he prove it. The examples of that kind of applied logic are endless. You say you can heal people at tent meetings? Come on down to the hospital and prove it. You say your prayers actually work? Come on down to the emergency room and prove it. Don’t be a sap. Oh, you’re not allowed to put god to the test? How very, very convenient.

I know as a fact that every human being on earth has...pleasured themselves. But to a manipulator, this is their opening to their control. You are smarter than that.


$5,273 is the average cost of an engagement ring in 2015. 

 Have you believers ever thought about the coinsidence of the offering to your god is also tasty? Oh, you say, we don't do that anymore...but Jesus did the whole sacrifice a he goat or some such shit.


That guy has a great science show on TV.

Fuck you, Andrea.

 I couldn't have said it better myself.

 Do you understand how powerful that passage was for keeping the slaves in their place? And poor, black, undereducated blacks are the most religious people in America.

There are real, breathing people who actually believe that this is a real possiblity.

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