About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


One Of My Very Own…


A 'Road Closed' sign is placed next to a portion of Vasquez Canyon Road, near Santa Clarita, California, USA, 20 November 2015, that buckled and was pushed up by a reported landslide.


Five shot at Black Lives Matter protest; white gunmen sought.

 You want a race war, cause that's how you get a race war.


Read carefully...



A viewer emailed that he found it telling that I asked everyone to pray for my Green Bay Packers.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Unless they're darker than, say, beige." - Statue of Liberty.

Okay, I have shown you heat welding before...
And I found it very impressive.
This is linear friction welding of wood...yes, wood.

The interface between two timber boards is heated by a fast and short oscillating frictional movement combined with pressure. The introduction of heat energy leads to a thermal decomposition of the polymeric compounds in the wood cell material. The chemical products of this degradation process form a viscous layer of thermally softened material, which hardens when the friction movement is stopped and the interface is cooling down, while a certain cooling pressure is applied.

Basically, the two pieces of wood are now one.


The Anne Frank Foundation -- a Swiss nonprofit that supports children's charities and provides a stipend to gentiles who hid Jews during WWII -- has claimed that Otto Frank, Anne Frank's father, is the legal co-author of her diaries, a move that will have the effect of extending copyright on the diaries to at least 2030.



I hope my liberal use of made-up words doesn’t make you discomfortable.

How clever.


I bought my wife an elephant for the living room. She said, “Thank you.” I said, “Don’t mention it.”

That reminded me of something that happened during Gulf War I. They showed camera footage of a truck on a bridge that drove right through the crosshairs of a guided bomb, and as soon as he was through a 2000 pound bomb took out he bridge. Everyone was calling him the luckiest guy in Iraq, but I think the concussion wave probably fucked him up pretty badly.

 There must be some sort of treaty that prohibits nets, but look at the guy in green who seems not to have figured out the whole concept.

 Excellent observation, but wrong conclusion. There are many, many reasons to avoid women's bullets other than gender.


He made it out of the lens of a laser pointer, a bobby pin and two rubber bands.
He took these photos. 
George Washington's face on the dollar bill.

 The eye of a baby on a box of diapers.


Disney Thinking:
"How about if the villain is a psychopath out to make a skin suit?"
- Not in a kids movie, dude.
"Ok, but it's puppy skin?"
- Oh, then YES!

Yeah, I'm sure he is as smart as he looks.


The first time I got to second base with my wife she had crumbs in her bra.

I love telling my young friends that I'm so old, my first TV was made out of wood....WOOD!
My dear friend, Susan, still has a TV very similar to that. 


If you ask a police dog if he's a good boy, legally he has to tell you.

 From such events whole religions are formed. The Jews celebrate a lamp staying lit a little longer than normal.

Bow hunting is always a thing of beauty.


This is the Thunder .50 BMG pistol, created for hunting wild refrigerators hiding behind brick walls.
 This is the bullet it shoots.

The interweb can't seem to get enough of this guy...


My wife doesn’t have birthdays anymore. We celebrate the anniversary of her 29th birthday.



I once told my daughter that I invented oatmeal.


This was a gif that wouldn't load. What you are looking at are a dozen or so men crammed into a "safe" cage, but the bull didn't think so...

Please consider this...


Guy I know was talking about going back home for Thanksgiving with all the drama. He said the last time his feminist sister said, "Dad will you use your white privilege to pass the gravy?"

 Speaking of killing...

There are millions of people spending billions of dollars for this.
 That's what you get for flunking math.


We are gathered here today because SOMEBODY *glares at coffin* couldn't stay alive.


 Neil replied...


I want you to think of this picture (which is not in Alaska) and think of my young freiend who drove a four-wheeler pulling a supply wagon down hundreds of miles of Alaskan trails so he could repair anything that needed repairing. Oh, and he took his girlfriend.


If someone walks in on you hatching your evil plan, just tell them you were rubbing in some hand moisturizer. 


 I finally found an image exactly like that sidewalk I saw one time. The young frogs tried to hop across the wet concrete only to become trapped.
 But contrary to the image above, the one I saw had dozens. Here is the only picture I could find of tiny frogs migrating somewhere or another...

When I see this kind of resolution, I stand in awe of what our spy satellites must can do.


My wife once offered to flash the young man at Hardee’s for a bacon biscuit.



If I'm lying but not wearing pants, what catches fire?

What a humane thing to do...


Did you know that sweet potatoes and yams are two entirely different things? Sweet potatoes come from tropical Americas and yams come from Africa and Asia. And they don’t even look alike. Yams are brown with a white pulp. Look it up.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Guilty as charged.

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