The public art with the most positive responses on the interweb.
My wife did not call me cry baby. I made that up.
You find shit like this on line all the time...
Here's the way it really is. First, imagine you have everything that IS art is
in a box, and I mean everything that could possibly be considered Art with a capital A.
Then one day some one does something outside the box.And maybe that someone is Matisse, or Picasso or Pollock. Then the box just expands to include the new art.
It has been that way since forever and it will always be that way. There will also always be people who try very hard to keep the box the exact same size that they are familiar with. We call these people losers.
So, with that in mind, I give you "CCTV Overload"...
Oh My Gogh!
I glanced at a mug of pencils and immediately saw this face...
I see things like that all the time. There is a pizza commercial on TV that briefly showed a graphic slice...
The (again graphically) the slice is added to a whole pie...
But the edge pepperonis don't line up. Shit like that is unforgivable.
I am very careful not to trouble people with any of my problems. I am so concerned with this rule that when asked how I am, I never say fine. I say something like, "I've never been better." It helps if you say it with a smile. And I'm very good at smiling.
Come to find out, these things are sitting around all over the world.
That tells me that the property owner preferred the memory to the cash return of the scrap metal.
Monty Python and the
Holy Grail's censor negotiation letter from 1974.
Tuna are warm blooded.
The great tumbleweed migration of 2015...
"Susie, have you been
smoking pot again?"
"All roads learn to Rome" is a construction by an artist I don't know, but I know I like it...
^Major US Cities
^Finally Rome
Speaking of roads, if they ever build the link over the Bering Strait, this could really happen...
Speaking of maps...
Most popular word used in
online dating profiles by State.
You think that's true?
Can you remember how exciting your first kiss was?
Rosemary. I haven't thought of her in years, but...well, I guess it's time for a story.
Every morning I wake up, get my coffee and walk out on the back porch where awaits my wife. Every morning I make her smile. Yesterday, I walked up to her and said, "Just for today can I call you Rosemary?" She laughed, as was my aim, but then she said, "Why Rosemary?" Then, and only then, did I recall that she was the first girl I ever kissed. And for you people who wonder why I would ask my wife that question, you don't understand the power of absurdity. Trust me. You can never go wrong with absurdity.
And if you find a girl who will get naked on the beach just for you, then don't let her go.
Y'all need to write this shit down?
(Y'all just for you, my dear friend)
Guy throws shoe to scare wild monkey from his motorcycle...
That's amazing. And his buddy with the camera never even thought of helping in the attack. He was probably too busy laughing his ass off.
Never understood all the concern over concussions in the NFL when this is allowed to continue...
Whoever said ‘only God can judge me’ seriously
underestimated the Internet.
Have no idea what this is, but he's pretty good at it...
When my wife and I got out, I say, “I’m not with her” more
times than I should.

I stuck my hand into a coin-filled fountain and used $3.99
of other people’s wishes to by a burrito.
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