About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


One Of My Very Own…

An unusual football story...
 No, not that one.
In my last football pool, not one point was made from a single upset pick. Not. One. And remember, that is right after that girl got 50 points by picking upsets.
So it has come down to a tie between the manager of my bar and myself if there is not an upset tonight. If Dallas manages to pull off a miracle and wins, I win, but otherwise we have an over/under of 42 1/2 with me taking under. Wish me luck.

 I think the science community has done an awful job of explaining the whole climate "debate" so that the average citizen can understand...clearly. Sure, the oil companies may be mucking the water for that very purpose, and if that's true it is very effective. Talk climate change with the average VOTER and they just shrug and say "I don't know."
I will expand this condemnation of science roll in not using their pulpit to debunk the vaccination bullshit.
I think it's time for all science people to quit spending so much time securing funding and use much more of their power to spread sanity.
Thank you for your patience.

Is this true?
Daylight Saving Time does not actually reduce electric demand, as it was created to do. Additionally, it shatters delicate sleep schedules, leading to upwards of $400 million in economic losses each year. DST has also been linked to traffic accidents, heart attacks, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and commuting snafus.


I’ve always wanted to be called in to help a police sketch artist and then see how long it takes him to realize I’m describing him.



My wife is a hard person to Christmas shop for because I never listen to a word she says.

 Just want to remind the world that this happened.

How does a person with only one hand cut their fingernails?

 Believe it or not, that's about the way I felt.

 How could that be true?

 Columbia University awarded a doctorate to Nick Sousanis for Unflattening, a comic book about the relationship between words and pictures in literature.
Why the hell not?

 It's called juxtaposition and it is a good thing.


There ought to be a period service similar to Uber, that delivers tampons, flowers, crab legs and chocolate.


Pixelated,  by Kamil Mirocha

 Not computer work. Those are small 3-D panels.


It turns out "Flasher" wasn't one of the reindeer and I'm being asked to leave this holiday party.


That won a photo contest, so I doubt it was manipulated.

 Okay, that one speaks to me of surfaces old and decayed juxtaposed with smooth and young.
But what the fuck do we make of this one?
"Look at me, Look at Me. I'm the Captain now."


You can thank chins for proving two is not always better than one.


 So you are a great engineer. What are you going to do with all that knowledge?

An attempt at solving the world's largest Rubik's cube (22x22x22) was live streamed today. This is how it ended.

Countermeasures for heat-seeking missiles...

Knitted touchscreen gloves for just $10

This is an interesting weapon.
They know exactly how long the rocket motor will burn, and the distance is totally controlled by the angle of the tubes. Oh, and they carry a hell of a punch. 

Transporting a gas turbine

A $40,000 drone.

Thermal camera, 2 mile range, weighs 18 grams...not exactly your typical hobby store drone.

An answer sheet designed to prevent cheating.

Those bastards!


 If "The Breakfast Club" were filmed today, it would be a silent movie about 5 teens looking at their phones.


 Why therapists stay in business...

Watch this carefully...
 Are you raising children like that?

And if you are raising kids, show them this.

Those anger management classes were worth every penny.

What a wonderful man...


If your drug dealer is on time, it's a cop.


Behold Karl.

Laziness personified...

The next time you cat people get in an argument with a dog person over which one is better, show them this...

The dog is me watching all those young drinkers walk out of the bar after their 21st birthday party.


Watching Jeopardy backwards would be about a panel of 3 people asking Alex Trebek questions that he always gets right.


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