About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


One Of My Very Own…

I have started a file for my Christmas Day post. It will be awful, but it will give you something to do while taking that morning shit.
Then I came up on this most powerful image and didn't want to lump it in with that other crap.


One of the most important maps of the Civil War was also one of the most visually striking: a map of the slaveholding states, which clearly illustrates the varying concentrations of slaves across the South. Abraham Lincoln loved the map and consulted it often; it even appears in a famous 1864 painting of the president and his cabinet.


I whisper “What the fuck” to myself at least 20 times a day.


That seems to me to be something each of us should have...just in case.
Diesel motors work the same way. They have no spark plugs, the fuel just exploding under extreme pressure.

Speaking of good ideas, that silver box is a 12DC to 110AC converter. You just plug it in your cigarette lighter and/or power port.
I used one just like that to collect my pallet wood. I would drive to the site and just cut the +-24'' boards off. I made all kinds of stuff from them.

Did you notice that the stair step slant DOWN!


If I'm not mistaken, this is a Silver Point Da Vinci.
Have you ever noticed that if you scratch a ring on a piece of paper that it will leave a gray mark? Well, I once owned a pencil made of silver and could make sketches, that, amazingly, gets darker with time.

 Street Art I can live with...


I always assumed high heels were only to be worn long enough to walk to the bedroom. 

 - says a woman I know

That in some places this child could go to jail.
I will repeat, if you have never tried marijuana then shut the fuck up. You simply don't know what you are talking about.


The only known fossil of a human anus. They deduced that he/she must have sat in the damp mud.

 "My granddaughter was staying with us. She came in my room crying because she'd heard a noise, and said a man came running out [into the street] with something up his jumper. When we got to the upstairs window he was totally naked, trying to sit on the towbar of a campervan. It was disgusting. She's 15."
And this is what a campervan towbar looks like.

I call that dedication.

Saw this art installation and wasn't that impressed, until...
...I watched the accompanying film. This is

'The Key in the Hand,' y bChiharu Shiota's, and is my habit, I post anything made of keys because keys and I go way back.


My wife and I are into S&M. She sleeps, I masturbate.



If you like airborne fecal matter you'll love my wife.

We have at our disposal, the most powerful tool ever made by man.
Source: http://bestreviews.com/electronics#evolution-of-the-desk
Our children should be the smartest of any generation, but what do we use this tool to do?
Mostly we use it to distract ourselves.
Speaking of, this is how they made selfies when I was growing up.
 That is why almost all self-portraits look like the artists are left handed.



We have all heard about ghillie suits, designed to blend in with the environment perfectly.

Can you spot the snipers in this photo? I'll give you a minute.

I guess that's why you don't stand behind it.

Here are those snipers...


Even if you're single, always blame a declined credit card on your fictional spouse at the register.

Note cows just going about their business...

 In the UK, winds of Storm Desmond causing a waterfall to fly away.


Just gave a homeless man $5 because I know what it's like to be sober.



75% of a Scandinavian park ranger's job is rescuing black metal bands that get lost in the woods shooting album covers.



I saw my wife's number on a couple of men's bathroom walls. It was in her handwriting.

Another guy painting people in front of stuff.
But he traveled all over the world, to almost every major historical site...and it was all tax deductible.

I can remember seeing the old Burma Shave signs along the highway, and we always got very excited reading them.

I don't think so.


I once suggested to a young artist that he might want to experiment with using words in his art. This is not one of his, but he did a grand job and I even bought one.

Neon, Massimo Uberti


I have no problem eating something that fell on the floor, so I get it, restaurant employees.



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