About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


One Of My Very Own…

 Mcfeat recently posted to Facebook that a traditional Kyrgyzstanian horse sausage known as chuchuk, which was being served to his co-workers at a holiday party, was actually a "special delicacy, the horse's penis." His co-workers complained to authorities and he was arrested. Mcfeat, who is currently being held by police, could face racial hatred charges punishable by a jail term of up to five years, it said. A British embassy representative confirmed that officials were in touch with both Centerra and the local authorities over the matter. Following the uproar, the Briton deleted his remarks and posted an apology on Facebook, saying he had not meant to offend anyone.

Just so silly.




GUY 1: Yeah but my folks smacked me and I turned out OK.

GUY 2: So you think it's fine to hit children?
GUY 1: Sure.
GUY 2: *leans in real close* Then you didn't turn out OK.


It is hard to look fierce when...


If you got your tongue stuck in a mouse trap, you would start pronouncing it “mouth trap," and that is also what it would be. And that is pleasing.

Cool re-use, but if you were a young person who stumbled upon this abandoned bobsled track, would your first thought be…I think I will spray paint some fat letters on the side of this thing.


Okay, I get having your asshole tattooed by a total stranger...
But I be damn if I would bring along spectators!


This looks kind of fun.


The interweb is miffed that Leo hasn't won an academy award.


Are all the guys in a boy band singing about/to the same girl? If so, that’s a little creepy.

If that is true, then here's my take. You have this huge web of stuff that looks like the universe is completely filled, but if we were able to rotate this web and look at it from every angle, then there just might be dozens of ways to look through to the other side.


How, uh, windy was it...


Check out his smug expression...
Did you notice the Mercedes emblem?


If you could literally be bored to death, I bet the world would be a lot more interesting.


The games men play...


Every survey is skewed toward people willing to participate in surveys.


First female driver in Kabul.


This deserves another view...


No matter where you go... there you are.


What hell did he think would happen?


Early Marijuana PSA.
If only. And that was suppose to STOP kids experimentation?

God I hate it when that happens.


Mom's not convinced this is her daughter's first shot.


Doctor: Do you play any sports?

Me: Does sex count?
D: Of course.
Me: Then no.



Nothing is more horrifying to a parent than finding only the Sharpie cap.

Games women play...



This is a doormat...


If dueling made a comeback many people these days would be a whole lot less "offended."



These were found on Mars and the UFO fans are going nuts...
I will agree that they are strange, but there is a huge gap between strange and proof of alien intelligence.
If I'm not mistaken, the dark shape crossing the object is the path of that dust devil at the top.
Anyway, they are comparing those to these in Death Valley back here on Earth.
They keep reporting that those stone's movement is completely unexplained, but that's not true. It doesn't rain often there, but when it does it rains a lot, with ground wind speeds clocked at 75mph. The water wets the surface turning it into an almost zero resistant sheet. Couple that with the wind and...


No, this is real. It takes up a lane and a half.
Who owns such a ride? Oh.
A guy too rich to argue with.


I am a man and I was once an early school teacher. Rare thing that.


Two guys were talking about the way modern girls will give you a blowjob or do anal, but they don't do straight intercourse.
So the one guy brags that he's been getting such sex since he was 14. And his buddy replied...


Not to walk on all-fours, that is the Law; and the Law is there to reduce the number of self-inflicted transorbital lobotomies.


Sad, sadder, and saddest mail truck.


Being old means that from time to time you fart so hard you throw your back out.


My main man Mr. Rodgers...


I enjoyed the look on this thing's face...


You know you have a drinking problem when the bartender knows your name and you’ve never been to that bar before.


Space Junk since 1957
My daughter is building a satellite that will orbit the sun.



My wife got a new super-duper router Wifi capable of covering the whole neighborhood. I named it “Get off my lawn.”



Do you want a cup or a bowl?

That’s probably a good idea, otherwise it will just run all over the table.

A magic mirror...
But what about the inspiring message at the bottom...


Congrats to those of who made it onto my "Not An Asshole" spreadsheet in 2015.


1 comment:

Ninja Grrrl said...

Before this moment, I was alone in this world. But now I walk with a friend. I never knew anyone else who pulled their back out from farting extra hard. Are you my spirit animal? It was the most embarrassing thing I immediately told everyone I knew. Well, other than a partial rectal prolapse, which I announced to my friends by googling pictures of prolapse porn so my announcement could have a certain special something.

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