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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 26, 2016

FRIDAY #2625

One Of My Very Own…


This is the perfect music for a Friday. Have a great weekend.

It is almost a certainty that Trump will be on the ticket come November. This despite the whole Republican machine being against him. I think that (finally) people are so fed up with the bullshit that we call national governance that they would vote for anyone who is outside the system they despise so much. I see the same thing in support for Bernie, but, of course, from the other side of the political spectrum.
But here’s what worries me. Trump will be on one side of the ticket with Clinton in opposition. Everybody hates Clinton. She plays the system like a violin and she is just about as big an insider as you can get. And the outcome is a President Donald Trump.
The only hope to avoid such a disaster is that you don’t get to be Donald Trump without a whole bunch of skeletons in your closet and a whole bunch of people who hate you and would like nothing more than to rat your ass out. During the run-up to the general election expect every smarmy thing the man has ever done to be brought out into the light of day.
But then, that still leaves us with another President Clinton.

God help us.

Two guys I know we can trust…

He called her a "tailless, old, insane bitch," a "senile old woman" and a "murderous demon" destined to meet "a sudden and violent death." And  a "prostitute" and said she lives on the "groin of her American boss."
        Why is this man still alive?

I don’t get sappy often, but please bear with me.

My grandson has brought me pure joy. It’s hard to explain how enamored I am with his every gesture. Oh, my own kids left me in awe, but this next generation tad has so many options ahead of him that it saddens me that I didn’t take better care of myself so I would have longer to be his mentor. Thank you for allowing me to share some of him with you, Gentle Reader, and I mean that.


It's not difficult to tell crocodiles and alligators apart. One will see you in a while whereas the other will see you later.


My wife doesn't like when I give our neighbors nicknames like, "Red Head," "Jolly Girl," and "The one I nailed in 1981."

Word on the street…

My wife said, "I think I might have a shower." I walked down the hall and shouted, "Yep, it's right here."

Baby monitors can be hacked
Predictably enough, accounts are now surfacing of voyeurs and griefers who are using these capabilities to spy on, and taunt babies.

Speaking of fucking with babies…


A road sign warns drivers that they may encounter pedestrians who are deeply absorbed in their smartphones, in Stockholm, Sweden.
I write often about self-awareness and the grand survival skill it is to us; passed down to us from long dead ancestors. Now, we seem to have abandoned it altogether.


I post images like this to remind you that the German people were not born blood thirsty monsters. They had to be taught to be blood thirsty monsters. Please, think for yourself.

This was what Niagara Falls looked like in 1969 – and now, officials plan to dry out the area again.
The New York State Parks Department will vote today on temporarily rerouting the Americans Falls to the larger falls for six months so it can replace two 115-year-old pedestrian bridges.


 In a survival situation, you can drink your own urine. Fortunately, my Wi-Fi came back on just as I was filling the can.

Not all dogs are meant to be sled dogs.

People that say "God never gives you more than you can handle" never met my wife.

Jurassic lacewing fossil vs. modern butterfly
The spots, of course, is an effective survival skill; looking like giant eyes of a larger animal.

This is a very real tattoo, and it is extraordinary.

Just think, in 10 years you're going to wish you look as good as you do right now. Assuming you're still alive.

 - inspirational

I haven’t presented any Painted Ladies in a while.
You long time viewers might remember that it used to be a regular feature here at Folio Olio.



Turns out there isn't a single sexy explanation for having a fork in your bed.

Thinking like that is flawed. That amount of wood will only hold up just so much weight and then it gets extremely unstable.

I have experienced that exact same thing and it’s true.


Me: Thinking of using pizza rolls as a pizza topping.


OJ Simpson’s Daughter, Sydney, 22 Years After The Bronco Chase

She’s just big boned.

8,345 years and that's the real calculations.
But I’m wondering if that calculation took into account the amount of evaporation that would occur while that spit sat around for a few thousand years.

'Low Pixel,' by Toshiya Masuda

Those are made out of clay. How wonderful.

I’m not real sure why these correlations fascinate me so much. Sorry.


I never knew most of that, but my wife will identify most of the areas. She loves New York.


Meanwhile, On The Menu Of A Seedy Thailand Sex Club


My wife just found a pill in the bottom of her purse. She has no clue what it is, but is real excited to take it and see what happens.



 Superman could have become a doctor, using his x-ray vision to detect life threatening tumors. But no, we really needed another journalist.

A Quote: “The excessively small mouth is easily kissed, and at times is far less satisfying than a good mouth-filling pair of lips.”

Breathing underwater, Jason deCaire

 Awe inspiring.

Show of Hands, New York - Tigran Tsitoghdzyan
I’m very impressed.


Never order vegetarian in Texas.


I think it is flexible.

An unexpected class reunion occurred inside the unlikeliest of places. The judge and the suspect had once been playmates at Middle School.

Psychologist: Let's play a word association game. I'll say a word, you say what springs to mind.

Me: I hope the bartender at the American Legion dies in a fire.


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