About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


One Of My Very Own…


Music to stroll by…

Scientists Build the World's Tiniest Rotary Motor. How tiny? Only 40 nanometers tall…molecule by molecule. 
Here's the details if you are interested:

NASA says a new form of laser-based propulsion could get us to Mars in just a few days. They have a detailed video explaining it all on their site, and the inventor has already been  awarded a proof-of-concept grant from NASA.
Here's the article:

Are you a writer, musician, or visual artist who wants to share your talent with the entire solar system? Here's your chance: NASA is now inviting members of the public to send their works of art to an asteroid in space.

71 years ago
That’s less than one lifetime.

I never ceases to amaze me that when I joined the Air Force the war had be over only 19 years. I mean, it was still fresh on the mind of most people.

And open question to the world:
Several weeks ago I had Russian viewers that rivaled US viewers in sheer numbers. Then in one day that number dropped to zero (0). Now, they are back in spades.
The question is, is it possible that the Russian government blocked Folio Olio for a time? Or could it be a system snafu, or...what?

ME: Four barns and your finest noble please.

CASHIER: Get out, Ralph, we don't need your shit today.

The Godfather, Francis Ford Coppola’s 1972 adaptation of Mario Puzo’s novel, is widely considered one of the finest films ever made. In addition to the powerful performances by Marlon Brando and Al Pacino and Coppola’s innovative and influential direction, the film benefits from shooting in authentic locations in Sicily and New York City.
Back when storytelling mattered.


I judge people who have one of these in their shopping cart the exact same way I judge reality TV viewers.



The only exercise this month I've done is running out of money.


Don't be this guy. 

Been thinking a lot about death and dying lately.

Circumstances do that to people.
But I don’t fear death so much as I fear losing control of my mind.

Read this.

I used to think that going to visit someone who gets upset because they don’t remember whom you are was rather selfish. Then I had lunch with a wonderful young woman today, and she explained it marvelously.

This wonderful caring person told me this story. She loved her grandfather very much and when he was put in the home with Alzheimers she would go eat lunch with him every day. I protested with the above argument about torturing the guy when he tries to remember you, and she just smiled, and explained. Here’s what she said:

“I would just show up with my lunch and walk up to his table and ask, Do you mind if I join you? Sometimes he would say no, but most times he would say yes. Then we would just talk about whatever it was he wanted to talk about. But then every couple of months I would walk up to his table and he would smile real big and call me by name…and that made it all worth while.

You have to hand it to creative people.
I know that there are creative people who do things besides art, but I think you will agree, most of them do it for money. This cane carver did not get paid.

(I find the choice of words very funny.)

People who think outside the box…
A roll of duct tape works better and it won’t slide around.


I wonder if a murderer has ever crossed my path, contemplated murdering me, and then thought "nah".



People who wear pajamas in public have not given up on life; they are living it to the fullest.

I know you young people don’t believe it…I didn’t when I was younger, but it’s so very true.

A tip of the blogging hat to alert viewer Abby for emailing me this…


Instagram would have been a good name for a weed delivery service.

But after all these years and the number of weird people in the world, how often do you think a new search occurs?

Don't you just hate it when this happens?



In the NCO Club at my Air Base in Germany, Soupy Sales put on a show. After the show he came out among the tables and pulled up a chair to my table. I’m assuming he chose my table because there were several beautiful women sitting with us. He only told one joke at the table and this is it:
An aide came up and asked when he would be ready to go and Soupy asked, “Where’s my coat?” And the aide said, “I laid it over there.” And Soupy said, “I’m glad something is getting laid around here.”
And he gets paid to be funny.

This is a bigfin squid, found at a depth of 7828 ft
Imagine the life forms elsewhere around the universe.

Want to guess what these are?
Our sun with different filters.

Magnetic North


She said she hates my analogies and wishes I would communicate like a normal person, but that's like telling a samurai not to use his sword.



Overheard a woman telling another woman "It's $150 and she supplies all the turtles" and whatever it is, I'm in.

Did you notice the tree?

I tried to teach children how to shade like this.
None of the students got the point.


Genuinely stunned France has adopted the word "wifi" rather than "le signal librement accessible sans l'utilisation de fils."

The old rubber thumb cover trick.

And not a single fuck was given.

COP: Can anybody else describe the suspect?
JOHN LENNON: He got feet down below his knees.

COP: Anybody else?

This is how my wife uses the gas station restroom.

I would never allow a McNugget in my mouth, yet I eat these. Go figure.

Some times I post some absurdity and just sit back and watch as everyone cautiously forms a circle around it, looking confused while prodding it with a stick.

(think my hatred of Oort Cloud)

The ultimate protest vote. Sorry it died out so quickly.

The old stick on the power line trick.

I haven’t posted a movie out take in a while, but supposedly shit like this happens all the time.


Uma Thurman is the only person to ever have been named by someone with a mouthful of food.


1 comment:

Ninja Grrrl said...

Your comment about the Oort Cloud caused me to google the shit out of it. And yes, I'm one of the people and wrote and you and said, um, was that a joke? I spent several hours trying to figure out WHY it made you mad. Yes, I am that girl. I'm a lot of fun at parties as the one who doesn't get the joke. Hey, I laugh at me too, why not. Life's too short not to be tickled by my own silliness.

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