About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 29, 2016

MONDAY #2628

One Of My Very Own…


This was my breakfast Sunday. It don’t get any better than that.

Now some political bullshit I will, more or less, allow to speak for itself.

Trump Graffiti Makes It’s Way To Bristol, England

I for one, wish the boy all the luck in the world.



Yes, that is exactly who you think it is.

I once worked in a warehouse and would have to ship massive fan belts. Some of the industrial kinds were two inches thick and 20' long and DID NOT want to fit in any box.
Then the old pro taught me the trick. You lay the fan belt out on the floor, lean down and grab it with two hands, palms up about two or three feet apart, then flip it in the air and as it falls you place one hand over the other with palms down. That, Gentle Reader, is how you get them coiled like the picture above.

Another person releasing trapped methane. I bubbles up from the bottom and is trapped right below the ice.

Speaking of ice, here is an excellent illustration of a previously posted Tree-Pit.


I hope the next big trend in music is talent.

Standing this close to a race track is insane.

Young people of today will never know the joy of having a cassette stuck in your old car's stereo and listening to the same 12 songs for 7 years and 5 1/2 months.


Visualization of a massive distributed denial of service attack against vidolan.org, makers of the famous VLC video player. Visualization generated with Logstalgia. 

A Voice over IP server launches honeypots (green circles) to defend itself against malicious scans (red dots).

During a period of 10 or 20 minutes Youtube (red circle bottom left) was able to defend itself against the bogus routing of Pakistan and reclaim the traffic. During the period of hijacking possibly some tera- or maybe even petabytes of video traffic were not delivered to internet users.

Regular suspension: $500. Bose suspension: $17,000.

I post this 3D pen some time ago.

I wondered how long it would take before an artist got their hands on one.

Got a kid? Buy them one of these.

Here’s the website.


Let’s see a stupid cat do this.

Marriage: It's a way through which two people join together to solve the problems they never had before.

This looks so otherworldly.
Old Communist Headquarters Bulgaria

We have a new contender for "Not My Fucking Job"
A beer can would have had the same effect. Just sayin'.

Let’s take another look at Mr. Cage before he became famous.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Unless that beholder is your mom cause we all know that don't count.

I’ll let this speak for itself.


Today as a Random Act of Kindness, I trimmed my nose hairs before I went to the bar.

How refreshing.


Half the people; who follow my blog are waiting for the nervous breakdown; the other half follow; because they're easily impressed by semicolons.

Many years ago the Supreme Court ruled that the government had the right to record the addresses of your outgoing mail and the return addresses of your incoming mail. It was stated that as soon as you put it in a mail box you had no right to assume any privacy rights.
Similarly, you send a signal off through the ether, you MUST assume that somebody could and would record it. Sorry, but I agree. You want privacy? Send them a real letter.

Not to brag, but when I was in Germany I had a lot of German girlfriends. Several times I would ask them to explain various cartoons and such from magazines. I would just look at them and say, “That’s not even funny.” And most of them agreed with me.

Just another reason I don’t ski.


 Imagine meeting the person of your dreams and then finding out they use cutlery to eat a burger.

Saw a huge photo collection of a model train set-up.

Often a banana was added for scale.

Then I came upon this image.

With that one little addition he created a Oh Shit moment....drama, if you will, with the addition of the bear.
The names on the rock is clever.

Speaking of animals on the roadway…
Good goddamn, I didn’t know there were that many sheep in the whole world.

Speaking of Oh Shit moments on a highway.
That stuff still blows me away.

As does this.
Dear conspiracy theorist, after seeing images like this, I’m surprised the building stood as long as it did.

What must it look like on Saturn.

(and I know there is no surface)


Most terrible life decisions are fantastic drinking opportunities.

Educational levels and its equivalent country
That has pissed off a lot of people.
(I wouldn't swear those are all correct, but it is kind of nice to think about.)



Buttholes are like pockets. Like you can store stuff up there if they are not too big.

This is a real thing now.

#1 “I must go, my people need me!”
#2  “I hate to eat and run."
#3  "What happened to Fred?"
(that last one has to do with their 4 second memories)



Anonymous said...

Tell Bernard, that if you lift the cap on social security you will be paying 40% of that persons salery when they turn 67 till they die. The rich can afford to live a long time

Ralph Henry said...

I'm sorry it's early in the morning, but I don't understand. Here's what I think it's similar to:
In South Carolina they imposed a special tax on new car sales with the thinking being that if you can afford a new car, then you can afford a couple hundred dollars to fix the roads or whatever. But they capped it at $300, so my Toyota's tax is the same as your top of the line Mercedes even though it costs three times as much.
I think Social Security ought to be a flat out percentage of ones income. Is that a bad thing?

Anonymous said...

I think what the previous anon is saying, you get out what you put in. The rich guy would get all the money back when he started to collect. Isn't that how it's supposed to work? A forced retirement plan?

Ralph Henry said...

So why not call it a Retirement Insurance Policy? You pay your premiums to protect you if you can't afford to survive when you get too old to work. Just like auto or home insurance, if there are no problems then you do not get your money back. For example, Bill Gates.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Sir Ralph tax them up to their maximum income on social security but then put a means test on the payout.

Anonymous said...

The rich will change how they get paid. Like stocks so they will pay tax only when they sell or take a dividend and no fica. You wat a fair tax have a national salles tax on everthing but food from grocery stores and rent and medicine. I live on a couple of mil i inherited and its in a plain savings account pays .05%. Fuck the poor bastards.

Ralph Henry said...

I have long supported the federal sales tax. It could be adjusted weekly if need be to keep the same money flowing in. It would tax bank robbers, drug dealers and big bankers who have five lawyers and an equal number of CPAs to make sure they pay no taxes. You buy something, you pay the tax.
Now I understand that there must be exemptions. I am not sure about that, but haven't given it much thought. Why should the poor family buying beans and flour pay the same (0) tax as the family buying pounds of caviar and goose liver? Same with rent. Exempt rent and that 1 million a month Fifth Avenue apartment goes untaxed. I agree with medicine exemption.

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