About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


One Of My Very Own…


My now dead father-in-law, the Marine Captain.

On Saturday, a falling meteorite is thought to have killed V. Kamaraj, a bus driver at Bharathidasan Engineering College in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. A four-foot crater is under investigation near the campus cafeteria (image above). Three others were also injured. According to NASA, there's no other documentation “in modern times of any person being killed by a meteorite." Indian Institute of Astrophysics scientists are examining debris to determine if that's what happened here.

She had two prior convictions for violent crimes decades ago, she faces a mandatory minimum of six years in prison because the judge had no options.
Yes, Gentle Reader, we are over-criminalized.

Don't believe me? Try this one...

But this guy…fuck this guy…

Want to learn some history? Short but rather informative.


I found this to be oh, so true.
During family reunions we used to show all the films my father took over the years. We called it the Jimmy Show, but cause out of eight reels, the other four children have a total of about two minutes. 


This goes on in every restaurant, I think.
Azure is the posh restaurant Intercontinental Hotel Toronto Centre, where the menu boasts "BC salmon" (which turns out to mean "boned and cleaned" not "British Columbia"), "freshly squeezed" orange juice (comes out of a bottle that boasts that the oranges were freshly squeezed before bottling), and some out-and-out lies, like calling boxed Quaker Harvest Crunch granola "organic granola" and store-bought salad dressing "home made."


Cosby approved...


Has your tax preparer ever pointed out that not only the number but the names of your dependents are different than last year’s?


These are called the Stairs of Death, and not for the faint of heart.
 Sorry that I don't know where they are...but does it really matter?


These more or less speak for themselves.


Have you ever bet real money on which raindrop will reach the bottom of the window?



This is a real place...

Another view...


*comes home from poker night earlier than usual looks at wife while picking up the dog and leaves without saying anything*


Just another reason I don't get on motorcycles...
But if you think about it just right, the fatalities in the non-helmet bikers is cleansing the gene pool...don't you think?


I couldn't agree more with this...
But I do understand the euthanasia opponents. If you allow a sick person to more or less kill themselves, then you are one step closer to someone or something making that decision for you....think Nazis. 


Just another reason I hate surprises.


Relationships are easier if one of you is a beer.


I don't post many foodstuffs on my blog, but this pork stuffed pineapple looks great...

Why did you wake me up?
I wanted to see if you were asleep.

 - parenthood (and you can’t get upset)


Monkey In The Trunk security...


What's your stance on public intoxication?



Forgive me for the repost, but I find it smile producing...


I think this is the one most extraordinary building ever built.

Seeing this is a little off-putting.


My wife and I are into role playing. She pretends to be hotter and skinnier and I pretend not to be a Nigerian prince in an internet cafe.


Robot That Can Solve A Rubik's Cube In 1.047 Seconds

And besides thinking an shit, now they can overcome obstacles...on their own. 

 Oh, what have we wrought?


 And he was banned for just that.


Things said to be true...


"What if a third team came and attacked these two teams?" - my wife, not understanding football/making football more awesome.


The vagina game is strong with this one...


Finally, some good news...


Little known fact: Arizona's state flower is pavement.



I don't listen to "modern" music, but I will take this man's word for it...


My wife ate the whole box of slim fast bars, now she's excited about how skinny she'll be tomorrow.


69% of the alcohol sold in the UK is sold to "harmful," "hazardous" or "increasing risk" drinkers, accounting for more than 60% of the industry's revenues. The number of alcohol-related hospitalizations in the UK has doubled in the past ten years, to more than 1m/year.

I once read this:

Alcohol, because no good story began with milk.
I beg to differ.


Read this article...

Here's the findings:

 Well, I hate to brag...........so I won't.


 I find that mildly satisfying.


Whale on the beach - nothing too new...

But I haven't seen this type of whale beached before.

Question: If the poor thing is dead anyway, how could a person resist taking some of these teeth? I would.

LATER: The very next day I ran across this image...

Notice how they have put up a rope barrier. What's up with that?


SON: [With apple on head] Dad, what ever happened to my three younger brothers?

WILLIAM TELL: [Aiming arrow] ....Chicken pox.




Ninja Grrrl said...

I have to disagree with Dave Grohl on the state of modern music. He reminds me of Socrates' "kids these days" speech. There is amazing new music being created in every genre. Full disclosure, I'm a 52 year old white girl who listens to everything but opera, and that includes country, classical and rap. Good music is good music,and my taste is rather broad. And I will defend rap music. I'm not a fan of hey ho suck my dick kind of songs. But men like DMX were a revolution unto themselves. I learned more about everyday life for my darker brothers and sisters in my own country from listening to this man. We are all more aware now as police brutality has become a national disgrace, and we should be aware. All we ever had to do was listen.

Borys said...

You posted a gif with a guy hanging at a dangerous height (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-d86bxPzGUuM/VqE63W7TgsI/AAAAAAADK68/snW_zaFIi5I/s1600/HHH.gif).

His name is Mustang Wanted. He is a roofer from Kyiv, Ukraine. He did an arty performance that you might like.
After Russia started the war with Ukraine this guy went to Moscow and climbed one of its highest buildings in Stalinist style with an huge ugly golden start on the top (common symbol of USSR totalitarianism, which is very popular in Russia nowadays). He painted the top part of that star into blue, so that it resembles the colours of the national flag of Ukraine.
During any war Russian propaganda aggressively puts down anything that has to do with a country that Russia invades. It is hard to describe how powerful and symbolic it was in minds of the people brought up in USSR, especially during the war with Ukraine.

But it is not the end of the story. Russian officials and propaganda had to reduce the effect of this performance. So they arrested 4 random parachute jumpers in Moscow and blamed them (quite common situation in Russia), to hide the fact that Ukrainian did it and to reduce the connection with Ukraine in such a way.
Mustang Wanted contacted on of Russian propagandist channels, claiming that he has filmed how the star was painted (never saying who actually painted it). So he sold the exclusive rights for that video for 7 days to that channel for $5000. He donated the money to the Ukrainian army. After 7 days he released the full video in social media to ruin the story about parachute jumpers painting the star.
In such a way he 1) made and arty performance, 2) unmasked another case of Russian propaganda 3) supported Ukrainian army by the money he got from Russian propagandist channel.

In Ukraine people are still arguing how the guy is able to walk having balls that big. I bet, there is a special department now in KGB created to eliminate this guy. =)
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Ralph Henry said...

I would like to thank you very much for sharing that with me and now my viewers.
What an amazing young man he must be.
I am posting about your comment in tomorrow's news section at the beginning of my blog.
Thank you, again.

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