About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


One Of My Very Own…


I thought that very funny…NEXT WEEK – CRUZ..



Tonight the US soccer team must win to make it to the World Cup. Think about that. A World Cup without America. Boggles the mind.
(later entry...much later: We won 4-0 and only a missed off sides and it would have been 5-0. I'm starting to think the game was fixed.



Today's scrolling music...


Satan's greatest trick is convincing you he's not real but there's a quality drop-off after that. No. 2 is pretending his thumb is your nose.



Wooden sculptures by Peter Demetz
Notice how these pieces are much more than just the figures...
He has managed to capture a moment in their lives...

More art featuring the human form…

This was titled something like Monument to the Every Man...


I have a dead friend who once told me that when about to go out on patrol, troops like him would gladly carry belt after belt of the machine gun ammo in case they got ambushed.
For you people who know nothing of war, that's called common sense.


Men and their paper airplanes:

Speaking of soccer, this is how they played in the good old days...


Flash Flood / Debris Flow Southern Utah

Who in their right mind would stand IN FRONT of a flash flood....ON PURPOSE?!?!


Forever 21 Just Pulled A T-Shirt That Excuses Rape 

Who’s in the politically correct hot seat today? Forever 21, that’s who. They just finished pulling this shirt off their online store. Is it pro-rape? No. Is it a rape apologist shirt? Vaguely, yeah. Was it probably designed by some freelance designer, only to be reviewed by a low-level employee with no business making marketing and design decisions? You bet.


Those zany goats...
Notice the black cloth to keep it in the cage.


Well... Maybe just this once.


Fun With Lemons....

I want one of you people with children to try to do this with them watching...

And then let me know if it worked.


That's one sick fuck.



The Leidenfrost effect is a physical phenomenon in which a liquid, in near contact with a mass significantly hotter than the liquid's boiling point, produces an insulating vapor layer keeping that liquid from boiling rapidly. 

Due to this ‘repulsive force,’ the droplet hovers over the surface rather than making physical contact with it. This is most commonly seen when cooking; one sprinkles drops of water in a pan to gauge its temperature: if the pan's temperature is at or above the Leidenfrost point, the water skitters across the pan and takes longer to evaporate than in a pan below the temperature of the Leidenfrost point (but still above boiling temperature).


I think this is a wonderful idea...

Speaking of dogs, there must be a Rule 39 for dogs also...


Don't have a camel toe like all the other girls wearing yoga pants? Well the free enterprise system has come to your rescue.


My wife hasn't shaved her legs all winter, so I had some fun...


Keep your eye on the lower right quadrant and watch a small astroid explode in our atmosphere.

What are you listening to?
The Who
You're listening to Yes?
No The Who
Oh I like them
No not Them. The band is The Who.

The Band?


Just another reason not to set foot in another one of those vile contraptions...
It was explained that he did this ON PURPOSE as some sort of sadistic good bye to his home base.



I'm extremely grateful that spiders don't scream back.


R.I.P. Wile E. Coyote


One Of My Very Own look-a-likes...


My fortune cookie read "I peed in your fried rice" and it was hand written.


The psychological profile is actually a pretty big deal for such missions.


Fathers and the pranks they play...

And here's what every father looks like when he has mischief on his mind...



Italian names sound delicious. Even Mussolini, sounds like a fried cheese that ends up oppressing your digestive process.




These sumbitches nailed it.


As stated previously, my first wife was a concert pianist specializing in Chapin.
Once I owned a bar in Myrtle Beach, SC and she worked at an upscale restaurant. Well, one day the piano player at the restaurant couldn't make it to work, so the boss insisted that my wife play that night. 
Now imagine sitting at a grand piano in front of dozens of drunk people and playing classical music. They all laughed at her and she came home in tears.
Fucking Americans.


Here's a couple I think I've posted before...

Entrance to a subway is the shape is that of a German tramway car, depicted as emerging from underground in Bockenheimer Warte, part of the Frankfurt Metro line.

Wife and I are going out to eat tonight, which means I need to start practicing apologizing to waiters with my eyes.


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