About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, August 4, 2016


One Of My Very Own…


You've all seen this by now, but what this clip doesn't really show are the people walking around it...curious like.

My wife would want a closer look. I, on the other hand, would go directly to a motel and watch it on the news.


The best thing about being married is that there is always someone to tell you what's disgusting.

You want Mature Content, well here is some Mature Content...

My wife got a Fitbit for the sole purpose of proving how many times I wake her up in the middle of the night by snoring.


Today I bought a cupcake without sprinkles. Diets are hard.


What kind of ninja sorcery is this...

Ground control to Major Dawg...

Damn, dude...

That expression.

That's actually a very good idea.

Meanwhile in India...

Meanwhile in some damn place...

I'll see your soccer stretcher mishaps and raise you Brazilian Paramedic Training.

And I'll see your raise and raise you...

Marriage is like a video game. Starts off easy, then gets harder, and eventually you go online to find a way to cheat.


500 elephants find new home in massive African relocation.

That's good news, right?

If there are no dogs in heaven, then I want to go where they go.


The next time I'm at a crowded event I'm going to identify with whatever bathroom line is shorter.


America has got to get it together. Are we going to SWIPE or INSERT our fucking credit cards? I'm tired of looking like an idiot.

Want to guess what this is?

Pattern for the hobnailed Roman marching boots.

When older people say that 'times were simpler back then' they're really just recalling a period of their lives before they became aware of the complexity of things.

Microburst in Phoenix.

Those things are freaky, man.

The word shitstorm has now made it officially into German dictionaries.

Never fail to buy a drink for a woman with a hair tie on her wrist. She's thinking ahead.

Cool thing to look at...

A pen that draws dotted lines...

The best part about self medicating is the low co-pay.


In spring, 2015, American farmers started to spread the word that John Deere claimed that a notorious copyright law gave the company exclusive dominion over repairs to Deere farm-equipment, making it a felony (punishable by 5 years in prison and a $500K fine for a first offense) to fix your own tractor.


What must the future hold?


Well, that explains a lot.

There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity.


This outstanding citizen just got arrested for triple homicide.

Go figure.


(do other countries not have garbage disposals?)





This file was much too large to upload, but it listed every single nation on earth as to how close it matched a rectangle. Yeah, someone did that.
Technology is so awesome.


I have no idea what this means, but I still liked it.

Did you notice that thing in the background?

As a child, Superman could hear the Kents having sex in incredible detail...every time.


In recognition of students who are “sensitive to noise,” a primary school has banned clapping and cheering at school events. Instead of clapping and cheering, students will be prompted by teachers when it is appropriate for “silent cheering,” “pulling excited faces,” and “punching the air.”
“Teachers have also found the silent cheers to be a great way to expend children’s energy and reduce fidgeting.”

This kind of shit happens to art students every day.

A "Humans" episode of How Its Made would make for a hilarious sex ed video.


Fuck those bastards.

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