One Of My Very Own...


A few more Trumpisms...



Was sent an article proving that some laboratory monkeys do, in fact, trade food tokens for sex.
Participation Trophy Generation? Who handed out the trophies?

"May your old acquaintances be forgotten and never brought to mind."
- Anweisen Busch
Children making a kite out of paper money, which is rendered virtually worthless by a period of post-war hyperinflation in Germany, 1923.

But wait, there's building blocks.

If you owe foreign governments billions in war preparations, it's time to devalue your currency.
Muhammad Ali with young fan in a diner, Florida, 1970.

This is only a few short years after the Supreme Court confirmed a black man's right to do such a thing.
Miss America contestants, circa 1920s.


After a long plane ride, let me just crouch in stilettos, put the fear of God in my older child while holding my younger on my legs -- in a dress and hat in front of foreign dignitaries -- and then gracefully stand up without falling over.
If she had a deck of cards and owned a brewery, then all my vices would be covered.

(note nakedness)
Amsterdam - no rails, no fence, no nothing to keep you from turning your vehicle into a fluctuations. You guys have serious parking skills.

Sikh NYPD officers now have the uniform option of full turbans.

You may ask why they are allowed to do that but these are forbidden...

I has to do with proving you are who you say you are.
Vietnam POW returning home to his family.

Then fine people like the above are besmirched by this egotist...



For generations Americans have been known for their ability to always come up with a Plan B. But not anymore.

Our war on drugs proves that we learned NOTHING from prohibition. There are solutions to our drug problem that does not require the mass incarceration of its citizenry, but we have been brainwashed into thing it a criminal matter instead of a health issue.


She was a JAT Yugoslav Airlines flight attendant when her plane exploded mid-air in 1972, sending her hurtling toward earth in the tail of the aircraft. Her miraculous survival remains the record height for surviving a freefall without a parachute.
Several factors attributed to her unlikely survival: the tail of the plane was relatively intact, and it passed through trees before landing in heavy snow.
A damaged Berlin living room is turned into a makeshift balcony, 1946.

Engagement photo


That's got hermit written all over it.



For generations Americans have been known for their ability to always come up with a Plan B. But not anymore.

Our war on drugs proves that we learned NOTHING from prohibition. There are solutions to our drug problem that does not require the mass incarceration of its citizenry, but we have been brainwashed into thing it a criminal matter instead of a health issue.


She was a JAT Yugoslav Airlines flight attendant when her plane exploded mid-air in 1972, sending her hurtling toward earth in the tail of the aircraft. Her miraculous survival remains the record height for surviving a freefall without a parachute.
Several factors attributed to her unlikely survival: the tail of the plane was relatively intact, and it passed through trees before landing in heavy snow.
A damaged Berlin living room is turned into a makeshift balcony, 1946.

Engagement photo


That's got hermit written all over it.
I told me bartender that when I was a kid I was outside all day until dark. She said that the batteries on cell phones must have been a lot better back then.
This is why you never open a hot door during a building fire.

A bachelor party seems more appropriate after a divorce than before a wedding.
This is why you never open a hot door during a building fire.

A bachelor party seems more appropriate after a divorce than before a wedding.

Online relationships - For when you want to be disappointed by imaginary people, too.
Prince Rupert's Drop vs A Bullet
Prince Rupert's Drops (also known as Dutch tears) are glass objects created by dripping molten glass into very cold water.

The glass cools into a tadpole-shaped droplet with a long, thin tail. The water rapidly cools the molten glass on the outside of the drop, while the inner portion of the drop remains significantly hotter. When the glass on the inside eventually cools, it contracts inside the already-solid outer part.

This contraction sets up very large compressive stresses on the surface, while the core of the drop is in a state of tensile stress. It is a type of toughened glass.

The very high residual stress within the drop gives rise to counter-intuitive properties, such as the ability to withstand a blow from a hammer on the bulbous end without breaking, but experiencing explosive disintegration if the tail end is even slightly damaged.

It's cool to jump out of bed and realize you are already dressed to run to Walmart.













People today are so afraid of gluten. I could rob a liquor store with a bagel.

A sculptor friend of mine used to rent an entire warehouse and throw a hell of a Halloween party. All the guys and most of the girls just used peed in the alley along the tracks. He had a large trailer with draft beer, serve yourself, so you can imagine the level of intoxication.
I offered to help him clean up one year and we through away hundreds of cups of near full beer. The problem was that when a couple decided to dance to the live band they had to set their beer down, and when finished all the beers looked the same, so it was easier just to pour another one than to try to figure out which one was yours.
The next year I suggested selling the cups for one dollar each and giving the money to charity. Each person then put their name on the cup with permanent marker. Problem solved.
At a certain miles of usage, train cars were pulled off the track to have their grease pads replaced. But they found that a great percentage of them didn't need the grease pad replaced as it was almost like brand new. It had to do not only with mileage, but tonnage of loads, curviness of tracks traveled, as well as weather fluctuations.
Well, the indication that the grease pad needed changing was excess heat to the axle, so a very smart man simply drilled holes in the axle and put in a turkey timer. One glance told them if it needed replacement.

"If I don't make this right hand turn going exactly 3 mph, the entire universe will explode & everyone will die."
- My Wife

To quote the article: "President Jimmy Carter’s national-security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, was asleep in Washington, D.C., when the phone rang. His military aide, General William Odom, was calling to inform him that two hundred and twenty missiles launched from Soviet submarines were heading toward the United States. Brzezinski told Odom to get confirmation of the attack. A retaliatory strike would have to be ordered quickly; Washington might be destroyed within minutes. Odom called back and offered a correction: twenty-two hundred Soviet missiles had been launched. Brzezinski decided not to wake up his wife, preferring that she die in her sleep. As he prepared to call Carter and recommend an American counterattack, the phone rang for a third time. Odom apologized—it was a false alarm. An investigation later found that a defective computer chip in a communications device at NORAD headquarters had generated the erroneous warning. The chip cost forty-six cents."
Expectations vs. Reality

Roald Dahl's garden shed writing nook where he wrote many books, including Charlie and the Chocolate factory, 1979.

FACT: If you can trick a British person into saying "fortnight" they have to become your butler.
Two kids on a fat loss vibration plate.

You know that feeling when the vegan in the workplace suggests replacing donuts with fruit.

For my newer viewers of which there are many...more than I ever dreamed possible...

If I'm lucky, the seat belt I put on every time I get in a vehicle will continue to be useless.

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