One Of My Very Own...



I lost over $1500 on one football game because you people didn't pray hard enough for me.

Obama sure is waiting until the last minute to take away everyone's guns.
This person forgot to wear their safety glasses.

Don't be like that guy.
Provocative seatbelt ad...

Meanwhile, what passes as Russian entertainment...

The old touch-a-bear-on-the-face-while-it's-being-fed trick, and without even asking the handler if it was a good idea. We call that cleansing the gene pool.
Bitch got off easy. But I do have one suggestion. Shouldn't all "domestic" bears be de-clawed?
I would love to live near this...

Life is too short to pretend you don't like getting choked during sex.

I don't know exactly what that means, but it seemed to fit in this section.
I was reading a photo-essay of New York City in the 1970s and stumbled across this...

"Once the borough of choice for the middle class, the Bronx bore the full brunt of 1970s white flight."
Is that supposed to mean that without white people then everything goes to shit?
Like in many US cities...

Think Chicago.
Americans are pretty good at just making up religions wholesale...from scratch.

That guy actually told everyone he was going to invent a religion, then he did it and got tens of thousands of followers, even though he stated that he was solely motivated to make lots of money.
Then there was that Smith guy who made up a story so ridiculous that people thought that nobody could have made it up. Example 1: When you die you get your own planet to rule over.
Contrary to worldwide opinion, only a small percentage of Americans take their politics seriously. Most of us don't even vote.

This is that young man's Tinder profile:

And from that you can glean that we Americans are all poets.
Americans are extraordinarily easy to manipulate. Many years ago McDonalds placed very convenient trash receptacles near the door and we are so nice we...CLEANED OFF OUR OWN TABLES!

Now, as evidenced above, we POLICE OURSELVES! Now if you don't bow to our corporate overlords then you will be hated by the ones who do. Brilliant. Fucking brilliant.
We also kill ourselves too often.

Then there are assholes like me who share jokes about it.
I'm not a big fan of the government telling me what to do, but then there are problems screaming out for attention that receive no interest. Consider wet wipes.

Wet wipes are marketed as "flushable", but they are not. Not only do they clog home sewage pipes, but they are costing cities millions from the damage they cause due to mainline sewer clogs.
I would suggest making a law that every box sold in America must display a huge "DO NOT FLUSH" warning that covers half the surface area, front and back.
Some times we Americans let the inmates take over the asylum.

"Colleges have always exposed students to challenging and uncomfortable ideas. In fact, some university boards and administrations now bow to pressure groups, and shield students from these ideas through "safe spaces", "code words", and "trigger warnings". This is, in my view, a terrible mistake. The whole purpose of college is to learn how to deal with difficult situations; not to run away from them. A "micro-aggression" is exactly that: micro. But in a macro sense, one of the most dangerous places on a college campus is the so-called "safe space" because it creates a false impression that we can isolate ourselves from those who hold different views."
Said to be Iranian special forces repeatedly failing to break a flower pot.

How very, very embarrassing.
I would assume they had done this a thousand time and then right before the high-level demonstration somebody changed vase supplier.

And maybe that's why you have malaria and I have pizza.
Seriously, haven't we already decided that eliminating half the brains because of an accident of birth was a very bad idea?

Even though they have found eye witnesses, mass graves, and photographs showing it happened, still denial.

Yeah, he probably stays up nights worrying about it.
I like transitions like these...

Rare books in a controlled environment cabin at the oldest library in Istanbul - Beyazit Public Library.

Oh, the treasures it must hold.
I'm not always hooked on a feeling, but when I am, I'm high on believing.

I asked my wife to play a naughty schoolgirl in the bedroom. She came back with a forged note from her mother saying she doesn’t have to participate in class today.

God, I love absurdity so.
Interesting how Alzheimer's makes people forget their own name; yet they always seem to remember that they're racist.
(That is actually worth research. I assume that the name part of the brain is damaged and the racist part is not.)

I so want that to be true.

I'm going to try that.
If you're expecting a baby boy and your last name is Rowave, I've got a great recommendation for a name: Mike.



I lost over $1500 on one football game because you people didn't pray hard enough for me.

Obama sure is waiting until the last minute to take away everyone's guns.
This person forgot to wear their safety glasses.

Don't be like that guy.
Provocative seatbelt ad...

Meanwhile, what passes as Russian entertainment...

The old touch-a-bear-on-the-face-while-it's-being-fed trick, and without even asking the handler if it was a good idea. We call that cleansing the gene pool.
Bitch got off easy. But I do have one suggestion. Shouldn't all "domestic" bears be de-clawed?
I would love to live near this...

Life is too short to pretend you don't like getting choked during sex.

I don't know exactly what that means, but it seemed to fit in this section.
I was reading a photo-essay of New York City in the 1970s and stumbled across this...

"Once the borough of choice for the middle class, the Bronx bore the full brunt of 1970s white flight."
Is that supposed to mean that without white people then everything goes to shit?
Like in many US cities...

Think Chicago.
Americans are pretty good at just making up religions wholesale...from scratch.

That guy actually told everyone he was going to invent a religion, then he did it and got tens of thousands of followers, even though he stated that he was solely motivated to make lots of money.
Then there was that Smith guy who made up a story so ridiculous that people thought that nobody could have made it up. Example 1: When you die you get your own planet to rule over.
Contrary to worldwide opinion, only a small percentage of Americans take their politics seriously. Most of us don't even vote.

This is that young man's Tinder profile:

And from that you can glean that we Americans are all poets.
Americans are extraordinarily easy to manipulate. Many years ago McDonalds placed very convenient trash receptacles near the door and we are so nice we...CLEANED OFF OUR OWN TABLES!

Now, as evidenced above, we POLICE OURSELVES! Now if you don't bow to our corporate overlords then you will be hated by the ones who do. Brilliant. Fucking brilliant.
We also kill ourselves too often.

Then there are assholes like me who share jokes about it.
I'm not a big fan of the government telling me what to do, but then there are problems screaming out for attention that receive no interest. Consider wet wipes.

Wet wipes are marketed as "flushable", but they are not. Not only do they clog home sewage pipes, but they are costing cities millions from the damage they cause due to mainline sewer clogs.
I would suggest making a law that every box sold in America must display a huge "DO NOT FLUSH" warning that covers half the surface area, front and back.
Some times we Americans let the inmates take over the asylum.

"Colleges have always exposed students to challenging and uncomfortable ideas. In fact, some university boards and administrations now bow to pressure groups, and shield students from these ideas through "safe spaces", "code words", and "trigger warnings". This is, in my view, a terrible mistake. The whole purpose of college is to learn how to deal with difficult situations; not to run away from them. A "micro-aggression" is exactly that: micro. But in a macro sense, one of the most dangerous places on a college campus is the so-called "safe space" because it creates a false impression that we can isolate ourselves from those who hold different views."
Said to be Iranian special forces repeatedly failing to break a flower pot.

How very, very embarrassing.
I would assume they had done this a thousand time and then right before the high-level demonstration somebody changed vase supplier.

And maybe that's why you have malaria and I have pizza.
Seriously, haven't we already decided that eliminating half the brains because of an accident of birth was a very bad idea?

Even though they have found eye witnesses, mass graves, and photographs showing it happened, still denial.

Yeah, he probably stays up nights worrying about it.
I like transitions like these...

Rare books in a controlled environment cabin at the oldest library in Istanbul - Beyazit Public Library.

Oh, the treasures it must hold.
I'm not always hooked on a feeling, but when I am, I'm high on believing.

I asked my wife to play a naughty schoolgirl in the bedroom. She came back with a forged note from her mother saying she doesn’t have to participate in class today.





If Donald Trump enacts a law saying baby strollers cannot be more than twice the width of the babies in them, I will vote for him in 2020.





If Donald Trump enacts a law saying baby strollers cannot be more than twice the width of the babies in them, I will vote for him in 2020.

God, I love absurdity so.
Interesting how Alzheimer's makes people forget their own name; yet they always seem to remember that they're racist.
(That is actually worth research. I assume that the name part of the brain is damaged and the racist part is not.)

I so want that to be true.

I'm going to try that.
If you're expecting a baby boy and your last name is Rowave, I've got a great recommendation for a name: Mike.

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