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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

SUNDAY #2940

One Of My Very Own...

That was awful. Let me atone...

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Chain of Fools

This song always makes me think of John Travolta in "Michael" and that great dance scene.

My all time favorite song to dance to.

Ten years ago, who would have thought this buffoon would be embarrassing us on the world stage every fucking day?

The wife and I survived Snowpcalypse 2017.

Oops! Somebody made a typo...

And the insensitive oafs on the internet had a ball with it...

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do!" I shout as I stab my political opponent to death.
There was an experimental 'Biosphere2' that took place from 1991-93 to prove that life is possible in isolation from earth's biosphere.

It was created by a group of environmental fanatics / improvisational actors who had no concept of how to design an experiment. They also ignored all advice from experts, such as “Hey your crops need this kind of soil to grow” or “Don’t use UV-treated glass or all your bees will die”. And to top it all off, these untrained people were the ones who lived inside the biosphere, rather than choosing a group of people who were psychologically stable and/or suited to the tasks required.

The system quickly went unstable.
And the Experiment was a failure.

However, despite all the trouble, there were some pretty interesting results.
After the bees died out, cockroaches and then ants (both of which had breached the “seal”) took over pollination of plants.
It was discovered that trees basically require wind to push them around while they grow, so that they gain structural strength, otherwise they’re unable to support their own weight later in life.

Haven't posted an odd headline in a while. I hope this passes your odd enough criteria...

I remember the awesome day I learned that the condom only goes on the shaft and not pulled down to cover the testicles.

Guy's name is Herblock and most of his stuff is still relevant today.

Doctor: Are you sexually active.
Me: Yes.
Doctor: That's disgusting.


Some fools will try to use that to debunk global warming. So very, very frustrating.

There is something extraordinarily satisfying about a few men manipulating something much larger and stronger than they.

At one point Adam had the biggest dick in the world.

Strap on your seat belts, Gentle Reader, while we peruse the hilarious world of Saudi TV.


Oh, but it gets much darker...





Sure American preachers claim a hurricane was caused by gays, but they don't go out and kill them.
Oh, but don't worry. We are much more intelligent here in the good old USA...
Creationist monument in Woodward, Oklahoma

The man best known for his silence, had the most sane things to say.

Have a listen:

Friend: On your first date with your wife, where did you take her?
Me: From behind.


Unless you are actually CONVICTED of a crime, the cops shouldn't be able to take your money/property just because they "suspect" it has been gained by or used for criminal activity.
True case in the news recently - The 20 year old son was caught selling drugs. Since he lived with his parents, the law took their house. And the legal fees to fight for their rights would cost more than their house was worth.
And folks, that is not an isolated case. Shit like that is going on all over the country. The biggest problem is that the local cops get half of the "take" for their operating expenses. And some towns fund their entire police department with the funds from civil forfeiture. That is a deadly combination.

Ancient Japan had 72 'microseasons' each lasting about five days.

They each have wonderfully evocative names like "Spring Winds Thaw the Ice" and "The Maple and Ivy Turn Yellow." We just finished “The Bear Retreats to its Den,” and this microseason 64, falling immediately after the solstice, is called "The Common Heal-All Sprouts."

Maybe. But the same people demanding I use the word of the month to refer to a group of people, have no problem calling Trump supporters every name in the book.

Even worse, there are actual words that only one group of people dare use. Why wasn't I consulted over this rule change? Does my preferences not matter?
On a related topic, would you stop for an angry young man standing in the middle of the interstate with a sign?

Reginald Denny. Look him up. It's better on YouTube.
This could be a game changer.

Can you imagine what this would be like tripping?

Whoever thought of appetizers was literally like "we should pregame this food with more food" and I think that's really beautiful.
Deuterium is a hydrogen atom with a neutron in it. Heavy water is made from molecules of two deuterium atoms and one oxygen atom. Because of the extra neutrons, it weighs about 10% more than regular water.

Cody of Cody's Lab taste tested heavy water and said it was surprisingly rather sweet.

"One size fits most" Hahahabananahaha!
How Cold is It?

It's Russia Cold

Skill or pure dumb luck?

Probably a little of both.
What would make me look like this throughout the whole clip?


I swear, my eyes were like saucers.
I know you have all seen this Mexican disaster...

I have several suggestions. First, only have one of each object you sell on display. The rest of your inventory is kept in a metal shipping container with a self closing door.
I would like to think that whoever did this to her got a shit load of satisfaction from it.

Roof of an aquarium in Canada...

Remember Michner's story of the wild boar captured at birth?

The Tahitians would pre-chew all of the pigs food and keep him tied tightly to a tree...for years. Enough time for the tusk to circle around, enter the top of the snout and joint up with the root. It was used as jewelry. If a family was very lucky the tuck missed the root and made two complete loops before the animal died in agony. Priceless.
Two admirable oldies.
Let not forget this very old low-tech tomfoolery.

And this badass...

I wonder why Native Americans didn't ride them?
You think he raised it from an infant?
A guy in the store on his cell said “Susan, I’m in my car on my way” so I yelled “NO HE’S NOT!” Because nobody lies to Susan on my watch.

After the last election, I think we can all give up on that "fair and balanced" bullshit from any of them.

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