One Of My Very Own...

EMAIL: a little dream of me

Biologists have discovered a new life form. Electric bacteria that live on pure energy. Unlike any other life on Earth they use energy in it's purest form, they eat and breathe electrons. They harvest these electrons from rocks and metals.

While eating electricity may seem strange, the flow of current is central to all life. Organisms require electrons to make and store energy. Humans and other organisms get electrons from food and expel them with our breath.
The discovery of these electricity eating bacteria shows that some basic forms of life can do away with middlemen and handle energy in it's purest form, electrons harvested from the surface of minerals. Kenneth Nealson of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles says “It is truly foreign, you know, in a sense, alien.”
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Last night the bartender sat at the stool next to me prior to her shift start. All of the sudden she asked "Why did you bring butter?" The guy behind me held it up and said, "I like to put it on the pizza crust."
Will wonders never stop?
Do any of you good people regularly take something like that into a restaurant. I would love to hear about it. My habit of taking beer into a movie theater doesn't count.
I give it two months before that egotistical bastard tries putting his face on our money.

Made a bet with my New York Giants fan bar owner. If the Packers wins he has to post a picture of him wearing my Green Bay jersey and if the Giants win I have to do the same with a Giants hard hat.

And, boy, did the Packer win!

Finally after all these months, China is coming on board with Folio Olio, and you know, they have A LOT of people over there.
I have a whole bunch of money riding on an Alabama victory tonight. And we are talking serious numbers. Pray for me.

Whenever you order half a chicken are you secretly sharing a meal with a stranger?

We all know that to be true. We even joke about it, until it's "our" guy, then we defend him from foes. But deep down we know our guy is lying also.
I rationalize that in thinking all politicians have lied since the first birth pangs of organized leadership, so there's not much I can do to turn back the tide.
But there are far worse problems that are ignored for the simple fact that the populace is ignorant.
Take the Federal Reserve.

But most folks aren't all that worried that they don't have a clue as to who actually runs this country because we have a new national motto:

I once watched a mime choke to death on a street corner and everyone applauded. For a couple of reasons.
The ultimate anti-depressant...

her on phone: "You never understand me anymore so.."
boyfriend: "So what?"
her: "We're breaking up"
bf: "No, I can hear you fine"
If you, like me, are one of the dozen or so people in America not to have tried this...

I finally found out how they work.

They work just like these used to...


Watched a demonstration of the way the Japanese (at least some of them) make gold leaf by pounding it out ultra-thin.

Of course they could just use roller presses, but maybe they are monks just killing time before being born again. I read one time that one of the amazing qualities of gold was that it could be thinned to a thickness of only 5 atoms and still hold together.
This does look amazing...

Until you realize that not all the bans on Jupiter go in the same direction.
Rosetta’s complete journey around the comet. This is a must see, and I can almost guarantee you that you had no idea what the journey looked like.
The animation begins on 31 July 2014, during Rosetta’s final approach to the comet after its ten-year journey through space. The spacecraft arrived at a distance of 100 km on 6 August, from where it gradually approached the comet and entered initial mapping orbits that were needed to select a landing site for Philae. These observations also enabled the first comet science of the mission. The maneuvers in the lead up to, during and after Philae’s release on 12 November are seen, before Rosetta settled into longer-term science orbits.
I strongly urge you all to take just a couple of minutes to view that. I has in awe.
Wife replaced my cable box. None of the old cables would fit the new box.
On a related subject, Belgium passed a law that any phone sold in that country would have this recharger connector.

I think that's a wonderful idea...uniformity, but it still pisses me off. How much time has humanity wasted in trying to install one of those only to have to flip it over a couple of times? And don't tell me that there is an indicator on the plug itself...

It's black on black. I have raged against black on black controls on electronics for years. There should be an easily identified tactile indicator and make it white for when you are in a dark bar.
The gif was too large to load, so let me describe this absolutely awesome feat in masonry.
First you watch rectangular blocks stacked in such a way as to topple like dominoes.

It was a very long wall and took a long time.

But then, amazingly, after the last block fell, a transformation moved down the wall from right to left.

With the last block lying flat, it gave just enough room for the block behind to it to also lie flat, etc, etc.
This may help.

One would assume the spacing of the upright blocks must be very precise.

I think about shit like that often. Like what if he stood out on the sidewalk shirtless every day. Cop walks by and greets him every morning, then one day the cop stops and arrests him. See what I mean?

I actually researched that and it's true.


But not just mud. You can use all sorts of things; even manure.
Why would you ever "brave" the cold when you can "complain about" it?
(I have no idea what that means)
Dick riding is not a decent form of transportation.

Not with that attitude.



Air & Space Museum is hilarious if you take the words literally.

When I finish eating something I show my hands to my dog like I'm a blackjack dealer.

Look I got nothing against Satan, I just thought the idea of Christians skulking around in those weird ass robes throwing rocks through windows an interesting mental picture. Those two look like the Jacks of Spades.

Took a screen shot (no pun intended) of this from a movie last night. He is doing it properly.

This guy probably has never held a gun before and has no idea how to aim it.

Here's a tutorial for all you left-wing liberal hippies out there who still don't understand.


Yes. Yes it is.
Said to be you-know-who in Dallas morgue.

Maybe yes, maybe no. I mean why would they haul the brain matter and towel all the way to the morgue?
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Speaking of...

I watched an engineering special on this...

They showed with various models that the first thing to go will be half way down on the right side and that wall will collapse in...yes inward.
In its July 5, 1943 issue, Time magazine noted the marriage of Owen Smells and Mary Knows.

Florida Man?

I mentioned to my bartender that in about ten years I figure there is going to be a great demand for tattoo removal skill. He said there probably is a big demand now, and I reminded him that in ten years all those teenage girls are going to want to get married in that shoulderless gown with out Yosemite Sam showing.
Immediately upon finishing that conversation I ran across this...


Holy fucking shit, y'all. It seems of late you can't kill anybody on the internet anymore.
This woman frightens me...

And let's not let this guy be forgotten...

America leads the world in religious people who use 'bless your heart' as an insult.
Speaking of...

I watched an engineering special on this...

They showed with various models that the first thing to go will be half way down on the right side and that wall will collapse in...yes inward.
In its July 5, 1943 issue, Time magazine noted the marriage of Owen Smells and Mary Knows.

Florida Man?

I mentioned to my bartender that in about ten years I figure there is going to be a great demand for tattoo removal skill. He said there probably is a big demand now, and I reminded him that in ten years all those teenage girls are going to want to get married in that shoulderless gown with out Yosemite Sam showing.
Immediately upon finishing that conversation I ran across this...


Holy fucking shit, y'all. It seems of late you can't kill anybody on the internet anymore.
This woman frightens me...

And let's not let this guy be forgotten...

America leads the world in religious people who use 'bless your heart' as an insult.
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