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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


One Of My Very Own...


No matter your politics, we all lost on this one.

I actually thought it a rather civil affair.

Paris Green, the 23-year-old convicted murder, tortured and killed another human being, but got put in a women's prison until authorities had enough of that! Now she's in a male prison in Scotland for the next 18 or so years, vulnerable to violence and possibly rape.


Where's the equivalence? Why are the two related? Refugees are fleeing war and the Saudis have always been religious dicks.
Yeah it's super weird how refugees might want to leave places like that. It's almost like they're looking for better lives or something.

The latest developments at Japan's Fukushima reactor have been described as "unimaginable" and "unprecedented." Officials state that damages at the reactor are "far worse than previously
thought." Melted fuel has come in contact with underground water and the melted core appears spread over an "extensive area."

"I'm not trying to diminish the losses other countries are facing, but please remember there is an undocumented and illegal war still going on in Ukraine that has cost about 10,000 lives so far. Ukraine has been invaded, and the over-all attitude is apathy or denial abroad. Yes, there is the occasional news report, but it is chilling to know how few people care or are informed enough to care. Please inform yourselves, and make up your own minds on the severity and the meaning of invasions in Europe and the consequences of leaving them unchecked." 

Please reference your comments specifically. Quite honestly, about half the time I have no idea what you are talking about unless you include a picture, quote, etc from the post.

The way my dog maintains eye contact while taking a dump is unsettling. 


Beef Wellington
Two of my favorite things in one dish.


Gunther Hansel landed this 482 lb 13 oz 8' 2" World Record Halibut.
And don't he look pleased...overjoyed even.

This dude must have the smallest penis in the Texas.
Oh, hell yeah!

Nasa's new space suit
Only for use in launch and return protection. But why do they need this protection when their craft is more likely to explode than depressurize?

Saw a movie last night.

And I realized for the first time that when you wear your cap on backwards it looks like those little beanies Muslims wear.
I know I am terribly old fashion, but I still don't get it. I mean you have a bill of a cap protecting the back of your neck.

Have you ever wanted to eat regular food only with water poured all over it? Soup. You're looking for soup.


So, along about the Dark Ages they collectively ran out of creativity?

I know several people who I mentally add "He said, stupidly," after everything they say.


If I'm not mistaken, the first missile is a cruise missile and isn't supposed to go fast. It can, however, fly only feet off the ground. I wonder how the interceptor would deal with that.

This pretty much speaks for itself...


Sunlight through the glass doorknob started a fire.

And in a related story...
Sounds like one of the options at the whore house.

Basically, our plans for the satanic ritual fell through, because we couldn't agree on whose turn it was to get the goat.

St Louis FB post turns into well deserved Roast.

Then the internet got a hold of it...

If Noah was not holding ' Control ' while selecting the animals that were to enter the ark, then the Bible is a lie to me.


The good Doctor wanted the US in the world real badly. In the 1940's, Dr. Seuss drew a lot of political cartoons.


Went to a bake sale, took my own bong, highly disappointed, thought they had said baked sale.


Anybody want to a guess as to what that aqua thing is?


Did you catch the oddness?

A guy whose vision was recently restored, "I can't believe that British guy from the Gieco commercials is a lizard."


More specifically, hiding in the cabinet of a sympathetic family in German-occupied France.

What about the bloody leopards, mate?

Lens flare looks like Eric Cartman.

The whole purpose of travel is to return home and discover what your house actually smells like.


Sigiriya Lion Rock fortress in Sri Lanka was once home to a king who constructed the gateway to look like a giant lion. We can only assume this was top-of-the-line security for its day.

Saudi Arabia will soon boast the world's largest hotel. The 12-tower, 10,000-room Abraj Kudai cost $3.5 billion and is targeted toward the estimated 15 million Muslims who make the pilgrimage to the holy city every year. It'll boast 70 restaurants, designated sections for visiting royalty, and one of the world's largest domes on top, which will house the ballrooms and conference center.

A bridge of concrete and steel that floats may seem highly unusual, if not impossible, but there are twenty such bridges around the world, five in the U.S. state of Washington alone, of which four are the longest floating bridges in the world.

Floating bridges, also known as pontoon bridges, are usually temporary structures built out of wood during times of emergencies such as war. Wooden floats and sometimes boats are lashed together and flat planks are laid over creating a roadway, allowing men and materials to cross bodies of water. Pontoon bridges have been used to great advantage in many battles throughout history, including the Second World War and during the Iran–Iraq War.
RH: I had no idea there was even such a thing as floating highway bridge.

My grandson lives in Illinois so I send him landscape pictures so he doesn't forget what it looks like outside.


This Univ of Washington class should be required for every college student:
We're all sick of bullshit. It's time to do something, and as educators, one constructive thing we know how to do is to teach people. So, the aim of this course is to help students navigate the bullshit-rich modern environment by identifying bullshit, seeing through it, and combating it with effective analysis and argument.


Now, with that out of the way, I want you to imagine a scenario whereby only scientists who want to investigate man's guilt in this climate change get funding from the government. Or do you think the argument could be swayed if the funding was split between a pro and con agenda in all areas of research. Ridiculous I know, but what if the present US government starts funding only the denier scientists? 

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