About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Johnny Cash - Busted


A billion yahoo accounts got hacked, but the most surprising thing is that a billion people had yahoo accounts.



Heron's Fountain


The Shindler's List

This house...

...was 3D printed.
3D Printed House That Costs $10,000 and Can Be Built in Just One Day. 
I would put an extruder on both ends, which would make it twice as fast. The circular shape is the genius. 



Have kids first so that you know whether or not you can keep a dog alive.


That's exactly what somebody would say who's hiding a microphone under a brass plate.

Okay, that one was not true, but this one is.

The problem, of course, is that most countries had just finished wars where each side would STAND in front of the other while being shot at. Then they changed the tactics. In WWI you were allowed to RUN directly at your enemy, but they had machine guns, so you are still fucked. Finally the newest rules are to do anything you can think of to not get shot, which is my perference.

When I was growing up, the father of a friend of mine let him ride like that. The problem arose when he backed up and ran over his own son, causing him to walk with a limp the rest of his life.

Had we been born elsewhere...


That was from the French movie: Marguirete
It also featured Christa Théret, who has a striking resemblance to one of my bartenders.

How hot is it?
Seems like an excessive number just to make a point.


- An Autobiography


I have read that the more symmetrical the face the more it is considered beautiful.

Photographer Trent Bell asked U.S convicts to write a letter of advice to their younger selves.
I was hoping one just said "wear a mask"
"The cops are coming at 1:23 am. Get out before so you don't get caught."
But no.





I never pay for pizza delivery. I always just touch his arm and say "I got this for us," and before I know it, they're speeding away.


We still don't see enough Canadian lynx on Folio Olio.




An old favorite...

On 24 February 1987, astronomers Oscar Dhalde and Ian Shelton witnessed an incredible sight atop a Chilean mountain: a new star in the night sky. Soon, however, they realized it was not a star's birth; rather, it was a blue supergiant meeting its doom.
In that moment, the fusion-powered core of the star - previously called Sanduleak-69° 202 - began to falter. Most astronomers agree the blast happened because the star's core ran low on high-energy fuel, while some believe another star merged with the blue supergiant to trigger the blast.
Either way, the star collapsed under its own gravity, exploded, and spewed radioactive guts all over space - with the power of 100 million suns. We now call the object Supernova 1987A, or SN 1987A.
About once a month over the course of more than 20 years, the Hubble space telescope has photographed SN 1987A and its travelling shock wave. Astronomers continue to compile these images into animations to watch the system evolve.
Starting around the year 2000, they watched the shockwave slam into a 1-light-year-wide ring of gas and dust that the star threw off before its death, creating a brilliant glow.

I finally got a licensed therapy dog and he can't prescribe medication.


Bitcoin hits record high, worth more than ounce of gold for first time.
I don't know anything about that, but could I safely assume they are used mostly to avoid taxes?


Ninja Grrrl said...

Bitcoins can also be used to conceal your identity so as to purchase illegal items with some protection. The dark net is alive and well.

Zach said...

Bitcoins aren't really good for avoiding taxes.
What bitcoins are good for avoiding inflation. Only 21 million of them will ever be "minted" so they become more valuable as more people use them as opposed to government issued currency that goes down in value as the respective governments print more and more of it
PS: If you go to blockchain.info and open a digital wallet you can post your wallet's public address and people anywhere in the world can send you bitcoin just by scanning the QR code.
It's super fun, if you post your wallet code I'll send you some bitcoin to get you started.

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