About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

Major Tom to Ground Control

Click to embiggenize.

So, let's get busy.

We must talk about nothing but  the missing Malaysian airplane for a year and a half.

It is not okay for white people to assemble in large numbers in 2017. We, lone among all races, are forbidden to be proud of ourselves.

Happy first birthday to whatever is inside that Tupperware bowl my wife put in the back of the fridge.


"That a man of logic should not be taken seriously," is all you need to know.
Of course.

Oh look, there's more...

Speaking of...
This is what happens when you shoot at a US helicopter...
That looks like more of a gunship to me.

I'm at that age where I can't simply pick something up, I need to first knock it over and then pick it up.


It's called motivation and it works...


I'm just going to leave that without comment.

73% of being white is looking like every limb hears a different beat when you're dancing.


What are they going to think of next? Affixing lights to the front of automobiles?

Roman Road
Advanced Engineering.



Polish stealth tank.
I'm not so sure. I would rather think it was to deny a flat surface, thus reflecting the shell up and away.


Said the article:
"Side by Side Comparison of GT cars (left) and F1 cars (right) 
The crazy thing about F1 cars is that most of their grip to the road comes from downward moving air over the body of the car. This means that to go around turns you have to go FAST. The G-forces around these turns are so intense they'll suck tears out of your tear ducts...."

A Visa credit card

At first I didn't think this would work...
Then I realized all the top wheel had to do is turn backwards.

Remember this?

My wife & I have a secret signal we use when it's time to leave a boring party. She pulls an air horn out of my purse and blast it right in my face.







The Salvation - a movie worth watching
Same character - his brother was killed by the husband of the woman he raped and killed, Negan rode into town and told the mayor to either produce the man who did it (which he had no way of knowing) or produce two of the townspeople for slaughter. Otherwise Negan would kill four.
That's one mean sumbitch.
They - wisely - chose the oldest and the dimwitted of the townsfolk, but it still wasn't a pretty thing to watch.

Another movie featured this modern Indian restaurant.

What a wonderful gesture.


Son: Dad, I'm gay. Do you still love me?
Me: Ask your mother.


I'll leave the obvious joke for the less mature.

Ever wondered what a blue whale's blowhole looks like?
If we are all going to be honest here, me neither.

That's terrifying. Anybody know what's causing the roiling? My money is on tidal forces.

I had never thought about that before and find it pretty damn cool.

What could this jackal's motive possibly be? 
That's like a human taking heroin for the first time...just for fun.


Giant Sequoia

Dogs can smell cancer in a urine sample, then they go and do shit like this...

And they are all dead now. Makes you think don't it.


Indoor water parks full of kids in diapers for when you want to catch a case of name that bacterial infection.



Ninja Grrrl said...

I'm puzzled by your assertion that white people can't gather in groups. What? If we call it celebrating white pride, seeing as that is what the KKK says, of course there will be a backlash. Gosh I guess they ruined the phrase for all of us and seeing as they killed a lot of people and terrorized generations, I'm all for forgetting the phrase. I am neither ashamed of or proud of my skin color, but I am white enough that it's generally never caused me a problem. I haven't noticed any crackdowns on gatherings of white people yet. What are you referring to???

Ralph Henry said...

I got the phrase from an article and wrote it down to remind me to discuss the contents, but for reasons that escape me, I can't remember what the fuck I had read. Sorry.

Ninja Grrrl said...

You threw me for a loop there! Whew.

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