About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Neil Diamond - Sweet Caroline  


All this talk of microwaves spying on us has made me irrationally fearful that my lazy Susan will turn on me.

Kellyanne Conway Is The White House's Rodeo Clown

Trump is a bald man's idea of a man with hair.


That hour we lost this weekend was the one when I was planning to go to the gym.


Sorry I'm late with this...

In my life I've bought at least 20 pairs of nail clippers because I keep losing them. But I never take them out of my house; meaning there's at least 19 places I haven't seen in my own house.


'Lady at the counter' a short poem 
by Roscoe Burnems
(wait until Mr. Diamond finishes his song)



The cops who stormed in unannounced are the less than stellar folk.

One of my favorite bartenders is in her final year in International Medicine. That has to do with responding to various outbreaks, getting third world children vaccinated, etc. We had a long talk about relatively smart women in America who refuse to have their children protected from dreaded diseases and she used the delightful descriptive "granola moms" for those people.


I'm not sure I understand what he is trying to say. I don't believe in a god, but I don't believe "anything" without proof.

On Youtube you might want to look up: "Humans Need Not Apply" and
"In response to Humans Need Not Apply."


When you become the world's oldest person, you can't lose that title for the rest of your life.


The amazing purpose-built crossings that help animals bypass roads safely.
I imagine those are to protect humans in automobiles as much as animals.

The faster someone walks to the oven, the more likely the food is burnt.


Someone pretended to be Tom Cruise in a small chicken shop in North Eastern Thailand and is remembered there forever.





Those are two of the women who fell for that.
Notice that the last one is standing next to the drawer with the knives.

Speaking of women...
Is there ANYTHING women can't be talked into buying with the promise of smoother skin?

Snorting cocaine off a dwarf's foot...


I hate it when that happens.

Being an adult is basically that feeling when the fireworks are over and it's time to go home, but all the time.



Ice falling down the Chutes de la Chaudiere, Quebec, Canada
I could sit and watch that for hours...days even.


Olympics in ‘Crisis’ as Just Two Cities Vie to Host Summer Games. Perhaps mindful of the wastelands that now mark sites of previous games, local politicians and bid leaders in Budapest met and backed down, thus leaving only 2 cities to compete for 2024 summer games; Los Angeles and Paris.

"You're in the wrong neighborhood, mugglefucker."
They look younger than they did in the movie. It must be during casting or something.

Carbon Nanotube is so light it floats like solidified smoke.




I never think of my belt as dirty until I realized I've never washed it and it's usually the first thing I touch after wiping my ass.


Or you can believe this gem of wisdom...
And who could possibly argue with that?


Anonymous said...

I identify as Doritos locos taco fiery flavor, it's like normal Doritos but in taco shape filled with meat and cheese.

Ninja Grrrl said...

I identify as a generic corn chip flavored with bullets and bourbon.

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