About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


One Of My Very Own...

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Know When To Fold 'Em.

"I'm going to sit on that thing and I don't care how angry it gets."
 - First person to ride a horse


 My wife's favorite thing to do is march with her friends in demanding equal rights.


Watching synchronized swimmers upside down is very trippy.

Camera-equipped sex toy manufacturer ignores multiple warnings about horrible, gaping security vulnerability
The uniquely horribly named Svakom Siime Eye is an Internet of Things sex-toy with a wireless camera that allows you to stream video of the insides of your orifices as they are penetrated by it; researchers at the UK's Pen Test Partners discovered that once you login to it via the wifi network (default password "88888888"), you can root it and control it from anywhere in the world.

I think I've posted this before, but it's still funny.

I used to be a hypochondriac, but now I think I have something much worse.


That doesn't look treated wood, but I must assume that it is.
 This man built this himself with no heavy equipment.
 The inside is finished traditionally.
Except he kept the wood theme strong.


If you are thinking of buying a dog, please just visit a pound and look around. You may be very pleasantly surprised.


Ladies, looking for a late minute gift idea?

What that guy's name who played Jerry on Seinfeld?



 Oh, hell yeah!

 Tried to look up "narcanned" to no avail.







 That's quitter talk, my friend.


Camping is great for when you're craving a horrible night's sleep.


Gir Forest National Park, Gujarat, India.
 A heart of stone.

Kleptocrats In Action


The people turned it properly.
But I had no idea there was a right and wrong way until today.

 The brown stains of penguin can be see from space. Not only seen, but studied to check on the health and number of the animals.

 Read about it last night and it still seems a fair way off from being a viable product. However it does look very, very promising.

The robotic X-37B space plane has now entered its 678th day in orbit, breaking its own record for the number of consecutive days spent in space, and the government remains tight-lipped on when it might be brought back down to Earth. 


Math Professor Fixes Projector Screen (April Fools Prank)

Today I donated my watch, phone and $500 to a poor guy. You don't know the happiness I felt as I saw him put his knife back in his pocket.


Everything you need to know about why we should not build the wall in one video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Narcan is a revival drug for overdose victims.

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