About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 12, 2017

FRIDAY #3064

One Of My Very Own...

Gary B.B. Coleman ~ The Sky is Crying

About it being 0 degrees today and tomorrow it will be twice as cold:

No unit of measurement is specified, 0 Kelvin (K) is absolute zero so it won't be getting any colder if it's on the Kelvin scale.
If the scale used is Celcius (C) or Farhenheit (F) continue reading.
Convert to the Kelvin temperature scale, [K] = [°C] + 273.15 or [K] = ([°F] + 459.67) ×  5⁄9
Gonna go with Celsius here due to simpler formula,
[K] = 0 + 273.15
0°C = 237.15 K
Now twice as cold would be half (1/2 or 0.5) of that.
237.15 K * 0.5 = 136.57 K
Convert back to Celcius,
[°C] = [K] - 273.15
[°C] = 136.57 - 273.15
[°C] = -136.58
Do the same with the F formula your answer is -229.835 °F
Just to test I also used 32 °F (0 °C) in the formula and converted the F value to see and you get -136.58 °C
The short answer to your question is, fucking cold!


Do these two sentences mean exactly the same thing?
They have gone.
They are gone.
The effect that the ringing phone causes on ants is similar to so called "circle of death". When ants controlled by their own pheromone traits move in circles until they die, the whole ant colony can die because of it.


Far too many people have no idea of what they can do because all they have been told is what they can't do.


Sigiriya, an ancient fortress in Sri Lanka.


Some of the greatest movie poster...

Lest we forget the time...

Does anyone else think about what the polio vaccine did to the wheelchair industry?


How wonderful.


"I told you to roll down the window."

Who wouldn't want to meet a guy who raised cobras?

I see you blowjob robot and raise you this...
It's the robot I want to meet.

You can believe me when I tell you not to trust your own brain. Listen to your heart, it will tell you to take my word for it.








When I was a kid I talked my mom into ordering me a "foot locker" full of army men.

The army men I was expecting were 3-D rubber figures about an inch and a half tall.

What I got was a "foot locker" about the size of a box of kitchen matches. The men and other equipment were flat and about a half inch tall.
I was almost in tears and my mother...knowing a teachable moment when she saw one, told me that life would be full of people trying to trick me out of my money.


Have you ever gotten a paper cut on your penis?
(That's a visual joke)


Look at this carefully.
A close-up reveals it is made of overlapped screen wire.

And the pieces of wire are hung layer by layer.



Notice the guy in the blue shirt getting trampled?

Called "The Gods of Graffiti." - Pichi & Avo

Surface textures.




Being gay before the invention of lube must have been a pain in the ass.


I call my wife Ariel because we mermaid for each other.



Anonymous said...

Before lube they used olive oil. Or so I'm told

Burgervan said...

Before lube they used olive oil. or so I'm told...

...Popeye did, anyway!

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